Confessions of a Male Escort

May 28, 2010 20:48

Warning - This chapter contains explicit sexual content. Yep, you guessed it, there's a lemon in this one. Yay! Or... maybe not so yay for some of you... Colibri, I hope this meets your expectations.

Also, about the dates, I've gone back and changed the ones for the chapter before as well, so it should make sense. Just, you know, Oktoberfest in November?

Chapter Seven

Reading, PA. 20th October, 2008

Harry snorted as they passed a sign on their way to the next hunt, and Ardifiel glanced at him, the angel having decided to hang around with them. Apparently things upstairs were getting boring and being around Harry was always good for a laugh. Harry wasn't sure to be insulted or flattered, so he stuck with indifference.

"S'up with you, Vivian?" Dean asked, hearing the snort and Harry glared at the back of Dean's head.

"Reading? Just remembering some good times at the festivals there. Reading, England I mean. Ah, good times." Harry said with a grin as he reminisced and Sam twisted in his seat and looked at him curiously.

"How come you went to a festival?'

"I didn't stay in London all the time you know. Sometimes clients wished to have company at those places, and after I went for two years, I decided that if no other client wanted me to go with them, then I would go on my own anyway. Thankfully for my bank account, the guy I normally went with paid for my tickets and took me four times. Great times."

"You got paid to listen to music?" Dean asked him incredulously and Harry smirked even if the man couldn't see it.


"Dude, I'm thinking you got a sweet deal. Maybe I should become a hooker." Dean muttered and Harry and Ardifiel glanced at one another and then burst into laughter. "What are you two laughing at? You think I couldn't do it?"


"Not a chance." Ardifiel and Harry answered at the same time, still snickering slightly, whilst Sam just watched the three in silent amusement.

"Why not? I'm hot! Anyone would pay to have sex with me!"

"Being hot doesn't mean you would be a good rent boy. Tell me Dean, you have alevels?" Harry asked him curiously and Dean turned to shoot him a confused look.

"What are they? Exams? We don't have those over here. I got a GED though. That's good enough for me. Why the hell would people I'm fucking care?"

"Not what I meant. Alevel's means do you do anal sex. Nevermind. What would you do if you didn't find a woman attractive?"


"What about if someone refused to pay?" Ardifiel asked him curiously when Dean floundered for an answer for Harry's question.

"I..." Dean opened and shut his mouth and then shrugged. "Okay, then what would I do in either of those situations?"

"The first? You take Viagra half an hour before you see the client, then it doesn't matter if you are attracted to them or not. The second, you don't fuck them. You ask for money up front."

"You didn't -" Sam stopped himself quickly and snapped his mouth shut, which made Ardifiel snicker and Dean look at him curiously, whilst Harry just raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't what?"

"Er... You didn't... the asphyxiation guy! You didn't take money from him first. You told us the only regret about him dying was that you didn't get paid." Sam said quickly, and Ardifiel looked at him, slightly impressed, whilst Harry rolled his eyes and Dean turned his attention back to the road.

"Yeah? Well I learnt my lesson with him. I had only been working the job for about six months when that happened." Harry muttered, not sure if he was angry at the memory of not getting paid, or Sam for still being in Narnia and making Harry go the longest without sex since he left the wizarding world behind.

"So... what job are we doing?" Ardifiel asked, sensing his charges mood and deciding to change the subject. Sam sighed and shot Harry and apologetic look before he shrugged and turned back to face the front of the car.

"The greatest hunt ever. Job's don't get much sweeter than this, you know?" Dean said, grinning widely and Harry sighed and looked out of the window.

"Mmm." Sam agreed, nibbling on his lip. Ardifiel rolled his eyes, then shuffled forwards in his seat to lean over the back of Dean's seat.

"Why is it so great? All you and Sam would say was that you had a hunt and we were leaving. For... here."

"Dead vic with a gnawed-on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire." Dean exclaimed excitedly, not noticing how close Ardifiel was, whilst Harry noticed and narrowed his eyes at the angel. Then snorted and shook his head.

"Huh, sounds... exciting. I guess. No demons?" Ardifiel asked with a slightly wrinkled nose.

"Come on! This is great! We get to chop off some vamps' heads. Come on, it's like the good old days with me and Sammy. Right, Sam? An honest-to-goodness monster hunt it's about time the Winchester's got back to tackling. A straightforward black-and-white case." Dean said, and Ardifiel nodded whilst Sam just rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it a little morbid to be excited about cutting off some poor vampires head? I mean, they were only eating. It would be like someone coming along and slicing your head off for eating that whole herd of cows you tucked into at the last diner." Harry commented idly, and Sam snorted in amusement, whilst Dean made a noise of indignation.

