Confessions of a Male Escort

May 28, 2010 20:50

Chapter Seven B

Harry walked over to the storage drawer in the morgue as soon as they got entrance, and glanced over his shoulder at Sam, who was behind him, as he pulled it open after checking the label.

"First a Dracula and now a full-on movie-time man? What the hell is going on in this town?" Dean asked as he and Ardifiel walked into the morgue behind them.

Harry carried the body bag over to the examination table and then unzipped the bag, wrinkling his nose up as the smell hit him and then looked inside.

"Huh. Haven't seen anything like that for a while." Harry muttered, and Sam looked over his shoulder and chocked in shock.

"Ooh, whew." Sam muttered, and Dean glanced in the bag, whilst Harry grabbed some gloves and then pulled them on and prodded the body. Or what remained of it.

"Damn!" Dean exclaimed, whilst Ardifiel just rolled his eyes and glanced up at the ceiling.

"Alright..." Sam said, trailing off when he noticed Harry was manipulating the hand in the bag to stick its middle finger up. "Harry!"

"What? Not like he's actually gonna mind, is it? He's been eaten by a giant freaking wolf man! Which, might I add, don't actually exist, so what the fuck is going on? This guy has been gnawed on. Literally. No one can physically imitate dog teeth without a dog. It's not possible. No matter how determined, sick and kinky they are."

"Could be a werewolf though. Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart, limb from limb." Dean pointed out, then Harry forcefully poked at the visible heart. "Ah."


"Fine, so what the hell is going on?" Dean asked, just as Sheriff Dietrich walked into the room.

"Well, I was hoping you boys could tell me. I just got a rush job on those fibres we found on the body." The Sheriff told them, pulling out a bag from the envelope he was carrying. "Canine. Wolf hairs."

Harry could feel hysterical laughter bubbling up inside him and glanced up from the remains to see that Dean was pinching the bridge of his nose and Ardifiel was looking more perplexed than Harry had ever seen him before.

"I'm getting a headache." Dean groaned and Harry finally let a small giggle escape.

They all sat, once more, at a table in the bar, this time Ardifiel and Harry sitting on the same side, whilst Sam either tried to avoid looking at them, or settled for glaring whenever his gaze caught Ardifiel's.

"I don't know, guys. Looks like we've stumbled onto a midnight showing of 'Dracula meets Wolfman'. Is that it?" Dean asked, looking at the three of them, and Harry shrugged and looked at Ardifiel, then Sam, who once again refused to meet his stare.

"I don't know. I mean, wolfman seems real enough. It makes Dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess." Sam finally said with a sigh and Harry frowned and nibbled at his lip.

"True..." Harry started, still frowning. "But werewolves don't grow wolf hair - that's just a myth. A stupid one at that."

"Harry's right." Ardifiel muttered, leaning forward on his elbows and bowing his head down to look at the table.

"So what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?" Dean asked, frustration evident in his voice.

"Looks like you guys are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon." Jamie said, bringing over two beers for Ardifiel and Dean, whilst both Harry and Sam got a coke each, much to the amusement of the former two.

"Yeah, this case just got weird enough for our department." Dean told her, much to the surprise of the other three, taking his beer from her.

"Well, drinks are on me. And just so you know, I get off at midnight tonight." Jamie added to Dean with a smile, whilst Ardifiel turned his head to narrow his eyes at Harry, who just rolled his own in response and glanced over at Sam, who was watching Jamie and Dean with bemusement.

"Oh, it's not another, uh... girls' night out?" Dean asked her, whilst Ardifiel huffed almost silently and Harry snickered in amusement.

"Doesn't have to be." Jamie told him with a shrug and an even wider grin.

"Okay then. I'll see you tonight." Dean told her, whilst the other three at the table just stared at him in exasperation.

"Okay, then." Jamie agreed and then walked away, hugging the tray to her chest.

"Hey, you think this Dracula could turn into a bat? That would be cool." Dean said, making Sam gape at him whilst Harry titled his head in consideration.

