Confessions of a Male Escort

May 27, 2010 18:03

Chapter Six D

Gunnison, UT. 1st October, 2008

Sam blinked as he and Ardifiel reappeared in their motel room, back in America and looked at Ardifiel.

"So I get George?" Sam asked him finally and Ardifiel grinned widely.

"Oh, you get much more than George. You get what Harry would have won as well." Ardifiel told him with a wide smile, eyes bright with excitement.

"You lost the bet, why are you so excited?"

"Because I am looking forward to seeing your expression when you get it." Ardifiel admitted and Sam grinned at him and then raised an eyebrow.

"So? What do I get from you?"

"Not just from me. From the other four angels I mentioned. Do you promise to stay here, not move, not touch anything, not answer the door no matter what?" Ardifiel asked him and Sam looked at him strangely and nodded slowly.

"Sure... why?"

"I need to go somewhere for a minute, and I promised Harry that I wouldn't let you get into trouble."

"Right. Well... I should warn you that the last time I was told to do all that, it didn't go quite as planned. Just a warning." Sam told him with a sheepish grin and Ardifiel looked at him in confusion.

"I'm not sure I want to know." Ardifiel admitted and Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"Probably for the best. So I promise not to get into trouble if I can help it. Sound good?" Sam asked him and Ardifiel looked at him narrowly and then nodded and disappeared from the room.

Sam sighed then and looked around him, wondering what he could do whilst Ardifiel was away, to keep himself from getting too bored. The reason they had come to Gunnison was to hunt a spirit, much to Harry's disgust for some reason that no one could fathom, and had already finished it. So he really didn't have anything to do.

Sam groaned and then walked over to the table where he had left his laptop, which, he admitted, was surprising that it hadn't been stolen or something. He turned it on, and then sat back and began to search for possible hunts they could go on should Harry and Dean return within the next couple of days.

He had been reading over a possible hunt when his phone beeped and he glanced over at it wondering who it could be. Grabbing it he opened the message and read it.

'Can U meet me in the diner near ur motel. Ruby x' Sam reread it and then cursed quietly before quickly replying.

'No. Angel around. Sam' Sam then quickly closed the message and put his phone back on the bed, trying not to look as guilty as he felt. He knew Dean wouldn't be impressed if he found out, and Harry certainly wouldn't, but Ruby had told him she had a way he could kill Lilith, and he had to at least try.

Sam jumped when his phone began to ring a minute later, glancing around the room to see if Ardifiel had returned but hadn't told him for some unknown reason, he picked up his phone and cursed again, but answered.


"Is the angel there with you?" Sam winced at the sound of Ruby's voice and the guilty feeling inside of him grew.

"Not at the minute no, but I don't know when he will be getting back. It could be any minute, so I really shouldn't be caught talking to you."

"Where are Dean and the other one?"

"Harry and Dean are away with another angel." Sam told her and then winced again when he realised that he hadn't actually told Ruby that there was more than one angel.

"How many are there with you three?" Ruby shrieked and Sam had the urge to hold the phone away form his ear.

"Two. Castiel is helping Dean and... Harry is also being helped by an angel."

"Who? What is the name of the second angel?"

"Ardifiel." Sam said and he heard Ruby inhale quickly and then curse quite colourfully on the other end of the phone.

"Shit Sam. Do you have any idea who that is?"

"The most insane angel around?" Sam queried, wondering why Ruby was getting so distressed.

"He's one down from an archangel, Sam. He was there for the battle with Lucifer. He slaughtered hundreds and thousands. Sam, he specialises in killing demons. He is the angel of Strength and Challenges, and that is what he sees us as. A challenge that he can't wait to conquer. Don't let him know about me, Sam." Ruby pleaded and Sam forced himself to keep breathing steadily.

"So he's a big deal then?"

