Title: Revenant (2/2)
gilpin25Rating & Warnings: R for violence, sex, adult themes. There’s nothing very graphic, most takes place offscreen, but there are a few nasty threats/implications.
Prompts: Day of Regrets; Deluminator; Genre - Mystery/Suspense (plus most others;)) and picture number 40, the graveyard in the woods.
Word Count: 18,597
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And I'm glad to hear I've given you a whole new appreciation of graveyards - I'm sure the actual photograph is of a graveyard and a small chapel, but I decided to take some magical liabilities and make it one ghostly grave and a seduction pad, so hopefully that wasn't too creepy for R/T, lol.
Most of all, it's nice to hear that you liked the ghost story, and Lucinda, and the R/T relationship. Really it was a combination of Quinn dying and Marius being able to reverse the spell to how he originally intended it to be - that you'd see the face of the person you loved most and would one day die for them and be with them forever. Remus and Tonks touched the grave after it was broken, were both looking at each other at the time, and ... that's what they'll go on to do in Deathly Hallows. That was my wild, wild Halloween theory, anyway!
Thank you so much for such a lovely review; you've picked out some of the lines I liked so thanks for that as well. Definitely a large Firewhiskey on its way to you. :)
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