"If he could, then he'd be more than a vampire." Harry finally said. Then turned to Ardifiel. "Could Snape turn into a bat, do you know?"

Harry, Ardifiel, Dean and Sam walked over to the sarcophagus in the museum, where apparently a guard had been attacked by a mummy and they all looked at it and then at each other.

"I have no words." Harry finally said, whilst Sam snorted and then crouched down next to the sarcophagus, Dean and Harry following suit, whilst Ardifiel chose to look around the room in interest.

"This sarcophagus isn't ancient." Sam said finally, holding up a tag he had found inside it. "It's from a prop house in Philly."

"Well.... it goes well with the bucket of dry ice." Dean told them, holding up a tiny bucket with smoke still coming out of it slightly. Harry cooed suddenly and pulled the bucket from Dean's hands, much to the confusion of the two brothers. "Er..."

"It's tiny! So cute!" Harry gushed, quickly standing up and looking over at Ardifiel, who glanced over at him and walked over. "Look at the tiny bucket!"

"Those two are insane." Dean muttered to Sam when Ardifiel cooed as well and took the bucket from Harry.

"Probably. So... this guy. Is he making his own special effects?" Sam asked, frowning in consternation, and getting the attention of Harry and Ardifiel.

"Yeah, a mummy with a good sense of showmanship." Dean muttered and Harry snorted in amusement and then glanced at his watch and noticed that it was almost midnight. He opened his mouth to point that out to Dean, but was stopped by Ardifiel slapping his hand over his mouth.


"This is stupid." Sam muttered, not noticing Harry struggling to get out of Ardifiel's grasp, whilst Dean watched the two as though not sure what to make of them.

"Ardy. Stop. Now. What are we going to do? Clearly this is all kinds of crazy." Harry said, taking the bucket back from Ardifiel, who pouted at the loss.

"You know, I think I hate this case more for the fact that it is making me and Harry agree with one another far too often for anyone's sanity." Dean muttered, then glanced at his watch and Ardifiel groaned quietly behind Harry. "Oh, damn it. Jamie. I'm late. You're good here with the mummy and the...." Dean waved his hands around and then glanced at Harry with a nod. "Crazy."

"Yeah, yeah sure. Go." Sam said with a wave of his hand and Dean grinned at him and left.

"Why'd you let him leave?" Ardifiel finally whined once Dean was out of earshot. "Now he's going to get some and I won't be able to mock him for failing."

"Er..." Sam faltered and looked at Ardifiel in confusion.

"Okay... so shall we get on with trying to find out what the bloody hell is going on?" Harry asked, before Ardifiel could say something even stranger or Sam could say something that would get him smote.

"Harry...." Sam trailed off, looking a little uncomfortable and Harry sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't matter, Sam. Forget it. Just... just concentrate on the case, yeah?" Harry asked and Sam sighed but nodded all the same.

"Okay. I dunno what else we can look for here. Seriously, what clue can we get besides clues that tell us all of this is fake and we're looking for some weirdo with a fetish for horror movies." Sam muttered, flicking at the tag on the side of the sarcophagus and then standing up.

"Huh. I think I agree with you on that one. Mummies don't even exist... in the evil undead sense of the word I mean." Harry added and Ardifiel opened his mouth, then closed it again and frowned, all three of them nodding to the Sheriff as they left the room.

"Shall we go back to the motel then?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll jump you or something and Dean will see and realise that you're actually a scary gay man in disguise of... whatever the hell that disguise is." Harry muttered, waving a hand at Sam, who flushed and then scowled.

"No. And I'm not gay."

"You know, I've watched and visited this world a lot and the term gay in reference to a homosexual is relatively new... but homosexuality has always meant a man getting sexual pleasure from another man. Which you did. Making you homosexual... or gay." Ardifiel added, and smiled brightly when Sam glared at him.

