Title: Revenant (2/2)
gilpin25Rating & Warnings: R for violence, sex, adult themes. There’s nothing very graphic, most takes place offscreen, but there are a few nasty threats/implications.
Prompts: Day of Regrets; Deluminator; Genre - Mystery/Suspense (plus most others;)) and picture number 40, the graveyard in the woods.
Word Count: 18,597
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Comments 30
I liked so many things about this story, that it is hard to name them all, but especially Tonks' realisation about having to let Remus grow a little more was lovely. And those moments when life became too hard for Remus to keep his self-control (that blasted self-control) and he gave away how much he still cares, are just heartbreaking.
Oh and I love Lucinda Russell! What an old crackpot - who wouldn't want to spend an afternoon drinking gin and tonic and chatting with her?
This was really great, and I enjoyed reading it very much. Now I'll share my reviving G&T with you, because you surely must be knackered from writing it!
You've told the story in your typically rich, thoughtful style, peppered with humour and poignancy at just the right moments, that really show the full characters of Remus and Tonks and the delicacy of their situation.
I think Lucinda Russell now vies with Mr.Yuhong for OC supremacy, she's wonderfully formed and such a character, I could quite happily read about her for an age. Her interaction with Tonks was splendid and I felt they really bounced off each other with respective quirks and beliefs.
I think you've tackled a very tricky era in the R/T timeline and created a fic that really demonstrates why they can't stay apart, and why they're so well suited for each other.
This review isn't adequate, but I hope it says, all the same, how much I enjoyed reading it. :)
Lots of it was fun, though, especially Lucinda and the other OC's. I haven't been wasting time in all these old people's homes I've visited but wondering what on earth a witch or wizard might make of it all, lol. I needed someone who could feasibly have a lot of Muggle knowledge, but who was still a witch and could helpfully explain the plot to Tonks and me in the third part. Though she and Tonks would keep going on about their leather outfits and fashion accessories.
I've chickened out of writing Remus and the Werewolves several times, but it was quite interesting to think about how he would try and do Remus-like things to fit in with them. And I like to think the teaching ability would come in useful for both sides ( ... )
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