Sep 29, 2006 02:14
Um, so I haven't posted in a while. Figured it was about time. I was unintentionally doing this pattern with posting on my calendar, but I think I messed it up just now. If I had just posted two hours ago. Alas.
I interviewed with Caribou Coffee today. I think it went well.. she said she'd call me for a second interview. It was this open interview thing today, so apparently anyone could come. But since I had applied online before, she remembered my application and she said had been hoping I'd come in and was really glad that I did. So that sounds good, right? I hope I get this job. Money is good. I might have to get another one too though, since she said I'd probably only get 25 hours max. But at least then I can use my Barista icon for once.. since Kim made it for me like a week before I left NU.
It's the start of television season, which is like heaven for me. I watched the Heroes premiere on Monday. Loved it immensely. I like the wide variety of characters.. and I'm very glad they don't all live in the same place. That would be way too convenient, and it sets up conflict too. I'm loving the humor on Studio 60. House is still somehow managing to stay brilliant, even though it's the third season, and I rarely like shows this long. I watched a pre-air of Veronica Mars because they're streaming it, and I actually didn't hate it. In fact, I kind of loved it. I'm liking the new setting, and the fact that Mac is back FULL TIME. Yes, thank you Rob Thomas. Grey's Anatomy also is doing SOMETHING because I'm not hating Derek quite as much as I used to. I like it much better when Meredith is the center of the triangle. It makes him less of a pompous prick. And of course, Addison, Cristina, Burke, and Bailey are all love. Even Izzie is getting fixed! Yay! Supernatural premiere was today, and it was alright. Kim is going to kill me for saying "alright" but I'm really not that big of a fan of the show. This is probably because the main cast is so small and they're both boys. Maybe that'll change with them adding to the team, who knows.
Wow, I watch wayyy too much tv. Geez. I have nothing else to say. .. I never have anything to say! Thus ends this post.
fandom: general,
work: caribou,
tv: veronica mars,
fandom: heroes,
fandom: grey's anatomy