"Ardy..." Harry said, trailing off and sighing instead, realising that nothing he said would make Ardifiel regret teasing Sam.

"Look. I get that you think you know everything about me and Harry, but you don't. Okay? So just... keep out of it." Sam threatened with a scowl, and Ardifiel raised an eyebrow at him.

"Or what, exactly?" Ardifiel asked him with a smirk, and Harry sighed and grumbled under his breath.

"Or -"

"Guys! Stop it! This is stupid. Just -" Harry stopped when Sam's phone began to ring and he pulled it out with a frown.

"Dean?" Sam listened to whatever Dean was telling him down the phone, face becoming more and more perplexed and then he nodded. "Okay Dean, we'll be right there."

"Sam?" Harry asked once Sam had hung up the phone, shoving it back in his pocket.

"Apparently he arrived to find Jamie being harassed by Dracula.... who escaped on a moped." Sam added with a confused frown.

"Er... so he can't turn into a bat then?" Ardifiel asked, looking equally as confused as the other two.

Sam, Harry and Ardifiel all walked into the bar where Dean and Jamie were sitting at the table, Jamie looking a bit shaken and Dean looking grim.

"You were quick." Dean muttered, glancing at them and then back at Jamie to make sure she was still alright.

"Yeah... Ardifiel gave us a... lift." Sam said, jabbing his thumb behind him at Ardifiel, who just grinned widely. Harry chuckled at the memory of Sam's discomfort of having Ardifiel touch him.

"Are you two alright?" Harry asked finally, making Dean throw him a look that told Harry that Dean was well aware Harry could care less if he was alright or not. Harry just shrugged and grinned back.

"Yeah, I think so. And I think I know what's going on." Dean told them, placing a folded towel onto the table, which the three men looked at in confusion

"Yeah?" Sam asked Dean, glancing from the towel to Dean, who rolled his eyes and nudged the towel towards Sam.

"Part of it as least." Sam frowned and opened the towel to see an ear folded within it.

"Uh, the ear part?" Sam asked, and Harry snickered and moved to pick the ear up, frowning at the rubbery feel to it.

"I've felt something like this before." Harry said with a bemused frown, whilst Dean nodded his head.

"Yeah, I ripped that off of Dracula's head. Hand it to Sam, he'll recognise what it is." Dean told him and Harry did just that, trying to place where he had felt something similar to that before.

"Oh, man." Sam said, almost as soon as the ear had been put into his hand.

"The skin of a shapeshifter. Just like St. Louis and just like in Mulwaukee. Of course this one's all buckets of crazy." Dean said, just as Harry snapped his fingers and got the attention of everyone else.


"Er... Joey? Who's Joey?" Sam asked, whilst Ardifiel snickered behind them.

"He... she... well depending on who you asked for, Joey was someone who worked for Jayne as well. A... specialist. If anyone rang up asking for something specific and Jayne didn't have it, then she rang Joey. He was a shapeshifter." Harry told them and Dean and Sam gaped at him, whilst Jamie just looked confused.

"You knew a shapeshifter and you didn't kill it?" Dean asked him once he had gotten over his shock.

"He wasn't doing anything wrong! Just charging people for sex. Really, not exactly a killable offence. Besides, he was fun! Knew how to get into the best places." Harry said in a slightly far away voice as he remembered.

"You're a prostitute?" Jamie asked him in shock and Harry snapped his eyes to look at her, making her blush at her outburst.

"I was... What of it?"


"Anyway! Back on track. I also uh... pulled this off during the fight." Dean said, pulling out a medallion from his jacket pocket and handing it to Ardifiel, seeing as Sam was busy looking torn between gaping at Harry and staring at the ear in his hand. "Check the label on the ribbon."

Ardifiel glanced at him and then down at the ribbon in his hand, turning it over and reading the label on it, then chuckling and handing it to Harry.

"It's a costume rental." Ardifiel said through his chuckles and Harry read the label and began to snigger beside him.

