Jul 03, 2011 01:47


This meme deals with three types of love, angsty, sweet, and twisted! Please note that there are triggers abound!

- Post your characters and include preferences (if any!)
- Others reply.
- Go to RNG and enter numbers 1-3 to get a love type, then 1-12 to get a scene ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, fluff, rated: pg, crack-humor, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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River Song | Doctor Who songofsong July 3 2011, 20:38:16 UTC
2, 2 - actually got that in a roll! bowtimeandspace July 3 2011, 22:07:31 UTC
Up to you who's going in which order! songofsong July 3 2011, 22:11:20 UTC
For the Doctor, River had spent her life dropping naughty little hints and teases about their future relationship. For River, it had been the other way round. Now, finally, they had reached a middle point.

For one of them, it was the start, for the other it was the end.


bowtimeandspace July 3 2011, 22:29:28 UTC
It had been a long time coming, in many ways, he supposed. He'd avoided it long enough. So here he was, back in Stormcage without a plan or a thing to say. He'd dropped Amy and Rory off, and it was just him; him and the TARDIS.

The hall echoed as he walked along it, and considering it was such a high level security prision, there was a shocking lack of security staff.

And there it was, River Song's cell. This was ridiculous. He shouldn't feel so nervous! They'd done so much together by now. But just... this. He didn't know how to do this.

So he took a deep breath and stepped up to the bars.



songofsong July 3 2011, 22:33:57 UTC
River quickly looked up when she heard her name spoken. She spotted that familiar face between the shadows of the cell bars and she smiled widely. "Doctor," she said, closing her diary and leaving it on the bed as she got up to greet him. She wrapped her hands around the bars, leaning her head into the narrow space between the metal. "Breaking me out again, are you?" she asked, her tone warm and confident as ever. She was so used to being around this man that it didn't take long for her to read that uncertainty in his expression. "What's wrong?" she then asked.


bowtimeandspace July 3 2011, 22:38:59 UTC
The Doctor just watched her for a moment. When he saw her, he often wondered what she'd done, where she was, when she was. He could never ask her though; one of those unwritten rules. Or maybe it was written. Written in that little diary of hers. He had no idea.

Her question only seemed to make him more nervous, and he ducked his head down low before looking back up at her.

"Nothing. Nothing. I just--" He cleared his throat and touched his hand up to his bowtie. "Well I was just thinking. Wondering actually. If you might, well. If you might like to. You know. Come with me."

Oh how did people ever do this?


songofsong July 3 2011, 22:43:43 UTC
"Of course," she said, accepting the invitation quite easily, she just didn't understand why he was so uneasy about it. She then paused, tilting her head as she tried to make sense of it. "Doctor, is this the first time you've broken me out of here?" she wondered. But even that didn't seem right. Why would the Doctor be nervous about that? He was a law unto himself. Stormcage was nothing.


bowtimeandspace July 3 2011, 22:55:59 UTC
"No," he said, shaking his head and quick to come to his own defence. "No. Not the first."

He reached a hand up and scratched his cheek a little awkwardly. It wasn't a lie, not by a long stretch; in fact taking River out of Stormcage had become something of a habit.

But the difference was that then? There was always a reason. Always had been. Always something dreadful about to happen, or something about to explode. Usually both. But now? Well, his only reason was that he wanted to. It changed things.

"There's this little park," he started. "Wonderful place. Practilios Minor. They ring bells on every hour and sing hymns to the sun gods."

But he wasn't asking her on a date. Of course not.

He wouldn't even know how to.


songofsong July 3 2011, 23:00:40 UTC
In River's timeline, these little dates were common, she didn't know that from this moment on, he would only call upon her when he needed her aid. And yes, it would be incredible and dangerous and enlightening, but it wouldn't be this. River and the Doctor. Just being together.

Her expression softened when she realised what he was asking, but she still wasn't quite sure of his uncertainty. She didn't question it, because she didn't want it confirmed. She didn't want to know that this was her last date with the Doctor.

Instead, she smiled, her expression tender. "That sounds beautiful, my love."


I need to get me more icons >.< And bed for me too! Back tomorrow! bowtimeandspace July 3 2011, 23:05:31 UTC
"Yes, yes, beautiful, yes," he said. "Good. Yes."

It was an odd little feeling. River always made him feel a little exited, there was no escaping that. Excited and exasperated, annoyed and so many emotions. But this? This was new. A new sort of uncertainty. Stepping into grounds he'd sworn not to tread.

Taking a step to the side he pulled his screwdriver from his pocket. A push, and the door slid open.

"Shall we?" he asked, his arm offered towards her. But not before pausing and pointing towards her. "Ah. But don't tell your Mum."


Goodnight! :) songofsong July 3 2011, 23:08:17 UTC
River stepped back as she waited for him to unlock the door, grabbing her diary from the bed and stowing it safely in her pocket. She never travelled anywhere without it.

As the door opened, she stepped closer to him, naturally looping her arm through his own. His words caused her to laugh, the tone tuneful and warm. "Never do," she teased, now pulling him along with her as she headed towards the TARDIS.


2, 3 really_oldguy July 3 2011, 23:50:48 UTC
XD songofsong July 3 2011, 23:54:51 UTC
River sat there uncertainly chewing upon her fingernails, an action that was so far removed from the confident, sassy woman Methos knew and loved.

Yes, she had just dropped a bombshell. A very big bombshell. But she really wanted a better reaction than him just staring at her.

"Methos..?" she asked after a moment, wishing he'd say something. Anything.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 00:00:33 UTC
At his age, Methos was seldom genuinely surprised. He just couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Are you... are you sure it's mine?" he asked, finally speaking and managing to breathe.


songofsong July 4 2011, 00:03:26 UTC
There was a slight tilt of her head that was the sign of a woman being pushed.

She restrained a snappish remark, swallowing that down and trying to remain calm, for both of their sakes.

"Yes, I'm completely sure," she responded, somewhat tetchy. She knew who she had or hadn't slept with lately, and recently, it had only been Methos. For as confusing as her time travelling lovelife might seem, River didn't cheat.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 00:09:00 UTC
Methos shook his head and took a step back from her, holding out his hands and waving them in silent refusal.

"River, I can't even have children!" he cried out, because this situation was making him more than a little bothered himself, "I'm sterile."


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