TEAM AWAY: Thief in the night, "Perchance to Dream"

Jun 16, 2008 21:02

Title: Perchance to Dream
Author: blueraccoon
Team: Away
Prompt: Thief in the night
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: We’re stuck here until we fall asleep, and then…
Note: With many thanks to wickedwords and fairestcat for helping me get through this.

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Comments 39

incidental_fire June 16 2008, 19:22:32 UTC
This was great - a marvelous way to start off the challenge! I like the idea that they accidentally set off an automated system, that it really had nothing to do with them at all (except maybe for having the ATA gene), but of course that didn't occur to them. Which, given what all else they've been through, I don't really blame them. Their voices were spot-on, and I can imagine that it would take the two of them being this isolated for John to have *any* kind of conversation about whatever their relationship is.

"You're--you're--" John almost squirmed, except guys didn't do things like that. "You know what you are," he said helplessly.
Oh, poor John. ::pets::


roaringmice June 16 2008, 20:23:03 UTC
Loved this:

John knew he was exhausted, knew he had to watch his tongue, and still found himself shaking his head. "We're sleeping together," he said, looking up at Ronon. "That a problem?"

"Do I look like I care where you put your dick?" Ronon asked.

That's so Ronon.


anatsuno June 16 2008, 20:25:39 UTC
Great start!


the_cephalopod June 16 2008, 20:30:07 UTC
Oh, what a great beginning! I really enjoyed this - very intriguing and the ending is perfect! cep xxx


pionie June 16 2008, 20:52:09 UTC
Really enjoyable! I loved the realism of their relationship, with that hopeful, but Ic and not smooshy ending, which really fitted with the tone of your fic :)


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