Tiny fandom roundabout and Spring Drama list!

Apr 08, 2013 22:26

So I just noticed that I don't have my movies, dramas, anime, etc. of the year and it's already april. (_ _)
It's like I've been sucked by a black hole, seriously. And I have to update my sidebar. >>;;
I would change my layout, but somehow I blocked the LJ icons in FF, so it's gonna be a hassle edit it. XD;;

But believe it or not, I've watched some stuff lately in the last couple weeks.
[Two animes and one drama and a half]
Kobato Anime: Between the original chapters, the reissues and what not, didin't finish reading the manga even when it's a short one.
It was pretty amusing to find Kobato's speech easy to understand. XD;;
Another thing to like were the crossovers. And well, this was an angsty story CLAMP-style. And in the last episodes I cried lots, as expected.
Still IDK if somewhere in the manga they explain the issue with Sayaka-sensei and her husband, it was pretty confusing. I think it was one of the weakest characters I've ever seen on CLAMP, a vilain just for the sake of being a villain.
Now where's all the Kobato fic. But well, you'll have all this age gap thing CLAMP is always fond of. >>;;

I began watching BLOOD-C and had the foresight of checking wikipedia and as I didn't like the spoilers, I'm dropping it. I wasn't to fond of the animation anyway. Too much red and too much fanservice.

GIFT: Probably Kimutaku wasn't at his hottest here (still lanky but any chance was good chance to show him in underwear and of course, his epic naked first scene) and his acting wasn't that awesome, but he landed an interesting script with enough empty spaces to make up for it. And damn, he had already lots of personality. Also got a great cast and an amazing wardrobe for a 1997 drama, you can see it oozes budget (or sponsors). Disclaimer: As I liked it, probably is a slow drama, don't tell me later it sucked.
On the other hand you can see a young Shinohara Ryoko playing the (not so) tart girl trying to get in his pants and how this season she's already treated as an obaasan. Oh well.
I'm stucked in Ep 07 because my DVD is acting up and refusing to play all my discs. This is why I can't have a screencap, sorry.

Also I cheated and ran selected eps of Orthros no Inu in fast forward. It was a really bad one. Sorry, Tackey. And WTH was that ending? Nishikido, I don't know who choose the dramas for you. I still believe you signed an immunity contract for Papadoru to not appear in anything else. And it was a good choice.

But also I watch new shows:

* The next J's Journey is about A.B.C.Z, where they have to go through Australia living in a van and on working holiday to be able to pay for everything.
[Small comments]It sucks to be recently debuted, because while Yamapi and Tackey didn't have any budget restrictions, Kitayama (I don't know about Chinen and Takaki) and this guys have to make ends meet.
And of course, they have staff around them so No Staff my ass.
Still I wish for a MassuMaru trip, just hopefully they won't go to Amazonia because Massu will die of a heart attack.
If you wonder who I ship in this group, your answer is in the pic.

* So a new Gokusen is needed? Fear not! We'll have gang fights in Bad Boys J, where we have 3 different kinds of badass guys.
[Sorry, no screencaps]My fave is Nakaken who is probably your earnest boy (who miracously happens to be good at fighting) and has a love interest (It's a close battle of who has the biggest buckteeth) involved in gangs. Or something like that because I watched the raw.
But I admit that Nikaido Takahashi is working hard to give his best as the BEAST gang honcho, just EEEWWWW to the fang chick from AKB. D:
And well, Hasshi is scary hot as the leader of a Host band. My money is in that he's wearing a fugly wig. Triendl Reina has a pass because I like her, but I wasn't able to watch Sugarless, so IDK if she can act a bit or not.
As back characters some Johnny's Jrs. that I don't even know. XD;;
And seems that Ouji will be a character in the Host gang, but so far he doesn't appear in EP.1.
Entertaining and loltastic (all the battle scenes) but they're working hard, that's what count.
Let's ignore the theme is by the underage Sexy Zone kids. DDD:

* Itazura na Kiss: Must be a mid season one because they have 45 mins episodes and they're runiinig TWICE a week!
So far I like this version (couldn't stand the taiwanese, but I couldn't stand the manga and only watched the anime XD;;)
This Kotoko isn't fugly but a bit on the normal/plain side yet cute and you might remember the Naoki guys as Sasaki Kuranosuke's staff in Boku to star no nichi (adorbs!) and was somewhere in Rich Man, Poor Woman, so we can tell he can act a like Naoki (so far better than Ouji and Aoyagi Ruito, sorry guys.)
[screencaps = bias]

As characters go by, the redeeming features of Kotoko is that despite being "dumb" is that she tries hard and is a good person yet she steps down the line and has limits, she isn't THAT love blind. And it's good that Naoki learns from Kotoko's struggles.

