McShep Match 2008: Polls closed & Masterlist

Jul 17, 2008 00:49

And that's it! Polls are now closed and votes will be counted tonight - look out for the results coming to this community some time tomorrow.

All names should be on entries now, along with any beta thanks and other author notes you included with your submission. If we've missed any, or if you want to add beta thanks, please just let us know. Same applies if you spot any errors, though we've checked as best we can.

Please note that the fest is not over yet - you'll be able to post your entries for the fest to your own journal and/or website once the results are up, but please wait until then.

Before we head off to tackle the massive pile of votes, we'd like to say a huge thank you to our fantastic Team Captains blueraccoon and thegrrrl2002 for all their hard work, to our artists elli (who made the artwork and icons for this year's communities) and leyna55 (whose fabulous prize artwork you'll be able to admire tomorrow) - and of course to everyone who took part and made the whole fest possible. Special thanks also go to our fabulous backup volunteers argosy, bluflamingo, busaikko (twice!), icarusancalion, kisahawklin, lamardeuse, sheafrotherdon, skinscript, soleta and tex. We can't possibly express how grateful we are for you stepping in to save the day.

May the best team win!


A Moment's Consideration by monanotlisa (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Quid pro quo
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard (other pairings in past & background)
Warnings: none given
Summary: The road taken.

A Place On The Corner by almostnever (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Red letter day
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Lots of pastry. Possible danger of sugar shock. :-)
Summary: Some things are worth waiting for.

A Ribbon at a Time by thegrrrl2002 (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Place in the sun
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Changes in the Pegasus galaxy bring change to John's life. And everybody else's, too.

All the Pharaoh's Men by ladyamarra (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Weakest link
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Scenes of violence (not graphic)
Summary: "Shut up and walk," the guard grunts hoarsely and Rodney's glad he's bound to the man before him or he would fall and land in the blistering hot sand face first.

Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology by Quasar (quasar273) (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Call of duty
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Years ago, John recruited a famous wizard for a project that went bad. Now he's asking for Rodney's help again.

Attention Paid by roaringmice (Home Team) [R]
Prompt: Dead Ringer
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Spoilers for season 4 Doppelganger, but one need not have seen that episode to read this story. Swears, especially toward the end.
Summary: John comes back from a mission and he’s not quite himself. Rodney thinks he knows what’s going on, but he doesn’t know the half of it.

Bacchanalian Circuit by icarusancalion (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Run the gauntlet
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Humorous dubcon. Yes, yes, I know.
Summary: "Let me get this straight. I have to run a gauntlet of your kinky sexual fantasies to get out of here?"

Baseball Boogaloo by skinscript (Away Team) [G]
Prompt: Ace in the hole
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: When John Sheppard leaves the Flyboys to pitch for the Atlanteans in the new International League of Baseball, he's leaving behind a reputation he'd rather forget and carrying with him the aftermath of an injury that should have ended his career. Can a brilliant, smart-mouthed catcher help him become more than he ever expected, in ways he would never have predicted?

Beast of Burden by wickedwords (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Rolling stone
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: none given
Summary: Rodney was reeducated, given a good job far from the capital city.

Blink by lavvyan (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Eye for an eye
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: AU, somewhat strange and darkish. OC death.
Summary: I am going to tell you a story. About Dr. McKay and how he bought an eye from me, and how that one small act led to the strangest night in my entire life.

By Whirlwind Scattered by busaikko (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Dead ringer
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: trust yourself above all; character death of two utterly unnamed red-shirts
Summary: On the seventeenth day after the jumper crashed, Rodney realized that the man he was stranded with was not John Sheppard. (5,700 words)

Fault Lines by moonlettuce (Home Team) [R]
Prompt: Weakest link
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, Lorne/Zelenka implied
Warnings: None
Summary: When John Sheppard was thirty-nine, the Wraith made him a Runner.

For Future Reference by propinquitine (Home Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Chapter and verse
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Minor spoilers for S4
Summary: Browsing in a well-organized library can help you find things you didn’t even know you were looking for.

Future Imperfect by ldyanne (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: One for the road
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers
Summary: Sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do.

