Jul 03, 2011 01:47


This meme deals with three types of love, angsty, sweet, and twisted! Please note that there are triggers abound!

- Post your characters and include preferences (if any!)
- Others reply.
- Go to RNG and enter numbers 1-3 to get a love type, then 1-12 to get a scene ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, fluff, rated: pg, crack-humor, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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River Song | Doctor Who songofsong July 3 2011, 20:38:16 UTC
songofsong July 4 2011, 00:15:43 UTC
That made her frown, the announcement making her heart feel like it had missed out on a beat. Was she wrong? Had someone or something impregnated her without her realising?

She dismissed those thoughts as quickly as they entered her mind. It wasn't possible. She would surely remember something.

"You can't have children," she repeated, shaking her head to herself. "Because you've only tried to have children with humans."


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 00:30:16 UTC
Methos didn't look convinced, "Why would that matter?"


songofsong July 4 2011, 00:36:22 UTC
River breathed out a faint sort of laugh, looking down. "I'm part Timelord," she said, raising her hands as she tried to make sense of this situation. "They're an impossible kind. I age slower, I'm time-sensitive, I can regenerate. Somehow, giving your sperm a boost seems pretty mild on the list of possibilities."


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 00:47:21 UTC
He had to sit down to keep from falling over.

"Can we be certain first? DNA testing of some kind?" Methos didn't want to get his hopes up for nothing, "It's not that I don't trust you... but I just... I want solid proof..."


songofsong July 4 2011, 06:46:55 UTC
"Ok," she said simply, reaching to her belt to pull her computer free. If he needed the proof, she could easily provide it. Activating the screen, she proceeded to scan for lifeforms within the area, then widening the parameters to all manners of life. Getting to her feet, she walked over to his side, turning the computer and giving it to him. The screen had finished scanning and now held the results. Lights pulsed on a digital framework of their immediate area, with detail of the DNA readings listed down the side. Methos' results were in two places at once.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 15:54:49 UTC
Methos took the computer in hand and stared at in silence. Everything seemed to be slowing down around him, nothing made sense.

"I've been alive for thousands of years.... I've never had a child.. not one that was actually mine.."


songofsong July 4 2011, 16:28:58 UTC
"Nor have I," then said River in a quiet voice. Yes, it was a completely different scale to Methos, but she felt that same initial anxiety, that head spinning realisation and rush of questions. She had been free of Stormcage for a couple of months, but she had been planning to travel the universe, go further than she ever had before. That didn't seem quite so possible with a child.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 16:50:34 UTC
He handed back the computer and ran his hands through his hair. Looking back at her, he gave a tentative smile, "Although... I can't think of anyone I'd rather have one with."


songofsong July 4 2011, 17:39:22 UTC
River carefully took the computer back from him, slowly sitting down. She turned the computer round until it was the right way up, watching the soft beating lights on the grid. When he spoke, she slowly looked up, smiling somewhat nervously at his words. She had never imagined having a child. That meant settling down, doing the family deal, staying in one place. Her life so far had been so full of adventure, danger and imprisonment, that she had only been able to wonder about this kind of life.

Stormcage was behind her, but she hadn't realised she would be letting go of everything so soon.

"This changes everything," she said faintly.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 17:43:01 UTC
"It does." he should have been used to drastic changes by now, but it still surprised him.

"I do know how to care for a child. I've done it before." It was a subtle offer. She could have it, he could take care of the baby, and she could continue on with her life, if she couldn't stick around all the time.


songofsong July 4 2011, 17:59:03 UTC
"I know, my love. I wasn't doubting you," River responded, slowly shaking her head at him, unaware of what offer he had been trying to extend. She just wasn't so sure if she knew how to care for a child. She had been around children before, certainly. But a child all of her own? That was more than she'd ever imagined. She'd grown up envisioning a future with the Doctor, and that certainly didn't lead itself to settling down with a family.


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 18:01:21 UTC
"I'd also make a good house husband. You don't have to give up your life, you know. Not entirely."


songofsong July 4 2011, 18:04:33 UTC
Then she began to realise what he was suggesting and she looked towards him with curiosity. "I can't just leave you with our child while I go off gallivanting around the universe, Methos."


really_oldguy July 4 2011, 18:11:21 UTC
Methos scratched the side of his face absently, "It was just a thought. I don't know. Forget I mentioned it."


songofsong July 4 2011, 18:13:42 UTC
River turned towards him, moving out her hand to cover his own. "There's going to be a baby, Methos. A little, beautiful baby that's going to look like us." Her smile widened gently as she watched him. "I'm not going to miss that for the universe."


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