"All three monsters - the Dracula, Wolfman and the Mummy. All the same critter, which means we need to catch this freak before he 'creature from the Black Lagoon's somebody." Dean told them and Sam nodded, whilst Harry and Ardifiel just continued to laugh at the absurdity of the whole scenario.

"So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something. And the X-Files are real?" Jamie asked finally, and Harry just began to snigger even harder.

"No, 'The X-Files' is a TV show. This is real." Dean told her calmly, and Jamie flushed.


"Okay, so the stagecraft, the costuming -" Sam waved his hand and cut himself off, frowning in confusion. "It's like he's trying to re-enact his favourite monster movie moments, right down to the bloody murders."

"Wait a second. Who the hell is Mina?" Jamie asked randomly, making everyone turn to stare at her, then Harry stated laughing once more and had to lean on Sam to stay standing. "What?"

"Mina? Yeah, that's what he called Jamie. And he called me Mr Harker." Dean added and Harry slammed his fist on the table in mirth, making Dean and Jamie jump in their seats.

"Mr Harker! You!" Harry said through his laughter, pointing at Dean and trying to wipe the tears streaming down his face, whilst everyone else just looked at him in bemusement, only Sam seeming to understand what he found so funny.

"Anyone wanna share with us why he is in hysterics over this? Who the hell are Mina and Harker?" Dean demanded, and Harry finally managed to calm down a little, taking a couple of deep breaths and occasionally breaking out into giggles.

"Mina and Jonathan Harker are characters from the novels and movies." Harry said thorugh his giggles and Sam nodded from beside him.

"Yeah, Mina, Dracula's intended bride, Harker, the fiancé. Seems like he's fixating on you, like he see you as his bride." Sam told Jamie, who looked horrified at the statement.

"Wow. Lucky me." Jamie deadpanned and Harry giggled again before he managed to smother it.

"But to fixate on you, my guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you." Sam told her and Dean frowned, whilst Ardifiel looked like he was thinking of something.

"Jamie, has anybody strange come to town, somebody that has taken a specific notice of you?" Dean asked her.

"I don't know, Dean. It's Oktoberfest, I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I... Wait a second. There is Ed." Jamie said with a frown.

"'Ed Brewer' Ed?" Harry asked, straightening up and finally managing to look serious.

"Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy -"

"Where does Ed live?" Dean interrupted, whilst Harry frowned and silently agreed with Jamie.

"I don't know. But he works at the old movie theatre. I think he's a projectionist there." Jamie told him.

"Take care of Mina?" Sam asked him and Dean nodded, but Harry placed a hand on Sam to stop him from walking away.

"No, I don't think it's Ed." Harry said with a frown.

"I'm gonna have to agree with my charge on this one. Ed said he witnessed the first attack. Why would he do that? It'd make him a suspect." Ardifiel agreed, whilst Jamie looked at him in confusion.

"Charge? Wait, what do you mean charge?"

"Er... I'm... He's..." Harry frowned in consternation as he tried to explain what Ardifiel had meant without having to reveal the actual existence of angels.

"Harry can't be trusted on his own anymore. Nymphomania and all that, so Ardifiel is paid to keep an eye on him. Keep him out of trouble." Dean told her quickly, and Harry was torn between indignation and being impressed.

"Right..." Jamie said slowly and then frowned. "I don't think it's Ed either."

"See! Mina agrees with me as well. Three against one."

"Jamie doesn't count, you're hardly ever to be trusted and Ardifiel acts like he is stoned most of the time. You three go check out the movie theatre and I'll stay here to keep an eye on Jamie." Dean told them and Harry huffed and glowered at him.

"I don't want to!" Harry whined, but didn't put up much fight when Sam dragged him and Ardifiel away from Dean and Jamie.

"This is stupid. Ed is not the shifter." Harry grumbled as he, Sam and Ardifiel all stood in front of the cinema, each one not sure whether to enter or not.

"Maybe, but how can you be certain?" Sam asked him, and Harry shrugged and then sighed, knowing that he had just lost the fight.

