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mayezinha April 11 2013, 01:24:07 UTC
They're all so cute, but it impresses me how Goseki despite being the older, he puts himself on the side and Tsuka-chan steals the attention. XD;;
Tottsu is adorable. Still I don't get why people say he's creepy, but I like him a lot. And how Hasshi subtly tails him. ::fangirls::
I can't wait to see the next episode!
Actually, I didn't finish Yamapi's Route 66. ^^;;

Basically Bad Boys is a guilty pleasure. I like the guys enough to watch another episode and that's more slack I gave to Bakaleya. #bakaleyospreciosos XD
Well, I liked Itazura na kiss, but as I know the story, I watched the first two episodes in streaming last. But as I like slow dramas, I like sappy dramas too. XD;;
But you can try the first episode and check it!

About XXXHolic: Anne isn't THAT bad, but the styling sometimes suck and please don't focus her feet. DD:
Probably this Watanuki is lacking in flail, he has a few things down, but he's different from the manga.
I was pretty meh about Doumeki's actor (Somebody more bigger!) but in his demeanor he portrays subtly the feeling right.
The Himawari was BAD. I don't even find her pretty, but it was interesting they build that emotional link. Because if Wtanuki found her only pretty, it just won't work.

Yakou Karansha is amazingly good!
I'm so happy for Yasu, now we'll see in his movie with Kumiko Asou (Hara-chan's Echizen and the woman in Chonmage) if he can be a romantic lead.

The same with that kid, just at the chair kicking in the 2nd episode, my mom would've been more than bitchslapped me. I find suspcious, why she's blacking out/getting dizzy. At first I was worried Shinji got her pregnant (this drama is so messed up I totally though it), that "friend" of her drugging her or really shutting down herself because of so much stress. I don't know if it would be wise to blanket her symptoms on having a disorder/bipolar/ or something else that needs meds.
But really, she should ditch that bunch of obnoxious girls (really, the world doesn't end without such nocive people) and have an honest talk with her mother. And what the eff with such a pansy father? It's like this guy from Kaisefu no Mita who can't deal with his own family!! DD:
He needs to impose and stop all those shenanigans!
Ahem. I ranted a lot. XD;;

Thanks! <3

(Sorry for the million edits)


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