"It was one steak!"

"It was the size of the dinner plate it was brought out on."

"It was good though."

"You're gonna die of a heart attack." Harry muttered and rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about? I'm fit and healthy! Never been better!" Dean exclaimed, taking a hand off the wheel to pat his stomach.

"Getting a bit of a paunch there, tubby." Harry said, leaning over the back of the seat to poke at Dean's stomach.

"Hey! Hands off! I am not getting a paunch! I'm hot!"

"Sure. Whatever you say."

"Sam! Tell him I'm hot!" Dean exclaimed, whilst Ardifiel snickered and Harry snorted. Sam shot Dean an incredulous look.

"You want me to notice whether or not you're hot?" Sam asked him, voice slightly higher than usual, and Ardifiel's snickers turned into all out laughter.

"Dude! No! Wrong!" Dean exclaimed, looking a little green around the gills and Harry began to chuckle quietly.

"Then don't ask me to tell Harry that you're hot! Deal with your own insecurities without suggesting something both wrong and illegal." Sam told him, looking at Dean warily, which just made Ardifiel laugh even harder and have to lean on Harry for support.

"You know that story I told you, Sam? About the brother and sister..." Harry trailed off and smirked when Sam turned fully in his seat to look at Harry in horror.

"Harry! No!"

"What?" Dean asked, looking between the two before turning back to the road.

"You don't want to know what he is suggesting, Dean. Trust me on this one." Sam muttered, glaring at Harry, who was just staring back innocently at him.

"What? I was just going to say -"

"We don't want to know!" Sam interrupted quickly, launching over the back of his seat to slap a hand over Harry's mouth.

"I kinda wanna know." Dean admitted after a few moments of silence that was only broken by Ardifiel's chuckling.

"No. You don't." Sam assured him and Dean shrugged and rolled his shoulders.

"Whatever, we're nearly there, then we can slice and dice us some vampires."

"So wrong." Harry muttered, voice slightly muffled still by Sam's hand, which he still hadn't moved. Harry's eyes twinkled mischievously as he looked at Sam, and then licked across Sam's palm, smirking when Sam pulled back as though burned, eyes dark as he stared at Harry and then coughed and spun back around in his seat to face the front. "Problem, Sammy-Sam?"

"No. And don't call me that."

"Aw, you sound a little... stiff Sammy-Sam-Sam." Harry said, grinning when Sam refused to look at anyone, including a now very confused Dean and a highly amused angel.

"Shut up."

"Are things a little hard at the moment, Sammy-Sam-Sam-Sam."

"How many 'Sam's are you gonna add to his name?" Dean asked him curiously, whilst Sam just slumped even further in his seat and tried to hide his blush.

"As many as I can get away with. I have a record to beat." Harry admitted, then leaned over the seat to rest his head just next to Sam's. "You look a little frustrated there, Sammy-Sam-Sam-Sam-Sam."

"Stop! No more 'Sam's or I'll change my damned name and make Dean leave you by the side of the road! You know I will! And Dean won't be opposed to it! And I'm not frustrated!" Sam added as an after thought, making Ardifiel snort and Dean to glance at him from the corner of his eyes.

"You do sound a little... tense there, Sammy." Dean said to him cautiously, making Ardifiel snort again, then begin to giggle.

"I'm not! I'm fine! Very relaxed! Never been better!"

"Sure. You know... I can think of ways that could help you to relax a little." Harry said with an evil grin.

"I don't need to relax! I told you! I am fine. We're just going to go and hunt some vampires, and I'm going to be calm and relaxed the whole time.' Sam muttered and Harry leant back in his seat and rolled his eyes.

"Sam..." Dean started, then stopped when Sam shot a venomous glare at him.

"Shut up."

"Bet he'd fuck Ruby." Harry muttered almost silently, heard only by Ardifiel, who glanced at him.

"He'd better not. For your own sake." Ardifiel muttered back, whilst Sam and Dean exchanged a confused look with one another, neither one being able to hear what the two in the back seat had said to one another.

Harry climbed out the back of the Impala with Ardifiel, both wearing suits and then following behind the Winchester's, also in suits, as they entered somewhere Harry had always wanted to convince someone to pay him to go to. An Oktoberfest.

"Oh, I kinda love being a hunter." Harry muttered to Ardifiel, who grinned and nodded his head, then stepped up so that he was walking beside Dean. Harry rolled his eyes and then stepped up to walk beside Sam, who glanced down at him and smiled slightly.