Good Neighbor Policy by lamardeuse (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Quid pro quo
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Spoilers for S2 - late S4 inclusive.
Summary: His whole life, home had been something that happened to other people.

Here Be Monsters by tzzzz (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Walk the plank
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Listen well, younglings, because this is not a tale for those of weak appetite. It is a story of adventure, romance, history, but most of all, it is about freedom.

Illumination by burkesl17 (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Eye for an eye
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: none given
Summary: He screamed as his vision was filled with the sharp metal syringe and the pastor shouted in his head as the pain hit, "An eye for an eye John Sheppard, an eye for an eye…"

In This Era of Liberty by chandri (Home Team) [PG]
Prompt: Run the gauntlet
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: People are not like mathematics. They don’t make nearly as much sense.

Infiltration by villainny (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Through the grapevine
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: none given
Summary: 'I'm hopelessly in love with you,' Rodney said, and rolled his eyes.

Into Something Rich and Strange by hyperfocused (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Sea change
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, a bit of Patrick Sheppard/O.C
Warnings: Wait half an hour after eating to swim.
Summary: There's something fishy about John.

Into the blue by firedragon9 (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Band of brothers
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Mention of torture, genocide and eugenics. This story includes references to the Holocaust which may disturb or offend some readers.
Summary: The calendar said June 1943, but it felt like 2023 to Rodney. (WWII AU, like a complete shift with reality.)

Into This World Again by mmmchelle (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Smoke and mirrors
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Rodney returns home, and John finds things aren't the same.

Less to Say by flatlanddan (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Eleventh hour
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Rating is entirely for language.
Summary: This place is kinda weird. Not life sucking aliens weird, but still kinda weird.

Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition by telesilla (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Pound of flesh
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: It's 1904 and Lady Elizabeth Weir, Dowager Countess Menlow and Head of the Atlantis Expedition, is the widow of an English noble; Colonel John Patrick Sheppard, US Army Reserve, is a Spanish-American War veteran who's also piloted airships and tested aeroplanes and motorcars, and Doctor Meredith R. McKay, smartest man in two galaxies, is the inventor of the first Patented Completely Portable Personal Computing Machine. And yet, things are strangely familiar.

Miscommunications by fiareynne and secondalto (Home Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Through the grapevine
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Rumors often start with a nugget of truth.

Mission: Improbable by sageness (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Thief in the night
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: AU; action movie-style violence
Summary: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it…"

Near Things by kassrachel (Home Team) [Adult]
Prompt: Eleventh hour
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, implied McKay/Brown
Warnings: None
Summary: "I am not risking the possibility of showing up at my own wedding with a hangover!"

Never Going Home by bluflamingo (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Zero tolerance
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: John believes in miracles, in last minute saves, in the impossible. He's lived all of them. He also believes in small, random things that kill people; in the end you don't see coming, in the impossible-in-a-bad-way.

No Light and Transient Cause by sheafrotherdon (Home Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Walk the plank
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard and a mention of Dex/Keller.
Warnings: Takes place after 5x01: Search and Rescue. Small casting spoiler for season five.
Summary: Rodney McKay has an opinion on everything, including whether, in times of crisis, John Sheppard has any business risking death. Answer: no, don't be utterly stupid, what kind of ridiculous half-wit are you anyway?

No Place Like Home by argosy (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Clean slate
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: An Ancient device gives John unexpected (and unwelcome) insight into the relationships of Johns and Rodneys across the multiverse.

Now You See It, Now You Don't by yavannauk (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Smoke and mirrors
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Rodney McKay designs spectacular tricks and illusions for magician John Sheppard to perform.

One of These Things Is Not Like the Others by soleta (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Drop in the ocean
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: When the team is abducted on a routine mission, John is presented with more complications than anyone could have foreseen. Set during season three.

Perchance to Dream by blueraccoon (Away Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Thief in the night
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: We're stuck here until we fall asleep, and then…

Quiet on the Set by fractalreality (Away Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Chapter and verse
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: "Quiet on the set!" was something Rodney never quite grasped as a concept…

Risk Assessment and Management (and Other Heart Math) by shetiger (Home Team) [PG]
Prompt: Ace in the hole
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Minor season 4 spoilers
Summary: Anticipating every single way something could go wrong was an impossibility--but then again, Rodney had done the impossible before.

