Fandom Update!

Dec 19, 2008 23:55

I'll post a completely different post about WHY I've been scarce so often, so this is strictly fandom related. :D

Pirates of the Caribbean
The Jacks over at KTTC have started a Jack Costuming Wiki--no longer shall useful information be left to sunk to the depths or left to the mercy of the KTTC Kraken!

The KTTC Inside Jokes Thread has been stickied so to anyone who feels like taking a KTTC Memory Lane Trip can easily find it.

I plan on working on finishing my fanfic Shards of Crusty Glass, start working on The Shipwreck Begins again, and writing more fanfic.That said, if anyone has any ideas or requests they will be appreciated.

Laurence Fishburne's first episode as Raymond Langston, college professor was pretty good. It featured him interviewing a creepy majorly psychologically disturbed multiple-life-sentenced to prison inmate. Grissom in a very Grissom-move announcing to his team his decision to leave in a low key way, and Hodges,ever the helpful soul, was slightly hurt he was the last to know about Grissom's imminent departure.
Speaking of Hodges,I spotted the actor who plays him, Wallace Langham, in an episode of 21 Jump Street! He was a college science student who's "research" lead to the deaths of drug addicts. Yeah, not very cheery at all.
Back to Fishburne, I'm a bit more interested as to what his character will be like. From a behind the scenes clip it appears Langston, uber-cool college professor who isn't afraid of interviewing serial killers and wrote a book that impressed Grissom, will be a rookie CSI-er! That should interesting and entertaining.
Alas, his arrival signals Gil Grissom/William Peterson's departure and CSI will never be the same. He digs bugs, he's a bit shy, he's their clever, intellectual, and fascinating el capitaine! And he's leaving to probably chase after Sara or be a beekeeper or teach or I've really no idea! The good news is Peterson says he's definitely open to occasional super-special guest slots and seeing Catherine Willows as "the boss" will be interesting character-growth wise.

So adieu, Warrick, Sara and O Captain, My Captain of Crime Show Leads Grissom, all of you will be missed.

Doctor Who

I'm now nearly up to date on the 8th,9th, and 10th Doctors! That only leaves seven more to acquaint myself with. :D I have one episode left to watch of Torchwood Series 2. (Yes, I said series instead of season.I had no idea they called it something different on the other side of the Atlantic.Cool beans.)

David Tennant is now on my list of favorite actors. I've watched him in the mini series Takin' Over the Asylum and now find myself trying to imitate his natural Scottish accent. He's quite young in that series and is excellent as manic depressant Campbell Bane. You can see the beginnings of Ten in this early role of his.


The second season was fantastic-character and storywise. Ianto finally gets a bit of field work, more confidence, and I loved how he bugged JackHarkness until he snagged the job. (Sorry, I can't just call him Jack it'll irritate me.) Martha Jones! They said The Doctor! Double the yay! The team's suspicion and curiosity was fun,fun,fun to watch. 
Undead Owen, poor guy they just keep on making things worst for him and they're gonna (as in gone kind of kill) kill him and Toshiko off?(I haven't watched that episode yet.) EEEEEK! The episode with memory changer Adam was great--the Toshiko and Owen switch! :D


Journeys End was truly EPIC! Who thinks these things up? Missin' planets up in the sky, Shadow Proclamation, key to blow up the whole Earth, threats, Davros' lonely Doctor speech,Daleks, end o' reality, double Doctors--it--was--BONKERS!

The Who reunion was completely unnecessary, but I don't care! With staff changes and Tennant leaving it makes the fact that EVERYONE wanted to come back all that wonderful. The chemistry between everyone was fantastic and the piloting bit was fun.Plus, who'd give up Donna trying to get JackHarkness to hug her? I'm still a bit disconcerted with the meta-crisis-doctor getting Rose. I understand it, it's a bit sweet, but tragic sweet and slightly-well, more than slightly-wrong, wrong, wrong. I loved DoctorDonna. It's terribly tragic that she no longer has even the memory of the Doctor and her travels. Major kudos to Catherine Tate.

doctorwho, csi, fandom, pirates of the caribbean

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