"We still got to see the new 'Raiders' movie." Dean called out suddenly, making Sam glance at him and then at Harry, who grinned.

"We've seen it." Harry told Dean, seeing as Sam clearly didn't want to be the one to break it to Dean.

"Without me? With him?" Dean asked incredulously, making Harry glare at him, whilst Sam looked equally as incredulous back at Dean.

"You were in Hell." Sam pointed out and Dean just shook his head.

"That's not excuse!" Dean exclaimed, then gasped when something caught his attention. "Big pretzel!"

Harry gaped as Dean practically skipped over to the vendor of the overly large pretzels and bought two, then turned and handed one to Sam, who just watched his brother with fond amusement.

"Hey, what about us?" Ardifiel exclaimed, and Dean looked at him in confusion.

"Angel's eat?"


"Sorry dude." Dean told him, then turned and bought one more pretzel and handed it to Ardifiel, making Harry glower at him.

"So childish!" Harry told him, though Dean just pretended he didn't hear anything. Sam rolled his eyes when Ardifiel stuck his tongue out at him, then took a bite of his pretzel. Sam sighed and tore his pretzel in half and then handed half to Harry, who grinned up at him. "Thank you."

"Guten tag." A barmaid said to Dean as she passed, making Dean smirk and leer at her.

"Guten tag yourself." Dean said, making Harry roll his eyes.

"Do you even know what guten tag means?" Harry asked him, making Dean throw a glare at him, whilst Ardifiel snickered and Sam chewed on his pretzel and then nodded to a man in a sheriff uniform.

"Mmm, looks like that's our man." Sam said once he swallowed his mouthful, making the other three glance over at where he was looking. Sam rolled his eyes and then led them all over to the man, who looked up when they approached. "Sheriff Dietrich."

"Are you boys from the fed?"

"Agent Anges and Young." Sam said, indicating to himself and Dean as they showed their badges, the sheriff then looked over at Harry and Ardifiel inquiringly, who both pulled out their own badges to show.

"I'm Agent Tufnel and this is Agent St Hubbins." Harry said in a perfect imitation of Sam's accent, making Dean gape at him before he shook his head and snapped his mouth shut.

"We called ahead about your, uh, problem." Sam said to the sheriff, who looked back at him away from Harry and Ardifiel's badges, which Dean couldn't help but notice looked more official than his and Sam's.

"Right. Um... I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?" The sheriff told them, and then led them away towards his own car.

Harry briefly wondered why all morgues were so cold then glanced down at the body that the sheriff pulled out on the tray and snickered into his hand when the sheet was pulled back and Harry saw the victim's neck.

"Marissa Wright, 26, just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible. Just Terrible. It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season." The sheriff told them sadly, whilst Dean, Sam and Ardifiel all looked at Harry in confusion when he coughed to cover his laughter.

"Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed." Sam said with a tight smile before looking at Harry in confusion. Harry tilted the head to the side and showed the toehr three what he had seen. Two dark puncture marks on her neck like a traditional vampire bite.

"What the hell?" Dean asked, moving nearer to the body to look at the marks, whilst Ardifiel had a similar reaction to Harry and began to snicker, but didn't bother to hide it with a cough, so Sheriff Dietrich looked at him.

"Yeah, you got me - I mean, this killer's some kind of grade-A wacko, right? I mean, some Satan-worshipping, Anne Rice-reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe." The Sheriff said, deciding to ignore Ardifiel, who had stepped to stand behind Sam slightly when the Sheriff had looked at him.

"Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness." Dean said, making the Sheriff look at him and nod.

"Yeah, I wished I didn't." Dietrich admitted with a huff, making Harry frown in confusion and wrinkle his nose, glancing at Sam who stood across from him and Dean. "But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable."

The four walked to the bar that seemed to be heading the Oktoberfest, full with waitresses wearing costumes for the festival. They all took stools at the bar, and the barmaid from earlier walked over to them, handing two beer glasses to another waitress before turning to Dean and grinning. Sam picking up a lipstick stained napkin and glancing at it then turning to look at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"I remember you." She said and Harry rolled his eyes and let his head drop to the bar, whilst Ardifiel narrowed his eyes at the woman and Sam chuckled and placed a hand on Harry's thigh, out of sight of Dean, not that Dean was paying them any attention. Harry was of the belief Sam could take him at the bar and Dean wouldn't stop drooling over the waitress.

"And I remember you..." Dean said, then peered at her nametag and smiled brightly up at her, making Harry, who had turned his head to the side to watch the spectacle, blink and wonder if he could light a room with those teeth. "'Jamie'. I never forget a pretty... everything."

