
Mar 17, 2008 23:16

Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (Warning: violence !)
Summary: AU_AU. This is a story about fear, uncertainty and doubt but also about friendship and love. Ennis and Jack meet each other in the modern time.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to my German beta tanzmaeusi, who encouraged me to write this story. I also want to thank judy-blue-cat who helped me ( Read more... )

obscurity (in english)

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Comments 58

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mel0804 March 27 2008, 23:17:47 UTC
Ich danke Dir ;-)!
Hattest Du schöne Ostern?


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mel0804 March 30 2008, 21:03:25 UTC
Ja, verwöhnt wurden wir von meinen Eltern auch... :-).
Der Zoo in HH ist super und die Tiere waren gut drauf, das Wetter war nämlich richtig schön. Schweinekalt - aber die Sonne schien ;-).


kmdlrd March 17 2008, 22:58:48 UTC
Just perfect, Mel. I love the picture you paint with your words. The despair, the hurt, yet also the love and the light with their relationship. Thanks so much for this. It is a pleasure to read. *hugs* - B


mel0804 March 27 2008, 23:18:30 UTC
Thank you, B !
I'm so glad you liked it. This part of the story is one of my favourites too ;-).


bbmjack324 March 17 2008, 23:20:49 UTC
An absolutely beautiful chapter. Your writing is like poetry. I'm looking forward to their night together.

Jack looked peaceful and relaxed in his sleep. He breathed calmly, his chest rising and falling softly and as if guided by a ghost's hand Ennis caressed carefully Jack's face and pulled his hair feather like away from his forehead....

He leaned down carefully, hesitating a bit, before he softly kissed Jack. And this time their lips didn't open in passion but in the deep need to welcome the other one, to offer him entrance to heart and soul.


mel0804 March 27 2008, 23:19:14 UTC
Thank you - I'm really glad you liked this part because it's one of my favourite too... ;-).


gamma_ray00 March 17 2008, 23:24:02 UTC
Interesting update...a little something for everyone...sadness, hope, love, distress, friendship..etc. You are a master at bringing this relationship along at just the right pace. These are grown men, and they act like it. They have real problems..whether they be physical or mental...yet they connect. You do not make it easy for them..as in real life..most relationships are not easy..and if they are, then you probably do not have one worth keeping...I am enjoying so much the "realness", if you will, of this relationship. Ennis is thinking a lot about this relationship..I wonder if Jack is too...:-)
Fabulous writing...hugs to you Mel...and thanks to Tizi17 and poppeyhoney


mel0804 March 27 2008, 23:21:27 UTC
I'm so, so glad about your comment because I wanted this story to be as real as a fiction can be. I'm so happy that I could "convince" you... ;-).

Thank you so much for letting me know and I hope you had a lovely Easter time.



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mel0804 March 27 2008, 23:24:41 UTC
*I love how Ennis recognizes what Jack needs*

Yes, this Ennis here is more able to recognize feelings and he's also able to react to feelings. He has not so many fears like the original Ennis although I always saw canon-Ennis a very sensitive and caring man. But sadly he was not able to leave his shell and to show Jack how much he had loved him.


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