Wow! Only TWO MONTHS later! hee hee. I FINALLY finished my detailed NYCC write up! Yay! I'm going to post the days over the remainder of this week (unless Xmas totally distracts me, as it usually does, being that I am a mikey type and christmas has an inordinate amount of shiny things. In which case I will finish posting them next week.)
ALSO, I will reward all people who read thru the postings (or actually, anyone who clicks on the lj-cut and goes and looks) with a fun TMNT piccy! XD
Overview and thoughts on the Con and impressions of people in General ~ To be posted
Thursday, October 7th, 2010 Posted 12/21/2010
Friday, October 8th, 2010 Posted 12/21/2010
Saturday, October 9th, 2010 Posted 12/22/2010
Sunday, October 10th, 2010 ~ To be posted
Picture post ~ To be posted
Well, we were going to go to People's Court on this day, but when Jenn & I woke up, her eye was all red and puffy, and the small irritation that had been under her eye since the sunday before was much worse. She was grumpy about it, but I told her we were going to go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to look at it and recommend something to put on it. We went to walgreens, the pharmacist said that she wasn't sure and told us where to go to see a doctor (a local Duane Reade pharmacy) Thankfully, Jenn has REALLY good insurance, so it didn't cost her anything to see the doctor.
Both of us were thinking it was some sort of irritation from yardwork or housework Jenn had done the weekend before. However, when we came into the doctor's office, she took one look at it and knew it was shingles. She actually said it was Herpes, but then Jenn & I looked at her in complete horror and I asked "The STD??" and she explained further that it was Herpes Zauster(sp?) or Shingles or chicken pox and prescribed Jenn some cream for her eye.
We dropped off the prescription at Walgreens, then walked about a block and had pizza for lunch (DELICIOUS NYC PIZZA) then went back and picked up her meds.
While we were out, I made Jenn walk over to 6th & 45th, where there is an ice cream truck that we stopped at last year when we were in NYC to get TMNT Ice cream. They still had the TMNT ice cream for sale, so I squealed happily and made plans to come back with the others.
After that, we went back to the hotel to chill, relax, and wait for Robina and Jem to show up. They showed up around 7PM, by that time Jenn was getting grumpy-hungry (we're both used to eating supper about 5PM) so we ordered NYC pizza. It was DELICIOUS! Unfortunately, I forgot how HUGE NYC pizza is, so we ordered 2 of them. Between the 4 of us, we only ate 1 of them, and the rest of it sat in the hotel room uneaten for the rest of the trip (cause there was so much other nummy yumminess to eat!)
We watched some CSI:NY, and Jenn made commentary about the everyone's eyebrows in the show and the lack of movement of them. Now Jem & Robina know why I watch TV with closed captioning on. ;)
LEO WILL EAT YER SOULLLLLLL!! (seriously tho, if you wanna click thru, you can see more pics of a Leo costume that DextarFX either made or restored, I can't tell which, but it's still pretty bitchin ;)