2010 Winter Hallows Advent Index

Jan 15, 2011 23:48

The Winter Hallows Advent has been a great success, with six pieces of artwork and 21 stories posted -- thanks to all writers, artists, readers, and reviewers! A lot of posts came in at the end, so many of us are still reading and viewing...but if you've enjoyed the posts here, please be sure to leave a comment for the artists or authors.

(If you didn't quite finish your artwork or story in time for the deadline, contact the mods or leave a comment here when you've finished, and a link can be added to this index.)


Comfort and Joy, by drumher
Glad tidings. [G, charcoal sketch and Photoshop]

Not Tonight, by kt_tonguetied
It had been a rather unfortunate coincidence that could only be brought upon by her clumsiness and his ill luck in all aspects of his life. [G, pencil, edited and colored in Photoshop]

Christmas Together, by nundu_art
Remus has returned, bringing apologies and a toy dog (black!). For one evening they put their worries and problems aside and enjoy a night by the fire and a good book. [G, pencil]

A Helping Hand, by philotic_net
Brave brave Remus. Ice skating with Tonks is not something I would try. [G, pencil and Photoshop]

It's The Simple Things, by solochan
Very straight forward, after a day of gift buying, gift wrapping and al the rest, Remus and Tonks enjoy a simple moment together. [G, pencil and paper then digitally inked and coloured]

Baby It's Cold Outside, by sugarannie
I simply must go... [G, coloured pencils]


Sleeping Dogs, by ace_enigma
It’s Boxing day and Tonks finds herself up to no good with Padfoot and Moony. Really though, Fred and George really should have realized who their Wizard Wheezes were being tested on. [PG(-13), 6979 words]

An Unexpected Task, by alwaystudent
Remus was not looking forward to his lonely transformation during Christmas at Hogwarts. He feels inspired to go ice skating, his childhood past time and a chance meeting with Tonks brightens up his mood and looks to make this Christmas special. [G, 1034 words]

All Roads Lead Home, by arctic_comet
Remus and Tonks bump into each other on Christmas Day. [PG-13, 2916 words]

A Saintlike Claus, by arctic_comet
Remus and Tonks dress up to bring Christmas joy to Muggle children. [PG-13, 2540 words]

In Truths That She Learned, or, Remus’ Birthday, by bway_love
Remus Lupin requests the pleasure of your company to celebrate his thirty-seventh birthday with drinks and dancing at a party in his honour, ballroom themed. The Party will take place on 1st March in the Drawing Room of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Semi-formal attire. [PG, 2386 words]

The Long Advent, by carnivalgirl
They told me you were alone this Christmas, and you didn't want to see me... [unrated, 986 words]

Sweet Beginnings [part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4], by chococoffeekiss
Love's labors pay minimum wage; Tonks is a barista by day, ninja by night. Remus writes, or tries to. Sirius levels up. Feat. other HP characters doing even stranger things. Non-Magical American Modern AU. [PG, 7500 words]

Dear Santa..., by francesca_blue
Tonks wants to make sure that Remus has a good Christmas. [G, 469 words]

If Only We Listen, by gilpin25
There are times when words are not necessary. [PG-13, 769 words]

Coming on Christmas, by golden_leaves
Christmas was supposed to be a time of joy, of being with the people you cared about. But she was alone, the one person she cared to spend it with off somewhere where she couldn't reach him. [PG, 4134 words]

The Three Days of Christmas, by jesspallas
Three Christmases in the life of Remus Lupin. [PG, 1762 words]

Sleepy Days, by jobey_in_error
Please disregard past and future horrors. Their biggest problem right now is getting Teddy down for the night. [G, 628 words]

Comfort and Joy, by katyscarlett76
The war is over and Remus and Tonks have been through so much, maybe Christmas will bring them some much needed comfort and joy. AU. [PG, 2151 words]

Dreams by Firelight, by leigh_adams
Remus and Tonks talk about their hopes and dreams. [PG, 1458 words]

A White Christmas?, by mollywheezy
Is snow a good thing...or not? [PG-13, 586 words]

A Christmas Gift, by native_spirit
Remus decides that even though he and Tonks aren't together anymore, he should still give her the gift he made. It is, after all, nothing special. What could possibly happen? [G, 1805 words]

The Persistence of Memory, by scullyseviltwin
She feels him before she sees him; this still startles her, how intrinsically woven he’s become with her. [PG-13, 3050 words]

Confetti, by shimotsuki
Remus is almost ready to ring in the New Year when he notices that something is missing. AU. [G, 430 words]

Sanctuary, by shimotsuki
Tonks wasn't going to go to the Burrow on Christmas, until she got Molly's owl. [PG, 3045 words]

Of Baby-Sitters and Decorations , by sharo_8760
Tonks is a bit excessive with decorations, which leads the thoughts of our three heroes to a Christmas years and years ago. And there's some mistletoe, too. [G, 1706 words]

Amaryllis, by the_conspiracie
Tonks gets her hopes up. [K, 1033 words]

masterlist, winter hallows advent

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