Ardifiel sneered at Jamie and then Dean and moved to sit on the stool on the other side of Harry, much to the amusement of Harry and Sam, whilst Dean didn't notice anything.

"Why are we here again?" Harry muttered to Sam, making him smile (which made Harry realise that clearly dazzling smiles were in the genes) at him and then turn to Jamie.

"We're looking for Ed Brewer." Sam told her and Jamie turned her attention to Sam, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What do you want with Ed?"

"Well, we are, uh, federal agents." Dean told her, and Harry sighed and tugged his badge out to throw it on the bar for her to see, along with Dean and Sam's. Ardifiel however, wasn't paying any attention, looking at the other waitress that Jamie had handed drinks to when they had entered.

"Ardy." Harry hissed, making Ardifiel turn slowly and blink at him.

"Hmm? Oh!" Ardifiel said, grinning widely at Jamie, making her blush coyly as he brought out his badge to show her, then placed it back in his jacket pocket. "Pleasure." Ardifiel said, still smiling at the woman, who smiled back, whilst Dean gaped at the two and Harry snickered.

"Mr Brewer was witness to a serious crime." Dean said, dragging Jamie's attention back to himself, ignoring the smirk Ardifiel shot him, whilst Sam and Harry just stared at the two in barely hidden amusement.

"You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed." Jamie said in disbelief, and then frowned at Dean. "Really?"

Dean grinned and leant forward on the bar toward Jamie, whilst Ardifiel rolled his eyes and leant against the bar to look at Harry, who just blinked up at him, happy that Sam still hadn't moved his hand from his thigh.

"I'm a maverick, ma'am. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by - the rules." Dean said and all three of the others turned to gape at him, then Sam gave a slightly irritated smile.

"Okay, Maverick." Sam said to Dean, then looked at Jamie. "So where can we find Mr Brewer?"

Harry moved to sit down across from Ed Brewer after Jamie had pointed him out to them, Sam sliding in beside him. Dean and Ardifiel were busy glaring at one another, though they had followed Sam and Harry to Ed Brewer's table.

"Ed Brewer?" Harry asked, still speaking with the same accent as Sam. Ed looked up at them and nodded, then unscrewed the cap of the large tankard of beer and took a sip of it. "We're Agent's Tufnel and Anges. We want to talk to you about the attack."

"I told the cops everything I saw. No one believes me. Why should you be any different?" Ed asked, pointing at the two, and Harry and Sam glanced at one another and then back at Ed.

"Believe me, Mr Brewer, we're different." Harry assured him, glancing to the side at Dean and Ardifiel, who were whispering to one another harshly and then glancing heavenwards before looking back at Ed and smiling.

"I spoke the God's honest truth. And now, I'm the town joke." Ed told them and Sam frowned and leant forwards slightly.

"Marissa Wright's murder is no joke to us. And we want to hear everything, no matter how strange it may seem." Sam told him and Ed frowned but still looked uncertain, making Harry sigh quietly, and move to lean his elbows on the table.

"We have a lot of experience with strange." Harry added with a slight grin at that understatement, given that one of them had been in Hell, one had demon blood in his veins, another was a wizard and the other was an angel. Hell, they were strange. Ed uncapped the beer once again and took a drink, then recapped it.

"It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night," Ed walked his fingers along the table, making Harry mentally question how much beer he had already drunk. "I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing." Ed then looked down at the table and his voice got softer. "But she was... struggling too much. And this man, he was - well, he was biting her neck."

"Can you describe her assailant?" Sam asked him and Brewer nodded.

"Oh, he was a vampire."

"Alright, and by that, you mean..." Harry trailed off and looked at Ed to finish his sentence.

"You know, a vampire." Ed said and Harry sighed loudly this time.

"Right. So he looked like..." Harry motioned with his hands for Ed to give them something more to go on.

"He looked like a vampire, you know, with the fangs and the slicked back hair." Ed pulled his own hair back just in case they didn't know what he meant. "And the fancy cape, and the little medallion thingy on the ribbon."

"You mean like a Dracula?" Dean asked suddenly, making Ed look over and up at him and grinned widely.

"Exactly! Like a Dracula. Right down to the accent." Ed told him excitedly, and all four of them stared at him blankly, then Harry shook his head and opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before making a sound of distress and looked at Sam, who was doing his own impression of a fish.

"The ac-"

"Yep." Brewer said before Sam could even finish, and Harry truly didn't know what to say and looked past Sam to Dean and Ardifiel, to see if they knew what to say.

