Out in Front of the Story (Leslie/Ann)

Oct 04, 2009 18:34

Title: Out in Front of the Story
Prompt: femslash100's Tarot Card Challenge: #6 The Lovers
Fandom: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Leslie/Ann
Rating: PG
Word count: 249
Summary: Leslie likes the term 'life partner.'

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.


Since it's more palatable to middle America than lover, sounds more serious than girlfriend and less businessy than just partner, Leslie likes the term 'life partner.'

Ann doesn't.

She's fine with being someone's girlfriend -- she's been someone's girlfriend pretty consistently -- and 'life partner...'

Sounds weird. Too serious.

(Ann pointed out: "It's not like we're living together--"

"Are you saying we should move in together? Because I would be completely okay with that.")

But Ann is glad they're not getting involved in some weird closet thing. She's sure if they did try to hide it, their relationship would have been revealed in a way much more embarrassing than Leslie gathering her co-workers and the cameramen around to say, "I would like to reintroduce Ann to you in a new context. A context of love and sharing and caring--"

"You're going to start a children's show," Mark ventures.

"There shouldn't be puppets," Ron says. "I don't like puppets."

Leslie seems oddly pleased. "You think I should start a TV show for kids?"


She shakes her head. "What I was going to say has nothing to do with children. It has to do with lovers. No! Not lovers." She looks directly into the camera. "Lovers is not the word I'm using. I'm using the term 'life partner.' Ann and I are life partners." The silence makes Leslie continue. "Partners. In life. And love. We are not threatening to the heartland--"

"Okay," Ann says. "That pretty much covers it."

Ann grabs Leslie's hand as they exit. She smiles after Leslie does.


leslie/ann, parks and recreation, femslash100 (tarot cards)

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