"Yeah. Why he's following around some measly mortal I don't know, but there is a reason for it and I'm not sure I want to find out what it is. He cannot be allowed to know about me, Sam. Not at all. Even if I'm helping, he won't care. He is one of the only angels to take pleasure in our pain, and get away with it."

"He does seem to get away with things that most other angels would look down upon." Sam conceded, turning in his chair so that he could see most of the room and would know when Ardifiel came back.

"That's because he is the highest you can get without being an archangel. He only listens to God and three other archangels, and even then he gets away with everything. Sam, be careful around him, he's dangerous."

"All the angels are dangerous. Ardifiel is no different."

"The other angels have morals. He doesn't. Or if he does, he just doesn't care."

"That's why he's with Harry then. That's why he chose to follow around a mortal." Sam said with a smile, even if Ruby couldn't see.

"Why? What is so special about this Harry person?"

"He's... he too doesn't have any morals. At all. Doesn't care about anyone or thing but himself. Not really." Sam told her, feeling a little bad for saying that about him.

"So why does he have an angel in the first place?" Ruby asked him and Sam nibbled on his lip as he pondered what to tell her.

"I don't know, not exactly. I just know that he might have no morals, but he has a really strong belief in God. They came to him for his help, I think. But... but I'm not sure what with." Sam told her, glad she wasn't actually talking to him face to face as she probably would have been able to tell that he was lying.

"Do you know why Dean was dragged out of Hell yet?"

"No, they refuse to tell us anything."

"Well, text me to tell me where you end up next and we can try and meet up then. I need to show you what to do next, and talk to you about something else." Ruby said distractedly, making Sam frown with suspicion.

"Right, I'll text you when I find out where we will be heading next then." Sam said and then hung up the phone and turned back around to carry on looking at news reports, hoping that neither Ardifiel nor Castiel was watching over him.

Lawrence, KA. 2nd May, 1973

Harry stood behind Dean as Dean sat at the table next to Samuel, looking at him and then sighing. Harry fidgeted as he kept an eye on Samuel, and stayed as close to Dean as he could inconspicuously. There was something different with Samuel.

"We have to kill this thing now, or Mary dies." Dean said finally and Samuel jerked back in shock in his seat.

"What? How do you know that?" Samuel demanded and Dean sighed, making Harry want to hit him, just knowing what Dean was about to do. Dean then pulled John's journal out and placed it on the table.

"I just do, okay?" Dean snapped and Samuel looked at him sharply.


"I don't know, maybe today, probably years from now, but it's happening, trust me." Dean implored and Harry's hand twitched to reach for his knife. He refused to call Ardifiel away from Sam though.

"So what, are you some kind of psychic now too?" Samuel asked him dubiously and Dean ran an agitated hand through his hair as he exhaled loudly.

"No, alright listen to me."

"Dean, don't." Harry snapped suddenly, glaring back at Samuel when the older man glared viciously at him.

"We have to Harry if it is the only way he will listen. Things have to change, alright? If we want to succeed, then he needs to know everything." Dean explained to him, glancing at Harry and then turning back to Samuel.

"Fine." Harry conceded with a small sigh, just knowing that this was all going to go balls up and he was going to get hurt. Again.

"Thanks. Now, this is gonna sound a little... actually, it's gonna sound massively, massively crazy." Dean admitted and Samuel nodded and leant back in his chair.


"Mary is my mother." Dean told him and Samuel stared at him in silence for a few seconds.

"Excuse me?"

"And I am your grandson, and I know what the hell I'm talking about." Dean reassured him, even though Samuel looked at them as though he thought they were crazy, seeing as Harry wasn't disputing any of this.

"You wanna run that by me again, son?"

"My real name is Dean Winchester. I was born January twenty-fourth, 1979. My parents are Mary and John Winchester." Dean told the stunned man and Harry fought a grin that wanted to erupt at the stunned expression on Samuel's face.

"I don't have to listen to this."

