The Madness Within

Feb 10, 2007 22:02

Title: The Madness Within
Author: freakinwinky
Prompt: Heart’s desire
Word count:Ficlet; 920
Warning:A bit of violence implied. Nothing too graphic.
Summary: “Men have wasted away in front of it; even gone mad…” Remus encounters the mirror of Erised. (HBP era)
Genre: Angst

The Madness Within )

angst, freakinwinky, lovers' moon fic jumble

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Comments 19

godricgal February 10 2007, 22:53:46 UTC
A really wonderful use of the prompt, I enjoyed this a lot. Every image Remus saw was so very clear to me, it seemed exactly what he might see in the mirror during that time. Thought the style worked really well here, and it leant very much to the confusion that Remus must surely have felt during HPB. Nice work. :)


codenamelily February 10 2007, 23:12:29 UTC
This is so beautiful, and an amazing use of prompt - I never would have thought of that! I love all the italicized bits and the part about Greybeck.


anoipua February 10 2007, 23:19:25 UTC
:o( so sad! Very good, though.


jncar February 10 2007, 23:39:24 UTC
Very nice use of the prompt. I think that him seeing the images in particular of Greyback's death would rattle him, and make him wonder if a man with that kind of violence as one of his heart's desires would ever deserve someone like Tonks. This works very well with the HBP angst.

Very nicely done.


iamweebles February 10 2007, 23:43:19 UTC
A lovely bit of angst, and I particularly like the way that you describe her in the mirror and juxtapose her with the image of Greyback's head. It's very dark and tragic.


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