"You two finished with your petty bickering? If so, we should head inside and see if Ed is actually here." Ardifiel said in a bored tone.

"Sure, sure. Let's go and see me get proved right." Harry said, waving his hand at them.

"Psht, for once." Sam muttered, leading the way into the cinema.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Mean's you're hardly ever right about hunts. No offence."

"See if I save your ass ever again." Harry muttered, pouting as he followed Sam and Ardifiel into the cinema and through the corridors in search of Ed. "Can anyone else hear that?"

Sam and Ardifiel both paused when Harry spoke and then nodded when the sound of organ music drifted down the corridor.

"I think we've found Ed." Sam muttered and then led them towards where the music was coming from. They found themselves in a large screen that was playing Phantom of the Opera silently, the music playing along seamlessly. Sam checked the clip in his gun, whilst Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, and Ardifiel just watched the two in amusement, all three quietly making there way over towards where Ed was sitting at the organ. Suddenly the music changed to something upbeat and Harry glanced at Ardifiel in confusion, seeing that Ardifiel's eyes were twinkling with suppressed laughter.

They bother turned their attention back to Sam and Ed in time to see Sam lunge forward and push Ed against the organ, holding him at gun point.

"You, FBI man - what did I -?"

"Shut up, okay, you know what you did!" Sam demanded, whilst Harry sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, looking completely unimpressed and Ardifiel looked increasingly like he was struggling with controlling his laughter.

"What?" Ed asked and Harry sighed even more loudly to try and show Sam that he was not impressed, judging by the fact Sam's shoulder's stiffened even more, Harry got the impression he had gotten Sam's attention.

"I now what you are."

"Pfft, clearly he doesn't." Harry muttered under his breath and then smiled innocently when Sam shot him a venomous glare over his shoulder.

"I'm not anything. I just like to play the casio." Ed told him in a panicky voice, making Ardifiel finally snort and begin to snicker.

"Had time to grow the ear back, huh?" Sam asked, and then grabbed Ed's ear and yanked on it.

"What? Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Ed cried out and Sam frowned and let go of the ear.

"It's supposed to come off." Sam said in confusion and Ed gaped at him incredulously.

"No, it's not!"

"Sam. That's enough, clearly Ed is human, I was right, you and Dean were wrong. Accept it." Harry told Sam as he walked forward and pulled Sam away from Ed.

"Yeah man! I'm human! What is wrong with you?" Ed demanded, rubbing his ear and glaring up at Sam, who stared back at him guiltily.

"Sorry about this Ed. Really, we are. Sam here hasn't taken his medication today." Harry explained as he tugged Sam to stand behind him.

"Medication? He's the FBI!"

"Yeah... couple of years back things got a little stressful for him and he had to take medication to stop himself from believing that things were real that clearly er... won't. So sorry you got dragged into this." Harry babbled as he slowly backed Sam away from Ed and towards Ardifiel, who was watching the scene in amusement.

"I want to make a complaint!" Ed exclaimed and Harry groaned and discreetly elbowed Sam viciously in the stomach, making his gasp in pain.

"Really? Well... Er... you can find the number for our er... offices on the internet. I'm sure." Harry said, wondering if that was actually true. "Look, we've got to go now. Bye!"

Harry quickly spun around and then shoved at Sam's chest to make him walk out of the room, causing him to stumble backwards before he regained his balance and turned around following Ardifiel out of the room, whilst Harry followed behind him, occasionally shooting wary glances over his shoulder at Ed, who steadily watched them leave with narrowed eyes.

Harry, Sam and Ardifiel all walked hurriedly into the bar, hoping to catch Dean and Jamie before they left to tell them what they had found out about Ed.

"Huh, looks like he's already gone." Harry said, noticing that the table was empty. "Why did they leave the door unlocked?"

"I dunno, I'm gonna ring Dean and tell him that Ed isn't our guy and to give us a call when he gets it." Sam told them, taking his phone out of his pocket and calling Dean as he walked away from them.

