Fandom Update!

Dec 19, 2008 23:55

I'll post a completely different post about WHY I've been scarce so often, so this is strictly fandom related. :D

Pirates of the Caribbean
The Jacks over at KTTC have started a Jack Costuming Wiki--no longer shall useful information be left to sunk to the depths or left to the mercy of the KTTC Kraken!

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doctorwho, csi, fandom, pirates of the caribbean

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Comments 7

madkatstar_pir8 December 20 2008, 18:34:24 UTC
I should really head back over to KTTC more often. I don't spend nearly enough time there these days. (Yes, my 12 inch Davy Jones figure is glaring at me accusingly right now. o.o As are my mega sized movie posters....stop looking at me like that Will ( ... )


madkatstar_pir8 December 20 2008, 18:35:34 UTC
that should read "meta", not "mate" Xp


meowbooks December 21 2008, 04:16:10 UTC
Oooooooh yes! Sugar cookies and candy canes for you!

I'm a bit confused about the 14 thing though...What? He'd only be on 11 yes? Or is it 14 came after whatever Doctors come after 10 when Tennant leaves?


madkatstar_pir8 December 24 2008, 10:39:20 UTC
Can there be chocolate cookies too? O.O

Time Lords can only have 13 regenerations. But hey, he's the Doctor, so in the book of shipping, Doctor2.0 is actually a reincarnated, mortal-ish 14. :)


jackdavfan692 December 21 2008, 04:53:25 UTC
meowbooks- About Torchwood: Ah, good, you're catching up 8)! "Fragments" was definitely one of my favorite episodes from the season. It was interesting to find out how everyone else ended up joining the team. Loved the scene of Ianto luring "Mafinwe" (that was the name the cast came up with for the Torchwood "pet", seriously ;D) the pteradactyl with chocolate, total LOL =D! And of course the "moment" with Jack ;).
Undead Owen, poor guy they just keep on making things worst for him and they're gonna (as in gone kind of kill) kill him and Toshiko off?(I haven't watched that episode yet.) EEEEEK!
I know =(! I hadn't liked Owen before, but after those three episodes, I really started to. I liked him even more after we finally found out in "Fragments" why he acted like such an a-hole. I mean who wouldn't behave like that, after going through what he did :[?

The episode with memory changer Adam was great--the Toshiko and Owen switch! :D
Yeah, I thought that was very clever of the writers to show us that. I think it might also have been ( ... )


meowbooks December 21 2008, 08:45:32 UTC
Ah, not to worry I spoiled myself too-only it was for Torchwood's finale and not Doctor Who. :D

Season Four was a blast. It was refreshing to have someone was just a friend and loved him in a platonic way after the W/E type story with Rose and the N/E unrequited love with Martha.


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