"What did he say?" Sam finally asked and all four of them looked at Ed with a sense of morbid interest.

"You know, something like..." Ed then imitated a bad Hungarian accent, much to Harry's amusement, and raised his arm over his face is he had a cape on. "'Stay away, mortal! The night is mine!' You do believe me, don't you?"

Harry truly had nothing to say and so he turned to Sam to reassure the poor boy that he wasn't completely crazy and that what he had seen might have happened. Wasn't a vampire, but it might have happened.

"Yes, we believe you Ed. We just need to get a few more things and we should soon solve it. Thank you for sharing this with us." Ardifiel said finally when it looked like neither Sam nor Dean knew what to say to Ed either. Ed looked at him and then smiled and nodded. Dean and Ardifiel soon walked back to the bar, whilst Sam and Harry glanced at one another and then back at Ed.

"If we need to talk to you again, where can we find you?" Harry asked, deciding to use a line that his clients normally liked him to ask whenever he role-played suspect and detective.

"Oh, I'll be here or the cinema. That's where I work." Ed told them, and both Harry and Sam smiled at him, said their goodbyes and walked over to where Dean and Ardifiel were vying for Jamie's attention. Sam and Harry both leant on the bar next to the other two and looked at one another.

"So, what do you think? Goth, psycho vampire wannabe, right?' Dean asked them, shocking Harry by even including him in the question.

"Definitely not our kind of case." Sam agreed and Dean nodded, whilst Harry begrudgingly nodded.

"Agreed. But who cares?" Dean asked, leading them all away to another table, Sam and Harry sliding in across from Dean and Ardifiel. "Rooms are paid for, and it's Oktoberfest. Come on. Beer and bar wenches." Dean said with a grin, and Harry actually found himself grinning back.

"You know... I hate to admit it, but I am completely in agreement with Dean for once. Well, not so much about the bar wenches, but the beer most definitely... And surely there will be someone in this sleepy little town that will sleep with me..." Harry added, glancing around the bar but not seeing anyone, though feeling Sam tense beside him and mentally smirking.

"Pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole 'wench' thing, Dean." Sam pointed out in a slightly tight voice that made Ardifiel glance at him and smirk knowingly.

"Hey, bar wench, where's that beer?" Dean called out, over to Jamie, who smiled sweetly at him.

"Coming up, good sir!" She called back, voice matching her sweet smile, and Harry fake gagged next to Sam, who grinned at him.

"Dude, Oktoberfest." Dean said gleefully, and Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"You know, I almost hate myself for saying it, but I kinda want to take Dean to Reading. The festival. Not here." Harry admitted, making Ardifiel snigger when Dean and Sam both gaped at him. "What? I did say I hated myself for admitting it. He'd be amusing! Besides, I'd take you as well, Sam, because quite frankly, you're hilarious drunk."

"Oh, I'm with you on that one. Though, he can get a little mean sometimes. He called you short yet?" Dean asked, whilst Sam made a noise that sounded a little like a strangled, angry cat.

"Not yet, but possibly because he knows that if he calls me short, I'll rip his balls off." Harry said, just as Jamie walked over to them and placed two beers in front of Dean and Ardifiel and then turned to Sam and Harry.

"What can I get you two?" Jamie asked them and Harry went to answer but Dean beat him to it.

"Oh, they don't drink. Sammy's a Christian Scientist, doesn't even take aspirin. Whilst Harry is a recovering alcoholic. They're real drags on stakeouts." Dean told her, smiling widely at Jamie, whilst Harry and Sam both glared at him venomously.

"You're funny." Jamie said with a smile, and Ardifiel rolled his eyes.

"Oh, he's hilarious. Really, of course, that beer will go straight to his head and we'll have to spend the rest of the day making sure that he doesn't grope everything around with a cock. Ourselves included." Ardifiel told her dryly, making Sam snort in laughter, whilst Harry shook with silent laughter and Dean turned to gape at Ardifiel.

"Dude! I do not! I'm not gay. I can show you how not gay I am if you like. What time do you get off?" Dean asked Jamie, who smiled at him kindly, though not quite as brightly as before, which made Ardifiel smirk.

"Haha. Like I said, 'funny'." Jamie said, and then walked off, making Harry turn to hide his laughter in Sam's shoulder, whilst Sam and Ardifiel turned to look at Dean with matching smirks.

"Man, it is time to right some wrongs." Dean muttered, not taking his eyes off of Jamie. Sam frowned in confusion at his brother, whilst Harry, having managed to stop his laughter, looked at Dean with equal confusion. Ardifiel just rolled his eyes.

"Come again?"