"I dunno, seems a bit odd, doesn't it? Leaving a place unlocked." Harry muttered to Ardifiel, who looked at him and nodded with a frown on his face.

"You do have a point. Why is there a bottle on the floor as well?" Ardifiel asked, glancing at the floor, and Harry followed his gaze and frowned at the empty bottle and walked over to it.

"Dean and Jamie didn't leave through choice, did they?" Harry asked, picking the bottle up and looking at it with a frown.

"Sam!" Ardifiel called out, making Sam look up at them and then walk over.

"Yeah?" Sam asked, closing his phone and looking at Ardifiel curiously.

"Dean and Jamie didn't leave by their own choice." Ardifiel told him and Sam frowned and glanced at Harry, who waved the bottle at him. Sam then looked at the table and walked over to it, picking up a napkin with a lipstick print on it.

"Lucy." Sam said, making Harry look at him curiously.


"The other waitress here."

"Oh. Oh! Huh, Ardy, can you take us to Dean?" Harry asked the angel, who wrinkled his nose.

"Er... it would be easier for Castiel to do it." Ardifiel told them and Harry raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. "Fine."

Ardifiel walked over to them and then pressed a finger to each of their foreheads and they blinked away.

They appeared in a room that looked like something straight out of a Frankenstein movie and gaped at the walls, until a voice behind them made them all turn around, Harry and Ardifiel bursting into laughter at the sight and Sam chuckling quietly.

"Dudes! You came! Brilliant! Get me off of this thing and stop laughing!" Dean yelled at them, strapped to a strange device and wearing lederhosen.

"Liking the legs, Dean!" Harry exclaimed with a wide grin as he walked over to stand next to Dean, grin widening when Dean glared at him.

"Suits you, Dean. You should wear this more often." Sam told him with a grin as he began to untie Dean's arm on the opposite side to Harry, Ardifiel unclipping his ankles and sniggering to himself.

"Shut up!" Dean said, pointing a recently released finger at Sam, who just grinned back at him unrepentantly. Dean climbed off the table and then gestured for Sam to kicked the door down. Sam moved forwards and kicked it, putting his foot though the door and watching it fall down to the floor. He then turned to face Dean, Harry and Ardifiel, who were all looking bemused and shrugged.

"Let's go." Sam just said, walking over the door and leading them towards where he hoped Jamie might be.

"You know... none of my other charges ever got into such amusing situations as you do. Castiel really is missing out by being a good little angel." Ardifiel mused as he followed behind Dean and Sam, glancing over his shoulder at Harry, who snorted in amusement and shook his head.

"Tell me about it." Harry muttered and Dean chuckled and shook his head.

"Even for us, this is weird." Dean informed them, then stopped when Sam stopped by a door and glanced at them before opening it and walking in. Harry followed behind the other three into the room in time to see Sam get flung across the room and slide down the wall.


"You will never be Van Helsing!" Dracula exclaimed with a Hungarian accent, making Harry snigger and watch as Dean attacked Dracula, then slammed into another wall. "And you, Harker, now you die."

"How 'bout now you shut the hell up?" Dean asked, keeping Dracula's attention as Harry crouched down by Sam to check on him and Ardifiel checked on Jamie. Harry glanced over in time to see Dean thrown down to the floor and Dracula raise his arms to go for the kill, then stop and stare down at his chest in shock, where a sword was sticking out of it. Harry glanced behind Dracula to see Ardifiel holding the sword with narrowed eyes.

"How? Silver?" Dracula gasped out, and the dropped to his knees when Ardifiel pulled the sword back out of his chest and vanished it, making Jamie, who was standing next to him, stare at him in shock. "Perhaps this is how the movie should end."

Harry snickered as he watched Dracula dramatically allow himself to fall to the floor and then breathed out wetly and then stopped breathing altogether.