And Kin-chan is adorable, Yamada Yuki (Gokaiger and GTO) does a good job, let's ignore his Kansai ben and that seems he's not letting go of the eyeliner (and the long hair) yet. ^^;;

Yanie02 has posted streaming links and summaries of the episodes, it's gonna be uploaded at plotboxes and seems there's a fansub already involved.

* I'm stumped in my KR watching, but as a reference, I just wan't to add that I can't believe Echizen-san's bro who is really one of the stupidest characters ever was this fabulous in Kamen Rider W. I wan't a match with Yuuko. XDD

credit: henshinharo at tumblr

* I'm still watching XXXHolic and  I'm a bit suspicious of the spider arc, which looks like Spider Shoujo Jidai molests Watanuki, but this week we'll see how it evolves.

* And if you haven't watched Yakou Karansha already, DO IT, It's really well written and keeps you wondering every episode. Honestly, Yasu was really lucky for landing his role and I'm not pimping just for his sake, but because it's really interesting and I'm pretty sure he showcased his talent. He might be a dark horse for acting, like Maru, but he can't be lead material because of his height.
Sometimes the teenage angst is a bit bothersome along the drama, but with it we confirm that family members need to speak honestly to each other to avoid unnecessary drama.
It's interesting the fact that the girl who plays Himawari-chan in Holic (and was the megane idol wannabe in GTO) was in Yakou Karansha and wasn't that bad in this one, but in Holic is really bad. D:

* It's been TWO weeks since Yoko step out of Recomen and we haven't heard yet WTF is gonna do next. Come on, management!
 I haven't listened Maru's first Recomen but I have to check for the Shige namedropping. (Yes, Maru, I know you bought Ryo's copy.)

So a tiny list of dramas I'll be watching and some might be interesting.
Sorry, I don't have much time to edit properly, you can see the winning poll at plotboxes and a most complete list here.

[quick and dirty list]What I'll try to watch:
1. Otenki Oneesan, Tacchon's drama, OF COURSE. Let's ignore his hair.
2. Last Cinderella, with Shinohara Ryoko, Miura Haruma (with the most awful styling) and Fujiki Naohito (in another styling disaster). I'm the drama for her (and Miura Haruma, who looks so pretty it makes me feel bad).
3. I was almost forgetting about Katori Shingo's drama, with Anne, Kitayama and what is left of Atsuko Maeda. XD;;
4. Mabo has a(nother detective) drama, right? With Matsuda Shota, in TBS.
5. Machiawaretta Otoko. Seems that Nakamaru is there?
6. Kiritani Kenta will have an SP in Kyoto about looking for his father, Chichi no hana, saku haru.

The Maybe list:
a) Kyokuhoku Rapsody, medical drama with Eita, who doesn't know the meaning of overexposure.
b) Kogure Shashinkan, with Kamiki Ryunosuke. His charachter's family move to an old photography studio where there are some ghosts around, or something like that. I like the kid, but not all his dramas stick. XD;;
c) Cheap flight, an SP with Takeuchi Yuko and Mukai Osamu about a small airline. Yes, I know it sounds a bit lame. And the subs are already out. XD;;
d) 35-sai no koukusei seems to have an interesting script, the thing is that I dislike the lead actress. But she's so popular that probably will have good ratings.
e) Mizuki Arisa will have other single woman in her 30s drama.
f) Nishikido's GF Gakky has ANOTHER lawyer drama too.

The IDC list:
I. Sho's drama. Maybe I'll try the first ep but for the rest of the cast. Not him. I confess the only drama of him I have completed is Yoiko no Mikata. Yes, I've lived my life without The Quiz Show, and didn't finish the Maki one and the butler one.
II. Eikura Nana will have a police drama. (Yanagishita Tomo is there)
III. Matsukaza Tori will have police SP with Anne.
All the jidageikis and police dramas that are left.

On a last note, my N5 certificate arrived! \:D/

je i want my brain back, listings, the insanity of k8 fandom, html will be the dead of me, dramas, lame recs, toku talk, smap rabu, is tokio on je for realz?, kisumai is rollerkasting love, too much nskd may be hazardous, clamp, sometimes i can win at life, this takuya pwns them all, you can't learn japanese by osmosis, tacchon is here to break your brain, anime talk, fangirling is hard

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