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Comments 8

zabira June 1 2011, 09:50:13 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA, OMG, TSN RPF is like CRACK. how do you resist that shit? those boys are TOO CUTE TO LIVE.

i haven't really been following the fandom, so if you have recs, i'd TAKE 'EM.



meresy June 1 2011, 15:41:31 UTC
I DON'T resist it, is the thing. I mean. It's EXACTLY like crack. I'm reading AUs. Sometimes Justin Timberlake is the fic yenta. I don't even know, dude.

And I like, just got started so I don't so much have recs of my own as I am deep in other people's recs? Nell made a post a couple weeks ago, and Kristi has a delicious where I also found this post and am now reading this and I may or may not be making heart eyes ♥_♥ and grinning stupidly at my iPod at work.

If there is a recs comm or five, I need someone to direct me to it because I haven't got the flist space to follow entire fic comms, but I would read the SHIT out of more rec links.



umbrella_half June 6 2011, 15:32:30 UTC
Meres! I look forward to receiving things from you. I'm sure it shall be glorious, and I am excited.

Please to not be sending illegal and deadly bacteria? =D?

I really need new summer clothes, but then I remember I don't like clothes shopping or spending a lot of money on things other than food and the mall is in BFE. How do I deal with this problem?

Oh... this is my life. I have academic conferences to go to in the sweaty, sweaty Japanese summer at which certain... significant people will be present. I may wrap myself liberally in linen and deodorant. I did buy a nice hand-fan yesterday though. It's pretty rocking.


meresy June 7 2011, 00:26:48 UTC
I am plotting! And I HAVE sent bacteria in lettermail before. To Taiwan. It wasn't deadly, though! Just regular kind. Strictly Level 1. (I am not sending you bacteria. You'd just kill it.)

I have some ooooooold shorts and things that are old and getting worn out. But shopping = ARGH.

And I bet you rock the shit out of that hand-fan.


dugrival June 6 2011, 23:49:53 UTC
I'm told these sorts things have an inexplicable sciency cachet.

True! My science-friend once sent me an envelope full of Parafilm, and that stuff kept me and my roommate entertained for like, an entire day.

HELLO. Still commenting on all of your posts a week late. But OMG, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. I lost much of this past weekend to reading Social Network RPF, and it is all your fault. Well. And their fault for being ADORABLE, but y'know. (ADORABLE. ♥)

Music! Thank you! The first one is particularly excellent.


meresy June 7 2011, 00:20:11 UTC
Parafilm IS amusing. Too bad I can't send U_h a vortexer, because those are the best part of lab work.

And AHAHAHAHAHA. My evil plan is a success! AND RIGHT I CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH THE ADORABLE. Ffffff. I am actually watching the DVD commentary right now and Andrew is talking about falling in love with Jesse because he couldn't even help it. I just. Who says these things, in their complete serious!voice. In the DVD commentary. And every time he gets the chance. ♥_♥ Looooooooooove.



dugrival June 7 2011, 02:05:39 UTC
Ooh, I was hoping there was DVD commentary! And AWWWWWWWWW. Andrew has some kinda serious Compulsive "I Love Jesse Eisenberg" Disorder, omg. Like that interview where he says he fell in love with Jesse because he reminded him of his dog. (Jesse: "Was it a Golden Retriever?") If Andrew is not given a good lead-in to talk about his love, HE WILL MAKE ONE UP. That boy has a lot of feelings. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


meresy June 7 2011, 02:14:57 UTC
There totally is! And you should listen to it, because Andrew and Armie do their comments together and its full of lolz. Also the "making of" doc. Even more of Andrew and his ~feelings. ♥


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