"Ard -" Dean started to say, staring up from the floor in shock at the angel who, held out his hand to help him up.

"Yeah, yeah. Shame on me. Whatever. Castiel would not have been pleased if I had allowed you to die." Ardifiel told him as he pulled up off the floor. Harry shook his head in amusement and stood up, helping Sam stand up with him.

"Shall we go then before someone comes along and finds... Dracula here." Dean stated, letting go of Ardifiel's hand and looking down at the body of Dracula.

"Sure, sure. Wait a minute though." Harry said, and then looked around the room before he noticed the chair by the desk and walked over to it, shocking the other four in the room when he smashed it and picked up one of the legs.

"Harry, what - Harry!" Sam cried out in shock when Harry stabbed the chair leg into Dracula's chest, over the heart and then stood back with a grin.

"What? Makes it more authentic for whoever will find the body. Now we can leave." Harry told them and Dean stared at him for a few seconds and then chuckled and shook his head, before looking at Jamie.

"See? I told you they were weird."

Reading, PA. 22nd October, 2008

Harry and Sam stood next to one another outside of the bar the next morning, waiting for Jamie and Dean to finish saying goodbye, whilst Ardifiel bought them all another giant pretzel from the vendor.

"Harry... about the other night..." Sam started, glancing across the square to where Ardifiel was laughing at something the vendor had said to him.

"Forget it."

"No. I... I'm sorry I can't seem to tell Dean about us. I just... I don't want to disappoint him." Sam told him in a quiet voice, making Harry frown as what Sam said to him hurt him more than Sam probably thought.

"Sam. Drop it. Just... don't expect anything from me anymore. Until you are willing to tell Dean about us, then there is no us. Alright? Talk to me about it when you finally realise what it is you actually want." Harry told him, and then smiled brightly when Ardifiel walked back over to them and handed them each a pretzel and glanced behind him at Dean and Jamie.

"They still going at it? Re-virgin Mary over there really needs to let go already." Ardifiel commented lightly, taking a bite out of his own pretzel.

"Dean!" Sam yelled out and Dean glanced over at them, then back to Jamie, giving her one last kiss and then walking over to them, taking the pretzel Ardifiel offered him when he stood next to him.

"Feels good to be back on the job, doesn't it?" Dean asked with a wide grin and Sam grinned back at him and nodded, whilst Harry grumbled under his breath.

"Back on the job for you maybe. I miss my old job." Harry grouched, making Ardifiel grin at him whilst Sam and Dean just gaped, then Dean shook his head.

"The hero gets the girl, monster gets the gets, all in all, happy ending - with a happy ending no less." Dean added with a leer and Sam rolled his eye and laughed good naturedly.

"Real classy, Dean."

"Dean can be classy? Since when?" Harry asked in mock shock, grinning widely when Dean glared at him.

"All I'm saying is, the shifter man had a point, you know? It would be nice if life was movie simple. Although, if I was turning life into a movie, I wouldn't do this 'Abbott and Costello meet the monster' crap."

"Yeah. No, I know what you'd pick." Sam told him, whilst Harry and Ardifiel exchanged bemused looks.

"No, you don't." Dean told him with a chuckle and Sam nodded his head.

"I do."

"No, you don't."

"'Porky's II'" Sam told him and Dean gaped at him, whilst Harry snickered and Ardifiel just looked even more puzzled.

"What?" Dean asked and Sam smirked at him.

"You heard me."

"Lucky guess." Dean muttered with a pout and Harry began to laugh even more, then suddenly stopped when Dean looked at him.

"Say 'Pretty Woman' and I'll cut your balls off." Harry informed him and Dean looked scandalised for a second and then shook his head.

"Nah, there isn't enough sex in that film for you." Dean told him and then walked off, leaving Harry gaping at his back and Ardifiel and Sam to chuckle.

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fandom:harry potter, fic:confessions, pairing:sam/harry, rating:nc17, writing:fanfics, writing:slash, status:wip, fandom:supernatural

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