"Mary gets killed by a yellow-eyed demon in 1983, and I think that this, what happened tonight, I think this is the moment that he caught her scent. Now, if we don't catch this thing now, and kill it, and it gets away? Then Mary dies. So I am asking you, please." Dean pleaded with his future grandfather.

"He's telling the truth Samuel. I won't be born until July thirty-first, 1984. We're both here to prevent Mary's death." Harry told him and Dean sighed and then slammed his fist on the table.

"How did I know about the Colt? Huh? How did I know about the Yellow Eyed Demon? Or where it would be? I'm not making this up Samuel!" Dean exclaimed and Harry placed a hand on Dean's shoulder and squeezed it tightly to calm him down.

"Every bone in my body is aching to put you six feet under, but there's something about you, I can't shake it. Now, I may be crazier than you, son, but I believe you." Samuel said and Dean relaxed visibly and dragged a hand over his face.

"Thank you." Dean said, exhaustion colouring his voice and Harry nodded his own thanks, still not able to shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"I mean, how do we find this bastard?" Samuel asked, and Dean stood up and opened the journal.

"Right here, the list." Dean flipped to the right page and Samuel watched him closely, whilst Harry watched Samuel with suspicion.

"And with the Colt?" Samuel asked, and Dean nodded and took the Colt out of his jacket and put it on the table, much to Harry's disbelief.


"Here, let me see it." Samuel said, and Dean hesitated slightly, then moved it further away, towards Harry.

"Sorry, I don't let anybody hold it." Dean told him and Harry wondered if Dean was feeling the same suspicion about Samuel as he was. He also wished he was psychic so that he could tell Dean this mentally.

"I'm your grandfather." Samuel pointed out and Harry snorted derisively, getting another vicious glare from Samuel.

"Nothing personal." Dean said, taking a step back and sliding the Colt even nearer to Harry discreetly.

"Sure it is, especially when it's me you're trying to kill." Samuel said with a smirk just as his eyes when yellow. Harry quickly snatched the Colt up just as the demon waved his hand and sent Dean flying across the room into the wall. Harry aimed the gun at the demon steadily, and the demon grinned at him.

"You won't shoot me."

"Oh no? You really don't know me very well." Harry told him, then gasped when the demon sent him crashing into the wall opposite Dean, the Colt skidding out of his grip and into the kitchen.

"So... future boys, huh?" The demon said, moving to stand in front of Dean. "I only know one thing that's got the juice to swing something like that. You must have friends in high places. So, I kill your Mommy? That's why you came all the way here? To see little old me?" The demon said, then he spun around to face Harry, who was chuckling weakly, frowning at him.

"You're a moron." Harry muttered, locking eyes with Dean, who glanced towards the kitchen and then nodded his head slightly.

"Oh I am, am I? Care to explain why?" The demon asked, moving away from Dean to stand nearer to Harry.

"One, we came to kill you and two, if we have friends in high places, surely those friends are watching us now." Harry pointed out and the demon snarled at him angrily and then waved his hand again, making Harry grunt in pain as he felt something squeeze his lungs. When the feeling was released, Harry slumped and started gasping.

"I don't like you, little witch. I'm going to find out who made your deal and eviscerate them." The demon hissed and Harry began to wheeze and chuckle at the same time. Harry looked over at Dean, and noticed Dean was watching him with concern.

"You're a dick." Harry rasped, spitting out some blood from when he had bitten his tongue.

"Hmm, wait a minute. If that slut Mary's Dean's mommy, does that... are you one of my psychic kids?" The demon asked, turning to face Dean once more, who just glared at him, refusing to speak.

The demon walked over to stand in front of Dean and then leant down and sniffed him, before leaning back. "No, not you. Maybe you got a sis, or a bro -"

Dean turned his head back enough to look at the demon in the face and then glared at him, the demon stood up properly then and grinned widely.

"That's terrific, means it all worked out. After all, it's why I'm here." The demon exclaimed happily, and then he turned to face Harry, a look of confusion on his face. "Doesn't explain you though."

