Application Post Take Two

Jun 05, 2005 19:23

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application post

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Annie Goldstein | OC | 1/idek notsaul December 14 2010, 03:39:20 UTC
Name: The Great Trekini
Personal LJ: annehiro
Contact Info: TrekFaerie on AIM!
Other Characters Played: Vince Noir, Mr. Teatime
Preferred Housing: 339 Brady Lane. Just waitin' on Raz-mun, yo.

Character Name: Annabelle “Annie” Goldstein
Character Age: 17


2/god I should've counted beforehand or something notsaul December 14 2010, 03:43:19 UTC
Background: Many, many years ago, the Tribe of Benjamin was nearly wiped out after the Battle of Gibeah. Most of the tribe mixed in with the other tribes. The key word here being “most ( ... )


3/word limits can suck my eggplant notsaul December 14 2010, 03:45:30 UTC
Werewolves live considerably longer than humans, so Annie has never really feared death. When you're able to turn into a wolf the size of a school bus with the capability to twist off a person's head like a bottle cap, death is the last thing on your mind. Thus, Annie often takes part in risky behaviors with little consideration for the consequences, like smoking, drinking, and running around naked in the middle of a blizzard. However, dating an actual immortal has caused her to start to doubt her own near-immortality, and she's been trying to cut back on the first two vices. She refuses to give up running naked in the snow. We all need our hobbies ( ... )


4/done coolsauce notsaul December 14 2010, 03:49:02 UTC
Sample Entry 1: oh god this looks so awk with my default...

Sample Entry 2: [After a Valentine's Day-like event.]

Okay, so this is the part where I act like I'm even partly sorry for everything that happened yesterday, right? Good, good! I think I'm finally getting the hand of this crazy place!

To my heterosexual guy friends: I apologize for fulfilling your wildest dreams and then dashing them so cruelly. We'll always have the blue candy hearts!

To my sexy girl friends: … I regret nothing. Nasira will kill me if she finds out about this...

… Also, if anyone found a pair of sky blue Victoria's Secret boyshorts in their bed, broom closet, or backseat of their car, I would really like them back.


Re: 4/done coolsauce ra_ra_razputin December 14 2010, 04:47:28 UTC
Just posting with housing permission~!


Accepted! mayfield_mods December 17 2010, 21:42:05 UTC
Welcome to 339 Brady Lane, Annie Hatch! Please reply here with your character journal. Once you've done that, complete the following:

• Join mayfield_rpg, mayfield_logs, and optionally junefield
• Add your info to your canon post
• Update your friends list here, and comment to that post with your journal name.

And you're ready to go! Make sure to introduce yourself in the main comm and tell people where your character will be living!


Re: Accepted! notsaul December 17 2010, 23:29:43 UTC
shorty got them apple-bottom jeans

boots with the fur

with the fur


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