"Look at me. I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars, right? You know, bullet wounds, knife cuts." Dean said, counting them off on his fingers and then holding out his spread hand and wiggling the fingers. "None of the off-angled fingers from all the breaks. I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Which leads me to conclude, sadly... that my virginity in intact." Dean told them and Ardifiel spat his mouthful of beer at Sam across from him and started to hack and cough as he laughed. Harry and Sam both just stared at Dean in horror, Sam a little more damp than Harry.

"What?" Sam asked him incredulously, wiping the beer off his face.

"I have been re-hymenated." Dean told him seriously, then took a sip of his beer, whilst Sam and Harry continued to look at him with incredulous shock.

"Re - Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of Hell, but no one could do that." Sam told him and Ardifiel finally managed to stop choking and nodded his head frantically.

"Oh, I'm completely with Sam on this one. We're amazing, truly we are. There is almost nothing we can't do in fact, but giving you your virginity back? Yeah, we're not that good. It would be like giving Harry his back. Never gonna happen." Ardifiel said, and Harry was torn between amusement and indignation.

"I have been re-hymenated. And the dude will no abide." Dean insisted and Sam grinned and shook his head.

"Alright, dude." Sam agreed in amusement, then turned to Harry at his side. "I'm heading back to the motel and get some sleep, you and Ardy staying here with the born-again virgin, or coming with me?"

"I'll come back with you, Ardy?" Harry asked, looking over at the angel, who kept stealing glances at Dean and giggling, which made Dean huff and frown back at him.

"I'm gonna stay here and watch the amusement of Dean get shot down. You kids have fun." Ardifiel said, making Harry and Sam look at him, whilst Dean just frowned in confusion.

"How can they have fun?" Dean asked and Ardifiel turned to look at Dean ponderingly.

"Huh, maybe I underestimated how good Castiel was and he really did make you a virgin again. Got to give him a prize for that one."

Harry followed Sam back to the motel and then leant against the wall beside the door to Sam and Dean's room and looked at him.

"So? Gonna invite me in?" Harry asked, looking at Sam curiously, but not really expecting anything.

"We can't. Dean could come back any minute." Sam told him and Harry gritted his teeth and moved to slam his head back on the wall.

"What the hell, Sam? Am I not good enough now that Dean is back? I mean, I really wasn't joking when I said I was used to people being ashamed of me, but you? I thought you would actually be different. Guess I was wrong." Harry said quietly, glaring at Sam when he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


"You know what? Screw you, Sam. And fuck this pussy footing around shit. I'm fed up of it. Either tell Dean or don't. I don't give a shit anymore."

"Harry..." Sam tried once more, but Harry pushed himself away from the wall and glared up at Sam.

"No. I don't want to hear anymore pathetic excuses. Either man up or carry on being a pussy. I don't care. Ardifiel!" Harry yelled suddenly and Sam looked at him in confusion.

"Harry, what...?" Sam asked, but stopped when Ardifiel suddenly appeared next to Harry, looking a little annoyed.

"What? I was trying to cockblock Dean." Ardifiel bitched and Harry smirked at him.

"I'm taking you up on your offer." Harry told him and Ardifiel stopped looking annoyed and instead looked at Harry blankly.

"My offer? What - Oh! My offer! Huh, got fed up of waiting for Sam then, huh?" Ardifiel asked, grinning at Harry and then glancing at Sam and smirking.

"Yeah. It's not gonna work."

"Harry, what are you...?" Sam started to ask, but then trailed off when Ardifiel grinned wolfishly and then grabbed Harry to him and kissed him roughly.

"Sorry Sam, but I've got needs, yeah?" Harry finally told him once he had pulled himself away from Ardifiel and then kissed Ardifiel again and they slowly stumbled towards their own room, Sam watching them leave in stunned silence.

Harry moaned as he managed to get the door to their room open and then allowed Ardifiel to direct him inside it and to the bed, falling onto it. He looked up at Ardifiel and smirked, getting a mirroring smirk back.

"You really want to do this? You really want to make him jealous?" Ardifiel asked him, tugging off his jacket and then his tie, whilst Harry did the same.

"Oh I'm sure. Idiot needs to get some perspective in life." Harry muttered, unbuttoning his shirt and then pulling it off and throwing it to the floor.

"How do you know this isn't going to backfire? How do you know this won't just drive him into the arms of the demon?" Ardifiel asked him as he undid his trousers and then pushed them down.

"Honestly? I don't. I just... I don't really think I care anymore Ardy. Plus... can you honestly tell me that you know for certain he isn't fucking Ruby already?" Harry asked him, moving back to lean against the headboard of the bed.