See You When I Get There by lilac_way (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Red letter day
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: none given
Summary: Rodney McKay was in a pretty good mood. He'd been able to replace his ruined backpack, he had a new Prada jacket, and he'd gotten a seat on the El. If the AP physics class was less stupid than usual and he got a chance to talk to John, it'd be a red letter day.

Shadows Cast by Outward Things by wesleysgirl (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Pound of flesh
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: 9450 words. It's not that John doesn't know how obsessed Rodney can get when he's really focused on something -- he does. What he hadn't known was that Rodney was holding onto this all this time, and it's kind of disturbing to find out something new about Rodney now. Especially something like this.

The Corps by kisahawklin (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Place in the sun
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, Teyla/Ronon, others implied
Warnings: None
Summary: After four years of the Wraith winning the Drum Corps International World Championships, Atlantis is finally poised to take over the title.

The Distance between Two Points by tex and lamardeuse (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Rolling stone
Pairing(s): John/Rodney, John/Nancy, John/OMC
Warnings: None (spoilers to Outcast)
Summary: Home isn't always a place.

The Greater Share of Honor by pollitt (Home Team) [PG]
Prompt: Band of brothers
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Missing scene/tag for "This Mortal Coil" so spoilers for that episode, and includes reference to information we've learned in "Outcast".
Summary: "For he to-day that shed his blood with me/ Shall be my brother" --Henry V, Act IV, Scene III

The Hanged Man by busaikko (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Wing and a prayer
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Some games are best with two players. (pre-Sunday S3, no S4, S5 spoilers).

The Thought That Counts by eccentricweft (Home Team) [PG]
Prompt: Call of duty
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: "We're about to come down with the plague, and you want to know how I'm feeling?"

Tied Up Inside by gblvr (Away Team) [PG]
Prompt: Drop in the ocean
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes you just need to go away to figure out where you really belong.

'Til Human Voices Wake Us, and We Drown by flyakate (Away Team) [R]
Prompt: Sea change
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: none given
Summary: Sometimes, one mission can change everything.

Tonight and the Rest of My Life by velocitygrass (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: One for the road
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: He didn't need or want a tearful goodbye, but he wanted something, something that acknowledged their relationship-their friendship-and the fact that they might never see each other again.

Unpredictable by emeraldsword (Home Team) [Adult]
Prompt: Zero Tolerance
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: In which Rodney keeps getting everyone arrested, Zelenka has cake-related schemes, Teyla has a saying and John has choices to make…

What's Still Unwritten, You Can Erase by syrenslure (Home Team) [PG-13]
Prompt: Clean slate
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Spoilers for The Last Man
Summary: John Sheppard's made a lot of wrong decisions that have helped put him on the right path. Now, he has a chance to make the right ones.

Wing and a Prayer by sgamadison and the_cephalopod (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Wing and a Prayer
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: None
Summary: It was going to take more than a pair of ruby slippers to get them home this time. It was going to take all his ingenuity, a lot of careful plotting and some of John's infamous luck...

With Bones Like That by torakowalski (Home Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Skin deep
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Warnings: Temporary genderfuck
Summary: “I’m Dr Rodney McKay,” she said slowly. “We were at Berkeley together. You majored in mechanical engineering because you’re an idiot who wanted to go to war rather than use your brain for something worthwhile. I’m Rodney McKay with breasts, okay? It’s not that hard to grasp." AU. Title from The Fratellis’ Chelsea Dagger

You've Written Your Own Directions (And Whistled the Rules of Change) by kyuuketsukirui (Away Team) [NC-17]
Prompt: Skin deep
Pairing(s): John/Rodney (+ past John/Ronon and Rodney/Teyla)
Warnings: None
Summary: Rodney's main criteria when browsing personals is intelligence, or at least the appearance thereof. Correct spelling and grammar, that sort of thing. As it happens, this narrows down the field considerably.

masterlist, !mod post

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