(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 21:47

So I got a happy phone call this morning. It went something like this:

"Hello, Ami? This is Lisa from Caribou Coffee. Are you still interested in working here?"
"Well, great. I'm not going to bother giving you a second interview because I think you'll fit great here. Can you come in for a two hour orientation sometime this week?" (AKA: we need help NOW so let's ignore all that other stuff and just get you started.)

Yay! I got a job. This is good. Now as soon as I figure out my hours, I can look around for a second job where I have more flexibility with hours to fit around this one. Then hopefully I'll have around 40-50 hours.

White and Nerdy is the "Amish Paradise" of this decade. Oh Weird Al, I love you.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I mostly got for this crazy scab/rash thing I've had on the inside of my elbow for like two months. It hurt like hell and was constantly itchy. If I put soap or lotion on it, it would scab up within hours. So of course, since I finally get an appointment.. it starts to clear up. It's almost gone. My body, I swear. But at least I'll get a general check up. Woo.

Tuesday was the Veronica Mars premiere! Yes, I know I already saw it, but this is ANOTHER REVIEW. Deal. Oh man, I think the writers are back. (AKA, UPN executives aren't around to screw it up anymore.. let's hope CW ones stay out of it) It's not convuluted and boring anymore! Veronica was cute! And witty! And a pleasant mix of the extreme outcast/jaded personalities of season 1 and 2! Mac was given regular cast member status! Wallace is actually around! And Logan wasn't annoying (well, mostly)! I'm once again excited for this show. Happy day. :D

And also, Heroes and Studio 60 rocked. I love Hiro! Cute little Japanese boy. And I'm really confused about Peter's powers. I'm still holding out for empath. Like a Raven/Rogue crossover.. not only can he understand and manipulate people's feelings and thoughts.. but also their powers?? Or maybe it's just for his brother. And Niki's powers are the creepy and I'm not exactly sure how she's going to become a "hero" *blinks* As for Studio 60, I just have one thing to say: Matt and Danny are gay together. Oh, and it's a hilarious show.

There are your tv updates for the week that you so didn't care about! Yay! Why is House on hiatus? *cries* It makes me sad that when I start working, I will have such a harder time finding time to watch TV. :/

work: caribou, internet: the internet is fun!, tv: veronica mars, fandom: heroes

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