"Friends in high places remember." Harry told him with a weak smile.

"So, that's what this is about? These deals you're making, you don't want these people's souls." Dean said, and Harry wondered if this was Dean's way of getting the demons attention away from him before Harry managed to wind him up even more.

"No, I just want their children. I'm here to choose the perfect parents, like your mommy." The demon told him and Harry wondered if all villains had lose tongues with regards to their plans. Voldemort certainly did. Braggart.

"Why her? Why any of them?" Dean asked, and Harry began to pull against whatever it was that was holding him against the wall whilst Dean kept the demon distracted. He used his magic to fight against the demon's magic and grinned as he felt the bonds slowly begin to weaken.

"Because they're strong." The demon told him with a shrug. And Harry glanced at him and stuck his tongue out, before he began to focus once more on fighting the bonds. Harry noticed movement coming from the kitchen and his eyes widened as they locked with Deanna's. Deanna pressed a finger to her lips and then pointed to where the Colt had flew.

"They're pure, and they eat their Wheaties. My own little Master Race, they're ideal breeders." The demon bragged, and Harry looked at Deanna and shook his head vehemently. He didn't want her to die, if he could just save one person of Sam's family, then that might make all the difference.

"Oh get your mind out of the gutter, no ones breeding with me. Though, Mary? Man, I'd like to make an exception, so far, she's my favourite." The demon admitted and Harry turned to see Dean glaring at the demon. Deanna finally began to slowly walk to wards the Colt and Harry shook his head at her, sending her a pleading look, but she ignored him.

"So why make the deals?" Dean asked, having noticed Deanna and trying to keep the demon from also noticing her.

"I need permission." The demon told him simply. Deanna then stepped silently nearer to where Harry assumed the Colt was, and Harry glanced at her then back at the demon to see if it had noticed yet. "I need to be invited, into their houses, I know, I know, the red tape'll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it'll all be worth it. 'Cause you know what I'm gonna do to you sibling? I'm gonna stand over their crib and I'm gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals, it makes you big and strong."

"For what? So they can lead your discount demon army? Is that your big plan?" Dean asked, and Harry paid closer attention, wondering if the demon was going to admit to what the final plan was, and if Harry was going to have to force Dean into silence. Maybe this was why Castiel sent Dean to the past.

"Please, my end game's a hell of a lot bigger than that, kid." The demon scoffed and Dean looked at him in confusion, whilst Harry focused on destroying the last of the bonds holding him down and he could get Deanna out before she got killed.

"End game? What end game?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you, or those angels sitting on your shoulder. No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good." The demon said and Harry tried his hardest not to laugh aloud because he was pretty damn sure that the angels already knew the final plan.

"You can cover whatever the hell you want, but I'm still gonna kill you." Dean spat at him and the demon laughed.

"Right, now that, I'd like to see." The demon said with a grin and Dean grinned back at him.

"Maybe not today, but you look into my eyes, you son of a bitch, 'cause I'm the one that kills you." Dean told him seriously and the demon looked at him and then sneered.

"So, you're gonna save everybody, is that right? Is that it? Well, I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save." The demon said, taking out a knife. "Your grandpappy." The demon then plunged the knife into Samuel's stomach.

"No!" Dean yelled at the same time Deanna did as well, making Harry close his eyes in defeat for a second before he returned to getting rid of the last of the bonds holding him, but they were proving to be the hardest.

The demon walked over to Deanna, whilst Dean struggled furiously to free himself. The demon followed Deanna to the kitchen and then grabbed her and looked at Dean as he broke her neck and dropped her to the ground. Harry finally broke the bonds holding him and jumped up to get to the demon, summoning the Colt to his hand then stopping and grimacing when the demon began to twist his insides once more.

"Oh no, no little witch. You can't kill me yet. I haven't finished my plan. We can't have that now, can we?" The demon said, and Harry let out a pained whimper as his lungs began to feel like they were being squeezed of all the air in them. He coughed and grimaced as he tasted blood.

