On Fandom Reactions

Jun 22, 2010 11:54

My Big Bang icon has never been so appropriate.

I know a lot of people are tired of hearing about this. But I haven't stopped thinking about it. And so I'm going to say even more about fandom and how we talk about things like the latest unfunny business. If you're not interested, please do scroll on by ( Read more... )

racism, fandom, unfunny business, meta, rape culture

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Comments 49

kimmer1227 June 22 2010, 17:04:22 UTC
Keep doing what you're doing. There's nothing like open dialogue and deep, honest discussion. That's how people learn about things outside their frame of reference. As a Black woman, I surely appreciate discussions about race and race!fail, even when I don't always agree with them. Talking about the issue is better than burying your head in the sand and "feeling safe", and that goes for all our hot button issues. Kneejerk reactions don't solve anything.

My thoughts are wondering all over the place right now and don't seem interested in being coherent, so I'll stop. But I truly fear this fandom is imploding a little at a time, and I don't get it. I really don't.

Thanks for your thoughts.


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:39:54 UTC
♥ I'm glad to hear from you, hon. I will certainly try to keep doing what I'm doing.

We have had some major explosions in just a short time, haven't we? I'm hopeful, though, that we'll come out the other side stronger than before.


half_vulcan June 22 2010, 17:04:56 UTC
I was there for that episode. I commented you and some of the people on your journal. I made a partial retraction about the victims of sexual assault because I have been assaulted and I could relate to that ( ... )


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:37:49 UTC
Hey, hon.

Stow the wank, she apologized for her insensitivity and she was being punished.

This is not about punishing the author. Telling someone that what they did is racist is not an attack. Saying "you're racist" is not an insult, or bullying, or abusive. It's simply telling someone a truth, one that they may not know, with the hopes that they will learn, and that they will stop being offensive, because it's hurtful. Please read this.

She was white and viciously attacked but there was no discussion bout the manner in which people were talking to her about, her or about what. I think this discussion about racism got mush more attention and the author was attacked with more hatred.I would like to know where you were seeing these vicious attacks? Because I've been reading about this a LOT, following many, many links, and I am not seeing this anywhere. I was there at the very beginning, reading the master post when people were starting to object, and I saw the few anonymous commenters who called her horrible names. I agree that ( ... )


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:38:11 UTC
People say that the victims are not responsible for her education, if not them than who?

It is our job to educate ourselves. And on the internet, it's so easy! There have been thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of words written to explain all of these things. This is a good place to start, but there are lots of other places, too. These places have been linked over and over in the course of this conversation. If you choose not to click on them and read them, well...that's your choice ( ... )


superbadgirl June 22 2010, 17:20:49 UTC
Ah, privilege. We all want it, because having it means we don't have to think about people who don't, right? RIGHT? ;)

Seriously, though, it's a concept so difficult to understand even when you understand it. We all default to our own privilege, as if everyone else in the world mirrors our circumstances. It takes work, active, brain-hurty work, to step back and look at your own situation and realize what privileges you have (and what privileges you don't).

And no one wants to think. Not about fandom, for pity's sake!

/end sarcasm


maychorian June 23 2010, 01:30:04 UTC
Oh, man, actually thinking about the right way to act in a social forum...who'da ever thought it'd be necessary! Putting actual thought into your hobby to make sure you don't hurt other people...such a burden! However will we stand it?

I'm the first to admit that I'm not good at social situations, even online, and I have a lot to learn. But I'm not really surprised to find out that there are things I can do better, really. I'm more surprised at other people's surprise. They're so shocked by the idea that the could be wrong about something. O rly? Ya rly!


chiiyo86 June 22 2010, 17:58:03 UTC
I haven't seen enough to be aware of the difference, but yes, this is problematic. We're a long way from being as progressive as we'd like to be. :(


maychorian June 23 2010, 01:27:13 UTC
True it too many, many ways, I'm afraid. :(


gleeker13 June 22 2010, 19:52:33 UTC
Fandom is my happy place, my place to go to when bad stuff starts happening in the real world. I know it's the same for a lot of people, and I hate, hate, hate that not everybody can feel that way. I am a privileged person, and I realize that my life is blessed so much, even in the bad things there is almost always good, and I really wish I could share that with other people.

If nothing else, I'm glad that here in fandom, even if there is thoughtless, harmful stuff, there are still a lot of people willing to speak up for the minorities, to attempt to educate the ignorant, to stand up and defend their friends, who they've probably never even met. Fandom can lead to a lot of bad, but I believe that the discussions that we have can also better a lot of people.

/speech without much point over.


maychorian June 23 2010, 01:26:44 UTC
♥ Your speech is not pointless. I'm glad to know that you are working to understand these things. I'm glad that fandom is a happy place for you, and I think it can be for everyone, at least sometimes if not all the time. But it's good to recognize that we have privilege that let's us ignore some hurtful things, too. Knowledge is half the battle or whatever. ;)


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