"No, we can't know for sure." Ardifiel admitted, moving onto the bed and between Harry's legs.

"Exactly. So either he already has and I'm going to Hell, or he hasn't and I'm safe until he finally does."

"And you're okay with that? You're okay to leave your fate in his hands?"

"I don't have a choice, do I? I'm risking going to Hell for him and he can't even bring himself to tell his brother that he fucked me. What in this whole situation is fair?" Harry asked, then quickly moved forward and kissed Ardifiel before he could answer. "Now, either do something or go back to cockblocking Dean. I don't care, just stop the questioning."

"Ah, I'll never leave you, Harry. You know that." Ardifiel told him with a grin, and pushed Harry to lie down on the bed then kissed him as he ran his hand down Harry's chest.

Harry arched up into him and dragged his blunt nails down the angel's back when Ardifiel moved his mouth from Harry's and began to lick and kiss down to his neck. Harry felt around the bedside table blindly for the lube he had put their when Ardifiel had made the offer of making Sam jealous, and found it and pulled it over to them, handing it to Ardifiel.

Ardifiel looked up at Harry when he was handed the lube and raised an eyebrow, even as he opened it and squirted some on his fingers.

"I'm positive Ardy." Harry told him firmly, opening his legs wider as a hint. Ardifiel grinned at him and then nodded, even as he began to rub Harry's entrance and moved to kiss Harry again.

"Have to make sure and everything." Ardifiel muttered to him as he pressed a finger in and slowly began to stretch Harry, making Harry gasp and arch up into Ardifiel, clutching at his shoulder with one hand, whilst the other wrapped around his erection and began to stroke it.

"I'm sure. More." Harry groaned out and then gasped and clutched at Ardifiel when he added another finger and began to scissor them.

Ardifiel leant on his elbow to keep him propped up over Harry without crushing him, and gently began to run his fingers through Harry's hair as he added a third finger, making Harry's breath hitch as he looked up and locked eyes with Ardifiel. Harry wrapped his arm around Ardifiel's neck and tugged him down to kiss him.

Finally, Ardifiel removed his fingers and pulled away slightly to look around him, which made Harry look at him questioningly.


"Condom?" Ardifiel asked and Harry was shocked into laughing.

"I'm clean, and to be honest, I would love to know what an angel STD would do to me." Harry admitted with a chuckle and Ardifiel shot him a slightly withering stare.

"I was just trying to be considerate. We angel's are supposed to always be considerate." Ardifiel admonished with a grin, but began to cover his own erection with more lube and leant forward once more.

"Angel's are also supposed to be sexless." Harry pointed out and then hitched his breath as Ardifiel slowly began to push inside him. "My point exactly."

"Are you normally this chatty during sex?" Ardifiel asked once he was in completely and stopped to allow Harry to adjust to him.

"Depends on what they pay me." Harry admitted, then arched up to let Ardifiel know he could move.

"I refuse to pay you." Ardifiel said as he slowly pulled out and then quickly thrust back in, making Harry cry out in pleasure, back arching and toes curling as Ardifiel managed to hit his prostate head on.

"You already - ah - are." Harry pointed out, moving a hand to gently grab at Ardifiel's hair, giving it a gentle tug.

"You do have a point." Ardifiel conceded, then slammed back in once more, groaning in pleasure and moving to bite at Harry's shoulder, making Harry moan loudly and wrap a leg around his waist.

"For a virgin, you are great at this." Harry said, slightly breathlessly as Ardifiel carried on thrusting into him and also placed a hand around Harry's neglected erection and began to pump it in time with his thrusts.

"Dean's the virgin, not me." Ardifiel reminded him with a wicked grin, and Harry laughed breathlessly, cutting it off with a gasp and then a loud moan, throwing his head back. Ardifiel leant down and began to kiss and nip at Harry's neck, smirking when Harry cried out at a particular sharp bite, and then ran his tongue over it to sooth it.

Soon Harry clutched at Ardifiel's shoulders as he felt his orgasm approaching and pulled Ardifiel's head up from his neck and kissed him, moaning into his mouth and then pulling away and crying out as his orgasm surged through him, clenching around Ardifiel and making Ardifiel groan and release inside Harry, panting and pressing a kiss to Harry's temple as he pulled out of him and collapsed down on the bed next to Harry.

"If he has slept with Ruby, he will be going to Hell anyway, no matter what you do." Ardifiel said finally, once he had gotten his breath back.

"You suck at pillow talk."

"I just thought you should know."

"Why? I mean, why would he go to Hell?"