"You can't... kill me... either." Harry gasped at him and the demon chuckled and looked at him in amusement.

"Oh? And why's that? What's going to stop me?"

"Ar - Ardi -"

"No! You cannot summon him!" The demon hissed at him and then yanked his hand backwards and Harry weakly cried out in pain and collapsed to the ground, watching as the demon turned to leave. Harry shakily raised to gun to fire, but the demon was gone before he could get a proper aim.

Harry dropped the Colt to the floor where he crouched and clutched at his chest, even as Dean came charging into the room and found Deanna dead and Harry struggling to breath.

"Shit. Harry, don't die. I don't like you but Castiel and Ardifiel do and they might be upset if I let your die. Truthfully, they kinda scare me." Dean admitted and Harry laughed weakly and collapsed onto his side.

"I'll... I'll be... Ardifiel." Harry finally managed to call out and seconds later, Ardifiel was standing in the kitchen looking around him. He frowned and rushed over when he saw Harry on the floor.

"Can I not leave you two kids alone for a second without one trying to kill the other?" Ardifiel mock scolded as he knelt down next to Harry and placed a hand on his forehead.

"Is he going to be alright?" Dean asked and Ardifiel looked up at him and smiled.

"He grows on you doesn't he? What did he do to make you start to like him?" Ardifiel asked him curiously and Dean shrugged.

"Tried to help protect my family. Even though he knows what he will lose if we succeed." Dean admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Ah, I see."

"Yeah. So he kinda went up in my books then. How's Sammy?" Dean asked, glancing past the angel to Harry, who appeared to be unconscious.

"He is alright, or he was when I left him. I told him not to move or leave the room, but he told me that that didn't work the last time someone told him to do it. He didn't elaborate though." Ardifiel admitted and Dean chuckled and shook his head.

"Yeah, he touched and then lost a rabbits foot about a year or so ago. I told him to stay in the motel room and out of trouble, and he pretty much did that, and still managed to nearly get himself killed. Set fire to the air con and everything." Dean told him and Ardifiel chuckled.

"Well, we should hope that that doesn't happen this time then. He should be alright. I don't think he has touched a rabbits foot during our time together." Ardifiel told him, then he pulled back and slapped Harry on the face sharply. "I am sorry about your family."

"It's alright. Well, it's not, but it's not exactly your fault, is it?"

"Why the hell did you slap me?" Harry demanded groggily, pushing himself into a sitting position and glaring at Ardifiel.

"Had to wake you up. You have to help Dean finish his task." Ardifiel reminded him and Harry looked at him in confusion for a second.

"Task? Oh. Crap." Harry groaned and Dean smiled slightly then frowned once more. "We'd better head out then, get to Mary before that damned demon does."

"Hmm, I can give you a lift there if you wish." Ardifiel offered and both Harry and Dean looked at him incredulously. "What?"

"Should you be giving us more help? You've already irritated Cas by sending me here."

"He'll be fine. How is your bet going by the way?" Ardifiel asked him with a mysterious smile that put Harry on edge.

"It's going fine. You won't get George." Harry told him and Ardifiel just smiled even more widely at him.

"Of course not, now, let's get you two to Mary and John. Though Dean, you may be scarred for life if you pop in on the moment you were conceived." Ardifiel warned Dean and Harry snorted in amusement.

"Dean won't be born for another six years, Ardy." Harry pointed out and Ardifiel looked at Dean closely.

"Really? Hmm, I thought you were older."

"Hey! I'm youthful!"

Gunnison, UT. 1st October, 2008

Sam wrote down more notes on another possible hunt they could do and wondered if he should phone Bobby, tell him about it in case they wouldn't do it. He picked up his phone and then decided against it when he figured that other hunters could do their own research.

He yawned and leant back in his chair, wondering where Ardifiel had gone, and jumped slightly when Ardifiel appeared next to him as though summoned by his thoughts.

