Winter Dreams

Dec 31, 2007 22:06

Title: Winter Dreams
Author: evrdream33
Rating & Warnings: PG
Prompt: Hogwarts Express

Off with my overcoat, off with my glove
I need no overcoat, I'm burning with love!
My heart's on fire, the flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm!
What do I care how much it may storm?
Oh, I've got my love to keep me warm- "I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm," ( Read more... )

winter wonderland advent, drama, evrdream33

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Comments 28

shoebox_addict January 2 2008, 02:16:13 UTC
There certainly is an abundance of dream fics this Christmas, aren't there? Lol. Well, it was a very nice dream, it's a shame it didn't get to come true. Well done!


evrdream33 January 2 2008, 07:21:21 UTC
Is there? Lol. I haven't had a chance to read many of the other fics yet, so I had no idea.

I thought about writing it as if the dream were real (the other version I was referring to), but I decided this was the better route. It made me incredibly sad to write it only as a dream, but the other way would have made it an AU, which would have hurt just as much in way. At least this way, cannon Remus gets a taste of what it could have been like. Argh, no matter what way I look at it, it still makes me want to cry all over again.

And thanks! =)


shoebox_addict January 3 2008, 00:40:14 UTC
You're welcome! :D


summoner_lenne9 January 3 2008, 03:24:45 UTC
I'd like to comment on the irony and awesomeness of your name. Well, more like that a Shoebox addict can still love R/T, because Shoebox is amazing, and when we can all get along it's lovely for everyone :).


shimotsuki January 2 2008, 05:05:32 UTC
Oh, wow, I really didn't see that twist coming -- very clever, the way you never actually name the son, leading your readers into a particular assumption, heh.

This is such a creative way to use your song prompt, too -- kind of a mirror image of the lyrics, with Remus feeling cold because he's alone.


evrdream33 January 2 2008, 07:27:18 UTC
Oh good ... I was worried it was too obvious, especially since I did that. ^_^

If I had used the lyrics with the thoughts that had initially came to me, I would have been writing either smut or fluff, which I usually try to avoid writing. Lol. So I had to find a way around it.

Thanks! ^_^


belladonna1986 January 2 2008, 21:32:22 UTC
Oh Remus dream was so nice and fluffy and I nearly thought it was true (should read the title next time *lol*).
It was a nice read and your Molly is so in character in her caring way, like your characterization of her.


evrdream33 January 3 2008, 03:43:38 UTC
That darn title. I tried really hard to think of a different title, but I couldn't think of anything better. =P Between that and not naming the son I thought it would be obvious for sure, but I'm glad it wasn't. ^_^

Thanks! I enjoyed writing for Molly. She's so much like my mom. ^_^


summoner_lenne9 January 3 2008, 03:28:23 UTC
There is an abundance of dream fics :). Lovely job, though I have a feeling that no 11 year old boy would admit to crying or missing his parents in front of all of his school mates :).


(The comment has been removed)

summoner_lenne9 January 3 2008, 04:42:27 UTC
That is a very good point, hmm. Though it's also a tad-bit more girly- I mean, I think Remus would remember being eleven and all. But then again *shrugs*


evrdream33 January 3 2008, 06:53:38 UTC
Well, Remus is currently in a rather emotional state of mind which can pretty girly if you consider emotional = girly. Lol. I passed off some of the unrealistic elements on the fact that it was a dream. I suppose I could have written that part differently, but then I wouldn't have had that segway into the being brave and strong stuff which I really wanted to touch on being part of Remus' conscience since he got so touchy when Harry called him a coward in DH.


godricgal January 5 2008, 00:57:39 UTC
I think you did a good job with this. I love reading about Remus and Tonks as parents and even if this was a dream, I did enjoy believing it was real for a while -- particularly liked the idea that Tonks got more upset saying goodbye to her son the second time because she hadn't realised how much she'd miss him the first.

Thought your dialogue was very good and you've got a lovely style to your writing. Nice one! :)


evrdream33 January 9 2008, 23:49:26 UTC
Thank you so much! =) I always think it's funny when I'm complimented on my dialogue since I myself am pretty incoherent when it comes to spoken word. ;)


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