Title: Revenant (2/2)
gilpin25Rating & Warnings: R for violence, sex, adult themes. There’s nothing very graphic, most takes place offscreen, but there are a few nasty threats/implications.
Prompts: Day of Regrets; Deluminator; Genre - Mystery/Suspense (plus most others;)) and picture number 40, the graveyard in the woods.
Word Count: 18,597
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One of those parts was when the Maruaders touched the grave but Remus didn't - I was thinking that he wouldn't back then because he didn't quite believe he'd see anyone as the person he loved as there'd never be anyone for him. :( Whereas Sirius thought he saw James, but possibly was seeing Harry as they looked so similar, James would presumably see Lily, and Peter would probably only see himself...
And I'm very glad you liked the R/T relationship because I think that ended up being the part I was most pleased with. I didn't want to make it too angsty or too depressing, but they're a long, long way from a happy ending at this point so they couldn't really resolve any of the major issues. But Tonks never gives up on him in HBP so I also thought it was reasonable that there'd be something to keep her hopes alive.
Thank you again for such nice comments. I really do appreciate it. :)
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