Really? I Thought It Was Cafe Au Lait, Like Coffee Alright!

Nov 15, 2006 23:41

Guess who conquered physics today! Damn straight it was me. I suck in that class and have no idea what is going on at all, but he gave us a review exam to study from and I couldn't do it so Jackay helped me. Same questions, baby. I rocked that piece. But in english we were doing group projects and our teacher overheard us talking about pot and booze and blowjobs and sent me a really awkward email tonight saying I was a bright kid and not to get mixed up in that. He makes good brownies though. Nothing else exciting has happened, except that I found out my friend's mom is Fortune magazine's #6 Most Powerful Woman and she fucking beat Oprah. What now, O?

The Good

  • Piz's imitation of Wallace's "Did we come here to eat or study?" made me laugh a little. But just a little. This means nothing.
  • Meryl is so niave ("Weird. What do you make of that?") and slightly obsessive and she kept doing this weird thing with her lip. But her whole space assassinating lazer cannon story made my life. Who comes up with that?
  • How awesome would it be if Veronica had got an internship at the CIA instead of the FBI? She could meet SYDNEY BRISTOW!! And "Consider my mind blow. Then put back together and blown again." was such a Marshall comment. RIP.
  • I'm so excited that Veronica and Logan are sticking together even though they both haaaate each other and it's a really, really shitty relationship, because that means it's going to end violently!! We already have the couple's fight. Logan roasted a hoochie in Mexico and Veronica is PISSED. I enjoyed that they kind of showed Veronica wasn't a hypocrite by her running into the River Stix to help/save sweet, stupid Meryl.
  • Was that bloody guy in prison missing an eye? Because if he was I love him.
  • I love the Fitzpatricks and Liam dancing batshit crazy with Veronica was $$$. He should have just licked her face. But then also, my friend just got a new phone and this one doesn't have a camera so he always holds it up and just goes "click!" and says he's taking mental pictures.
  • Say what you want, but I LOVED the drugged up Veronica scene. The flashiness and blurred, slow vision was fucking sweet (compensated for that narsty flashbacks? Y/N). Homegirl needs a rape whistle though. And HOLY SCARIEST SHADOW EVVVVER. WITH THE SCARIEST WHITE GLOVES EVVER. Nice job pressin the panic, B, but when did the rapist have time to do the shave job? When Veronica was in Logan's arms I half expected her to be like "I'm sooo cold."
  • Landry is a rapissssst and is gonna killll someone and I stick by that for one and a half more episodes.
  • There's a store called World Of Cigarettes?
  • G. Fed, wassup roomie? Can a homie ge' some XBOX, fo' reals?

    The Bad

  • Veronica/Keith is my rock. And when they falter, I falter a little bit too. There's no need for random S1 Jake Kane shout outs and verbal nuts kickings by spicy blondes. Can't we all just love?
  • Stop giving excuses for people not being in the episodes. Just put them in the episode. Where the fuck did Mac go? I think it's been over 48 hours.
  • Who framed Mercer with the GHB? You writers better not forget to answer that, because I want to know if General Cyrus O' Dell has GHB and I want to know if for true. Otherwise, that was a waste of a frame story and I will be angry.
  • Harmony is super sweet, but T.M.I.-ing for reals and she got kind of over the top mushy mushy in this episode. I though for cereals she was going to break into song at any moment!! But I just wish that Keith had met her while she was single so they could continue that weird brush kiss. But WTF Vinnie pictures? Was Keith BITING her SHOULDER??
  • When is Logan going to punch Piz in the nose? And bedhead does not agree with Veronica much of anything.
  • Don't hate boys. We're nice, I promise.

    The Snarky

    Veronica: "How long have you been standing there Piz? I might expect a tip."

    Mercer: "But you shouldn't worry, he's a solid guy. I mean, I'd want him to be my boyfriend, if I swung that way."
    Veronica: "Give it time. You just got here."

    Veronica: "Have you have heard of Occam's Razor?"
    Meryl: "s that a lazer? Has it already been invented?"

    Vinnie: "The girl at the photomat used to call me the human tripod. Wait... that's something else."

    Piz: "There's a girl in my bed."
    Veronica: "Yeaaaah, buddy."

    Piz: "Can you bring back an egg sandwich, of some sort, if it won't slow you down."
    Veronica: "Egg sandwich. Egg sandwich? Orange whip?"
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