"You took your time." Sam pointed out and Ardifiel shrugged.

"Harry needed me."

"Harry? Is he alright? Is Dean?"

"They are both fine, now. Harry just got caught by a demon. Don't worry, I healed him." Ardifiel reassured him and Sam gave a small sigh of relief.


"Yep, they should be back soon. Maybe an hour or so." Ardifiel told him and Sam nodded his thanks.

"That's good then. So... what did I win?" Sam asked, looking at the angel curiously, a curiosity that grew when the angel smiled brightly at him.

"This." Ardifiel said and drew out a sword from behind his back with a flourish. Sam looked at it and then back at Ardifiel. "This is... was mine. It was forged in Heaven. It's now yours." Ardifiel told him and then held the sword out for Sam to take.

"Why... why would you give this up?" Sam asked him, tentatively taking the sword off of him and holding it in his hands. It was a bastard sword and didn't feel too heavy in his hands, he could feel it seemingly thrum with some sort of energy.

"I have a few of them. You get a new one every millennia. That was my third one so it is quite old now."

"Why would you give it to me?"

"You won it fair and square. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I have demon blood in me. Surely none of your... brothers will be happy with you for giving this up." Sam said, remembering what Ruby had said about Ardifiel being the rebel of Heaven.

"Probably not, but it is mine to do with as I wish. That sword will kill anything, Sam. Anything." Ardifiel emphasized and Sam frowned and looked down at the blade in his hands.

"What everything?"

"Yes. It will even kill angels. Or at least injure them severely. You cannot let anyone else use it."

"Not even Dean or Harry?"

"I can make the exception for those two, but... you cannot let your little demon friend know about this sword." Ardifiel told him and Sam shot him a fearful look.

"I don't -"

"Do not deny it, Samuel. We know that you have been meeting with a demon, and I am to warn you that you are heading down a very dangerous and slippery path. And you will be dragging Harry down it with you. And I won't allow that to happen."

Lawrence, KA. 2nd May, 1973

Dean and Harry walked down the road that Ardifiel had left them on, informing them that they would find John and Mary further down the road and that hopefully they weren't fornicating, which made Dean grimace.

"We won't be able to stop him, will we?" Dean asked him quietly and Harry looked at him and then the gun in Dean's hand.

"No." Harry told him honestly and Dean stopped, making Harry stop and look at him curiously. "What are you doing?"

"What's the point? I don't... I don't think I want to see the point that my mom gives up her life." Dean admitted, looking at the gun in his hand. "You were right, you can't change the past."

"No, you can't. So what do you want to do then?"

"I wanna go home." Dean admitted softly and Harry nodded his head.

"Okay. Castiel! Come on! Dean needs you!" Harry called out, then smiled when Castiel appeared next to them.

"Dean? Harry?" Castiel asked, looking at them both curiously.

"We're done here, Cas. Can you take us back to Daniel Elkins first, before you take us back to our right time?" Harry asked him and Castiel nodded his head and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

Gunnison, UT. 1st October, 2008

Castiel brought Harry and Dean back to Harry's motel room, which made Dean look around in confusion, whilst Harry just shrugged and moved to lean against the table in the room.

"I... I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal, she still died in the nursery, didn't she?" Dean asked Castiel finally and Castiel looked at Dean seriously, with a small amount of sympathy.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Harry was right, you couldn't have stopped it. It is not just the wizards that have that law." Castiel told him and Dean glared at him.

"Yeah, I guessed that. Harry told me enough times. Mentioned crap about Fate."

"Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination."

"More flowery, but yeah, that's pretty much what Harry told me." Dean said dryly and Harry grinned and shook his head in amusement. "Why'd you send me back though? If you knew I couldn't do anything, why send me back?"

