Title: Serpents (4/?)
MrsTaterRating & Warnings: R for sexuality
Prompts: weakness; "In the light of Voldemort's return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."
Word Count: 9199 words
Summary: Two years into a relationship with Remus, and the correct way to deal with full moons continues to elude Tonks, dredging
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Comments 30
And I just want to say, if you're the same anonymous reader I've seen leaving so many of our members nice comments throughout the Showdown, you don't have to be a writer to join the community. We'd love to get to know you as a name 'round these parts. :)
Should that be "snake" instead of "Snape?"
Ironically, I've been reading a theory about Snape being an animagus who just happens to be Nagini...
Thanks for the catch! LOL
I'm a menace, I know.
The way Tonks thinks about Remus and how she compares their relationship to Molly's with Arthur is just lovely and reveals how deep their feelings for each other are. Really liked, how you wrote Tonks thoughts, how she discovers the importance of being with Remus.
Well done,
And on a very different note.. Miss Scrubb? *G*
Can I have Remus in the alley please? :D
And on a very different note.. Miss Scrubb? Hee. I'm always so amused in HP how everyone's names suit their personalities or jobs, and being crap at naming OCs, I decided that would work. But of course it made me think of ( ... )
I can't say how pleased I am that this took you on an emotional whirl. This chapter was tricky because of the plotty bits, and also because there were things I planned to include which didn't quite fit, and then when I cut them I wasn't sure where the emotion came in. Finally it came after I re-wrote the beginning with Amos Diggory instead of the Head of Aurors, and I was able to get my emotional angle for how Tonks was seeing and responding to Remus before he finally crumbled.
As I said down below to tweedledani, I think the key to Remus in this universe is that he's very good at not showing his emotions, but the longer he's been with Tonks, the more she sees through him, ( ... )
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