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Comments 10

ellipsesbandit April 9 2013, 12:45:25 UTC
Congratulations on the N5!!!


mayezinha April 9 2013, 17:18:58 UTC
Thanks! :)

Are you settled already in your new place? Hope it isn't as cold nowadays!


ellipsesbandit April 9 2013, 20:13:07 UTC
We are actually mid-blizzard right now. Colorado and spring never did get along. I am mostly settled in the new place though, so that's good.


mayezinha April 11 2013, 01:03:14 UTC
DDD: Blizzard? I hope the weather gets better. And I hope we can see pics soon!


leviosa8 April 9 2013, 16:16:43 UTC
Hasta que no llega el papelito no te lo crees, ¿verdad? :D


mayezinha April 9 2013, 17:14:47 UTC
Sí!! Y me imagino que tú también has de estar en las nubes, ¡muchas felicidades!!
Yo me seguiré encomendando a la Virgen del Kanji para los demás exámenes.


reposoir April 9 2013, 16:24:07 UTC
Miura Haruma (with the most awful styling

Yep. When I saw it, I wept silently inside for a while. :<



mayezinha April 9 2013, 17:17:42 UTC
I mean, at his age, after all these years, why sell him as a pretty face only?
He'll be a car racer!!! They could've toned down the ikemen factor!

Thanks!! <3

And yesterday noticed Kentaro will be in a Kyou Kara Maou adaptation, playing Gwendal! Because they needed a huge ball of fluff for that. XD;;


moka_n_waffles April 11 2013, 00:27:29 UTC
That Johnny's Journey with ABC-Z is hilarious!! It's so great to see them speaking English and doing all kinds of antics (even though yeah, there are staff around lol). These shows are so refreshing!! I remember that Route 66 documentary was what made me stop hating Yamapi right after he had left NEWS, lol. It was so good!! I don't even know much about ABC-Z but I'm looking forward to the next episodes. They are so cute!! (Haha and yay HasshiTottsu!! XD ( ... )


mayezinha April 11 2013, 01:24:07 UTC
They're all so cute, but it impresses me how Goseki despite being the older, he puts himself on the side and Tsuka-chan steals the attention. XD ( ... )


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