My Own Personal Humptey Dumptey Success Story

Apr 11, 2010 15:40

Except okay, so it wasn't a wall that did this boy in, it was a car, but hey, at least I managed to get him back together again. ^^;

So... everybody remembers this tragedy, right?

Well... look who's back. :3

2 weeks and counting back on his body, the former Alex now renamed Victor (thanks to Morbidollz who came up with that one) is holding together and feeling strong. If anyone recalls, Victor was initially put back together by Morbidollz in September who then unfortunately did not have time to further the project. He came back home in February pieced back together with crazy glue and some apoxie (on the inside of his head only). I have since bought more apoxie (which is actually pretty darn cheap when you consider how little of it this actually took...) and added way more on the inside and more on the outside to smooth out his cracks (some of which made the resin on each side of them uneven a bit), reshape his right eye (2 big chunks of which at each corner went missing), and ridge the 'scar' along the left side of his face - which is, of course, another crack.

It was my first time... and scary, but kinda fun. ^^; And now that he's back together and smoothed out... I really kinda like 'im. :3 He seems to be very solid with the help of the apoxie and I haven't noticed any strain on the cracks after 2 weeks of being back on his body.

He's stolen a pair of grey eyes (and now-bodiless-Eddie's wig) but he still has no face. XD I haven't decided who I want to sent him to... someone who can paint awesome scars - that is what I need. Suggestions?

Also... now that he's back together, I keep comparing him to new!Alex and... I swear there's something different! It's driving me nuts, I can't quite figure it out. Victor (old!Alex) is so much smirkier than new!Alex... there's something with the cheeks - like one of them has been sanded/modded somehow (not counting what I did to Victor :P)... but I can't figure out which one!! It's driving me bonkers... o_O Anyhoo... I still love them both, though. :3

Have some comparison pics and more shots of Victor?


Extra Shots of Alex

Comments/Suggestions Welcome :3

victor, mods, alex, dolls

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