"I could so model... if I wanted to" (Niamh: Volks Liz by blanki)

Apr 18, 2010 20:19

With the 3rd cycle of America's Next Top Doll Model looming, Ni is set on entering this round - I keep trying to tell her that 5'4" girls rarely make it as models, but do you think she'll listen to me? Oh, no... of course not. "I could so model if I wanted to," she keeps insisting. What do I do with this girl? *__* She's impossible to reason with...

So at any rate... I took the girl out for photos last Monday and I tried to focus on posing - body positions, that sort of thing... trying to see if she has what it takes to enter into the competition... I dunno... She's gorgeous, but I'm not sure the Volks SD13 body is... flexible enough. XD This does not make her happy... and she refuses to listen to it. ^^;;; She's so stubborn, my girl...

Full shoot on my PhotoBucket here, viewing-only password: friends. I tried to cut down a lot... I took so many! O_o

We start with a little broken-hip action... very model-y, as Ni would say. ;)

"And she says I'm not poseable enough... pfft!"

"If I can make a couple of stone buffalo look good... how could I not be a model? Am I right, or am I right?" ^^

Is anyone else totally obsessed with the Top Model series or is it just me? XD

niamh, dolls

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