Supernatural 5.10 Meta & Picspam Part 3

Nov 29, 2009 13:00

Usual caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. I especially love Dean. And Sam. And Castiel. And Bobby. And John. And Ellen. And Jo. And Ruby. And Bela. And Andy, Ash, Ava, Gordon, Victor, Rufus, Missouri, Jimmy, Amelia, Claire, Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, Meg, Azazel, Sarah, Lucas, Ben, Lisa, Kubrick, Travis, Jim, Caleb, Josh, ( Read more... )

picspam, meta, meta rec, supernatural ep

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Comments 13

dotfic November 29 2009, 20:12:40 UTC
Wonderful picspam and commentary. I get why the episode worked fully for others too, and oh, it was good in so many ways. It hurt in the good cathartic tv ways, and then it hurt and angered me in ways it shouldn't have. I don't quite know what to do with it. Be easier if it was just a meh episode and I could disregard it, instead it's haunting me and parts of it make me so very flaily.


debbiel66 November 29 2009, 20:30:37 UTC
You know, honestly the episode didn't make me cry - made me tear up and feel bereft, but didn't make me cry. This - your commentary and pictures made me cry. Just dead-on heartbreaking.

It's impressive, really, how well this scene, and Mark Pellegrino's performance, manage to impress on us how very evil Lucifer truly is. I mean, we knew he was evil. He's Satan, right? But seeing it first-hand is something else. He's not just misunderstood. He doesn't have good intentions. He's not noble, he's not right, he's not good, he's not fair, and he's not even remotely worthy of the worship even of demons, let alone humans. He's evil personified, and he's walking the earth.

Evil is no longer abstract. It has a shape and a color and a smell and a face, and it is absolutely horrifying.

This is so true, so beautifully stated... just gave me chills.


erinrua November 29 2009, 22:27:01 UTC
Just wanted to say how very magnificent this final page of recap is. You just make me want to weep all over again. Which is a good thing. ;-)

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, impressions and feelings about this maddening little show of ours. *smishes like woah*

Also, this:
I'm not really interested in discussing whether or not Supernatural is or is not misogynistic or anti-feminist, not because I don't think that's worth talking about or that fans shouldn't dare to question their shows or because I think Supernatural is perfect and sacrosanct, but just because I don't want to go there at this point in my life and at this point in my fandom experience.

EXACTLY! Yes. That is totally my feeling, my impression. That is the place I stand, and that is how I'm dealing with fandom from here on, so much as my emotions allow. Amen. :-)


caffienekitty November 29 2009, 22:28:53 UTC
*nods along with your points*

Very very important things were accomplished through Ellen and Jo's sacrifice. By trying the Colt now and seeing that it doesn't work, future!Dean would know not to bother trying it, which means he wouldn't have gone to that garden, which means the future has changed (although it already has changed). This confirms concretely that the future can be changed, so "Sam says yes in Detroit" can go bark up a flagpole. So there.

In any war or conflict, people give their lives in the pursuit of tactical and strategic intelligence. This intelligence gain was huge, and their sacrifice was far from a waste.

Also, thanks for the rec, although my screencaps are way too dark on PC's. They look fine on my Mac, but I flipped through at work and can't see half of them. I'll have to see if I can compensate next time. :-P


tabby333 November 30 2009, 01:01:18 UTC
Your picspam made me tear up in ways that watching the episode didn't. It's a lovely picspam and I appreciate your commentary ( ... )


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