(no subject)

Oct 23, 2006 00:13

The meme from the last post is in the process of being done, I promise. I have all the songs chosen for all the themes requested so far.. now I just have to upload them all. If any of you still have a word/theme you want to give me.. go for it! It was fun to do.. even the ones that took forever to think up.

I really like my job. I know that's weird, but I do. I hate feeling stupid when I don't know what I'm doing, but I think I'm learning pretty fast, and hopefully I'll become better in time. A couple times now, I've screwed up when I was making drinks. I just get really stressed out because it's supposed to be PERFECT and yeah. Once I forgot to put the espresso in this guy's mocha :( I guess he got a hot chocoloate instead.

But! We have these things called "Mystery Shops" where Caribou pays a random person to come in and grade the service. They focus on a whole bunch of criteria, including if the greeter repeats back your order, and if the drink tastes right, and the condition of the store, etc. Bonus points are also possible. The employees don't know when this is happening, but they get the report afterwards. Last month we got a really crappy score.. like 75%. Apparently I was totally the person on shift when it happened for this month. And guess what our score was? 105%!! :D We got a perfect score for everything and then an extra 5% for when I asked if they wanted a food item. Haha, upselling, woo.

Also! Everyone there is super nice. They're all really supportive when I have questions or make mistakes. And the girl I worked with today told me that everyone she's talked to thinks I'm a good worker and they enjoy working with me. That made me really happy. (I am a big dork, yes.)

The other day I watched this Tetris Documentary. At first I was like, okay this is going to be boring, but it's Tetris, so let's check it out. It wasn't! It was REALLY interesting. That guy you see on the page, he invented Tetris.. but he was a computer programmer in the former Soviet Union, so even though he created it, the Soviet Union owned the rights to his game. There was this huge melee over the rights in the 80s until Nintendo finally won them. And the guy? He got like next to no royalties or recognition. But is he furious about this? No! He's really laid back. "I'm just glad people enjoy my little game." That's awesome. Here's a text version of the timeline. Watching it got me re-addicted to Tetris though, which kind of sucks. But in a good way hehe.

Today my friend abunchofcrap met Jason Dohring (he plays everyone's favorite obligatory psychotic jackass on tv) and some seriously cool things happened. You should all read it. I love celebrities like that. It makes me really like him (even if he is a Scientologist .. which apparently isn't his fault because he has to stay a Scientologist or he can't speak to his family) and that makes me like Logan more. =P

I would say stuff a lot about the last episode of Grey's Anatomy, since I seem to talk about every episode of my shows now.. but I won't because this post is hugely long as it is. Um, it was good! And I have no clue where they're going with the relationships between characters anymore. Also, cutest line: "You're Dr. Addison Forbes-Montgomery Shepard. That's a lot of names. A lot of rich sounding names. Are you rich?" hehehe Izzie. Oh, and "They've been divorced 5 years and still going at it like teens at the prom. ... so to speak." hahahha oh Meredith. Damn, I love my soap opera.

work: caribou, tv: veronica mars, fandom: grey's anatomy

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