(no subject)

Oct 18, 2006 03:24

The LJ clock is off again. I don't even know what time zone it's in. the one before Greenwich?

I love memes like this, but none of you guys seem to. Um. Oh well, I'll try again. Maybe I'll get some responses. Stolen from bitter_crimson.

MEME: Give me A WORD or THEME and I'll compile a mini-SONGSPAM from it. Around 4-5 songs for each topic, I think. Come on, I like songspam. And YOU like songspam.. maybe. Please?

I had my first real shift today. Which means I got tips! Tips are great guys. Seriously. It adds like 2 dollars an hour to my minimum wage job. Well, for a morning rush it does. I don't know about the afternoon/evening shifts. I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I work 4 pm to close.

Shows! I would cut but I'm just going to put general reactions. And I'm lazy. Not really spoiler-y. Maybe a little. If anyone on my list gets pissed off I'll cut. :( Oh hell, I'll cut anyway. Heroes, Studio 60, and Veronica Mars? ALL GREAT. Man, I am so pleased with TV so far this season. This may be because my brain is dead from all of summer. But I think it may just be that good!

First of all: Heroes is out of that awkward "beginning the season-plotline" part and full swing into it now. Which is great. I so called Peter's power. *acts like this is a big deal* And futurehardcore!Hiro rocks my socks as much as geekynow!Hiro. HE'S LIKE PETER PARKER GUYS. WITH HIS POWERS. I love this show. Also, I'm glad they gave us a better look at all the people's powers. Niki's, Isaac's.. etc. OKAY BUT DON'T HURT WEISS ANYMORE KTHX.

Studio 60: FUNNY LOVE. Except I thought the Jenny sketch was funnier than the Nancy Grace thing. Maybe because I didn't totally get the Nancy Grace reference. ALSO HI LAUREN GRAHAM. They may ruin Lorelai, but Lauren Graham is still awesome, okay? Okay.

Veronica Mars: WEEVIL HE'S BACK HE'S WEEVIL AND HE'S BACK. Except, Mac and Wallace were gone. CAN I PLEASE HAVE ALL MY SERIES REGULARS AT ONCE? Thanks. I love the part with Keith and him solving the case and <3 Weevil. Though he's looking kind of bad :/

um the end

work: caribou, tv: veronica mars, fandom: heroes, posts: meme whoring

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