"For the truth, now you know everything that we do." Castiel told him and Harry frowned, knowing that Ardifiel at least knew more. So was Castiel lying, or was Ardifiel?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean demanded angrily and Harry looked at Castiel, wondering how he would answer that.

"We know what Azazel did to your brother, what we don't know is why, what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up." Castiel told Dean and Harry became even more confused, as none of what Castiel was saying added up to what Ardifiel had told him.

"Where's Sam?" Dean asked suddenly and Castiel looked back at him.

"He is in your room with Ardifiel." Castiel told him and Dean nodded and walked out of the room. Harry stayed behind and looked at Castiel, who just looked steadily back at him.

"You lied to him." Harry told him bluntly.

"He is not ready to hear the truth about his brother." Castiel informed him and Harry sighed.

"You do have a point. You going to come with me to show Sam that Dean didn't off me, or are you going to disappear until the next time you need Dean's assistance?" Harry asked and Castiel looked at him and tilted his head to the side slightly.

"I will leave you to go on your own."

"Right. Of course. Dean won't bite, you know. You should get to know him better. Spend more time with him. All of us. Show Sam that you don't hate him."

"I do not hate Sam."

"I know that, but he doesn't. He thinks all the angels hate him." Harry pointed out and Castiel glanced at him and then looked away.

"He makes the angels nervous for what he might do."

"I know, Ardifiel actually speaks to me and tells me what is going on. Give Dean a chance Cas, and maybe lighten up a little." Harry told him, walking up to him and patting him on the arm. "I'll tell them you had to head off, but you know Ardifiel will see through the lie."

"I know."

"Ardy is gonna be having words with you soon."

"I know."

"If you don't lighten up a little, you might fail in your task of protecting Dean." Harry pointed out lightly and Castiel looked at him sharply.

"And if you do not start to take things more seriously, then you will fail in your task of stopping Sam from bringing about the next Apocalypse." Castiel told him sternly.

"I am serious, Cas. Very serious."

"Then how did you not know Sam has been sending the demon messages, telling her where you will be next?"

"I did know. How can I kill her though? She needs to feel more safe around Sam first." Harry explained and Castiel frowned at him.

"If you wait too long, then you will be too late. Sam will fall, and he will take you down with him."

"I fell a long time ago, Castiel. But thank you for the warning." Harry told him softly, frowning and wondering just how he was going to prevent Sam's fall when he couldn't prevent his own.

"I told you, I am find myself liking you. I do not want to see you fail in this task." Castiel told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks." Harry said with a small smile.

"Ah, is there a reason you are hogging my charge? We were wondering where you were." Harry and Castiel turned to see Ardifiel leaning against the wall next to them.

"Hey Ardy. I think I owe you something." Harry admitted begrudgingly and Ardifiel smiled at him widely, then glanced at Castiel.

"You do not owe me anything. You owe Sam it. He managed to shock Castiel. So Sam is now the owner of both your sword and one of mine." Ardifiel told him and Castiel sucked in a breath.

"You gave up one of your swords?" Castiel hissed and Ardifiel shot him an easy smile.

"Relax, Mikey-boy said it was fine." Ardifiel reassured him with a negligent wave of his hand. "Now, you had better go suck up to your boy and try to convince him to give you back your sword."

"How did you managed to make that sound dirty? You fail epically at being an angel." Harry informed Ardifiel and he noticed Castiel smile slightly beside him.

"Yes, yes. I know. Naughty Ardifiel. Now, go on, shoo. You might make it in time to tell Sam that his big, masculine brother was named after their grandmother." Ardifiel told him with a smirk and Harry smirked back and nodded, walking to the door and then stopping at it and turning to look at Castiel.

"I was serious about what I said, Cas. You should spend more time with Dean and Sam." Harry told him and then turned and left the room, wondering if Ardifiel would tease Castiel once he left the two alone.

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fandom:harry potter, fic:confessions, pairing:sam/harry, rating:nc17, writing:fanfics, writing:slash, status:wip, fandom:supernatural

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