(no subject)

Oct 26, 2006 14:19

So. My computer is broken. Again. For those of you who know computers and might be able to help, here's what's wrong/what I know.

I have a Toshiba laptop and it uses Windows XP Professional. I turned my computer on around 12:30 pm yesterday and I used it for a while. I then decided to go take a shower, so I left it on while doing so. When I came back, the password screen had come up.. so I assumed that Windows Automatic Update did its thing and it restarted my computer (which I know I should turn off..) So I sign back in and I'm trying to use it, when all of a sudden, it freezes. So I manually turn it off, since ctrl+alt+del isn't working, and when I try to restart, suddenly it's freezing on the Windows logo loading page. It will not go to the password screen. I keep turning it off manually and that "Windows did not shut down properly" thing pops up, so I try opening it in safe mode, and that freezes. I try opening it with last known good configuration, and that freezes. I try opening it in normal, and that freezes.

I'm hoping someone can help me. I can be online on our crappy home desktop for now so I can check email and stuff. My brother says he can reload Windows to my computer.. but I will probably lose all my information that was on there. Which is a hell of a lot of stuff I don't want to lose. Like 20 gb of music, and other important things. But mostly the music. Because I was an idiot and didn't back it up. WHICH TRUST ME I WILL DO IF I GET IT BACK :/

computer: it hates me

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