"Once you've slept with a demon, there is no absolution." Ardifiel explained to him softly, shifting on the bed to look at Harry.

"So then what? What if he has already signed his soul to Hell? What do I do then? Am I doing this for no reason?"

"You need to find that out. Harry... I will not allow you to go to Hell." Ardifiel told him firmly, shifting once again to be closer to Harry and pulling Harry over to him to hug, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Harry sighed softly and snuggled closer to Ardifiel, slowly relaxing enough and then falling asleep.

Reading, PA. 21st October, 2008

Harry woke up with a jerk to someone banging on their door. He looked down at Ardifiel, who he had been lying, sprawled across and frowned in confusion when Ardifiel looked up at him, equally as confused.

"Guys! Open up! New case!" Dean yelled, and Harry groaned and dropped his head down on Ardifiel's chest, then lethargically dragged himself away and off the bed, leaning down to grab a pair of boxers and pulling them on before going over to the door, glancing behind to him to see that Ardifiel had sat up in the bed and pulled his own boxers on.

"What's up?" Harry asked once he had yanked the door open to find Dean on the other side. Dean opened his mouth to, presumably explain what he was talking about, then snapped it shut when he took in Harry's appearance. Dean then looked around Harry and his eyebrows shot up at the sight of Ardifiel sitting on the bed, looking as rumpled as Harry.

"Dude! You slept with an angel?" Dean hissed, and Harry shrugged and rubbed his hair then raised an eyebrow. "Look, get suited up, like I said, new hunt. Someone else has been killed."

"Er... I thought we were leaving this case being that it really isn't within our jurisdiction." Harry stated, leaning against the doorframe, even as he heard Ardifiel begin to move around the room behind him.

"Yeah, we were until someone claimed that their boyfriend had been torn apart by a werewolf."


"Yeah, get dressed. We're gonna meet with the only witness." Dean told him and Harry sighed but walked back into the room, letting the door close behind him and looking at Ardifiel

"This place confuses me." Harry muttered as he walked over to his clothes that were on the floor and wrinkled his nose at the creases. Ardifiel snickered as he finished tying his tie and then moved over to Harry and touched the clothes, making the creases disappear. "Neat trick."

"Thank you. And I'll admit to being a bit confused as well. Do people normally go around killing other people by pretending to be hammer horror vampires?" Ardifiel asked him, checking his pockets for his badge whilst Harry quickly got dressed.

"Not that I know of."


"Yeah, my thoughts exactly." Harry muttered, finishing getting dressed and then walking to the door, Ardifiel following close behind him.

They left the motel, making sure to lock the door behind them and then went to where Sam and Dean were waiting for them by the Impala, Sam glaring at a smug, satisfied looking Ardifiel whilst Dean looked torn between disgust and begrudging respect.

"Come on, we're meeting an -" Dean checked his notebook and then looked up at Harry and Ardifiel once again. "Anna-Marie over at that bar."

"Okay. Let's go." Harry muttered, then followed Dean and Sam as they walked away from the Impala to walk to the pub.

Harry glanced to the side at Ardifiel, as they stood behind Sam and Dean, who were sitting at a table outside the pub, opposite Anna-Marie. Who Harry was beginning to think was completely insane.

"And then it just - it just tore Rick into little pieces." Anna-Marie told them, taking a sip from possibly the biggest cup Harry had ever seen in his life.

"She's insane." Ardifiel muttered to Harry and Harry snorted and nodded his head.

"With you on that."

"Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, but can you describe the creature?" Dean asked her and Anna-Marie nodded and placed the cup back on the table.

"Oh. It was a werewolf."

"Glad we got that sorted. Think she and that Ed guy actually share a brain?" Harry muttered to Ardifiel, who smirked and nodded his head slightly.

"A werewolf? You're sure?" Sam asked her, both Dean and Sam doing a valiant job of ignoring Harry and Ardifiel.

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face and the black nose and the claws and the torn-up pants and shirt, like from the old movies." Anna-Marie told them with an earnest expression on her face.

"Did she --?"

"Yep." Ardifiel answered without Harry having to complete his question.


"Um, well..." Sam trailed off and glanced at Dean, then over his shoulder at Harry, who just shrugged.

"Okay, so... thank you for your time." Dean told her, and slowly got up from the table, Sam following him and all four walked away, looking confused, whilst Anna-Marie continued to suck on her straw and watched them.

"What the fuck?"


fandom:harry potter, fic:confessions, pairing:sam/harry, rating:nc17, writing:fanfics, writing:slash, status:wip, fandom:supernatural

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