I'm still here!

Jan 05, 2011 18:57

Hi, hello I... have been busy? And quiet? But I'm still here on the El Jay ( Read more... )

music, my life is so exciting, flailing, i like tags, squee, help me o wise flist, bruce mcdonald, don mckellar, toronto, \o/, books, i love you all, movies, random, segues are for the weak, new years

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Comments 10

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meresy January 6 2011, 03:21:17 UTC
Ooh! That looks not-confusing! Thanks!

AutoGK site seems borken, though, which is sad but I'm not going to try this tonight so maybe they'll fix it...


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meresy January 6 2011, 15:47:48 UTC
Thanks! I got it now...


akamine_chan January 6 2011, 04:23:09 UTC
*twirls you*


meresy January 6 2011, 15:48:13 UTC


catwalksalone January 6 2011, 08:21:42 UTC
I glomp because I can.



meresy January 6 2011, 15:49:05 UTC



zabira January 6 2011, 18:53:33 UTC
YOU'RE ALIVE! happy new year! you're going to see the HEADSTONES! this is all very EXCITING!



meresy January 6 2011, 20:41:34 UTC
HI ILU. I feel like I don't know what you are up to. Was the holiday good? What are you doooooinggggg??? *stalks*


zabira January 11 2011, 20:03:49 UTC
HI ILU2 BB. i have been MASSIVE FAIL at keeping LJ peeps informed of my doings, it's TRUE. /z\ i got a couple of posts in over the holidays, tho? which were GOOD. i actually ENJOYED christmas this year. it's like i'm growing as a person...and now i am back to work and classes and a couple of interesting music-related projects. \z?


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