Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART VIII

Mar 27, 2012 01:43

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Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (1/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 05:01:56 UTC
may be a space bff fic, or possibly FemShep/Garrus, we will see!

Fill for this prompt, which I read ages ago, and out of nowhere it has grabbed ahold of my brain and will not let go.



"It's focusing on me," Shepard shouted, jamming a fresh heat sink into her SMG. "I'm going to run. Keeping shooting and stay out of its range."

"Understood," came Garrus's clipped reply. Massani drawled something rude-sounding but the crackle of the Praetorian's lasers sliced his words out of the air. Shepard hit the ground and rolled as her crate disintegrated.

The creature hummed above her head, legs twitching weightlessly, eyes flickering with electrical discharge. "Sniper rifles. Open fire," she yelled, and took off running ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (1.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 05:05:05 UTC
The smell of burning plastic drifted up through her helmet. Her back felt hot. Really, really hot.

She'd miscalculated. The container was right there-- but the thing was too close for her to stop, it was right behind her, she could feel it humming in her bones, the crackle of lightning as it charged up for another burst.

"Shepard!" Garrus's anguished voice.

"Idiot," barked Massani.

Her back seared. Massani was right, she was a daft bitch and an idiot, and now she was going to die an idiot's death. She felt her flesh bursting and bubbling, splitting open like rotten fruit.

Her breath stuttered out as her lungs depressurized. Horizon's grassy fields and purple skies fragmented into sparkling blackness. It was pretty. Like stars falling. She tried to lift up her hand to touch one, but her arm-- her arm wouldn't--


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 05:11:24 UTC

If I have to tear you apart, Shepard, I will.

"Just. Fuck. Off.” She hurled a vicious, desperate Warp into the collector's fiery eyes. Its flesh shredded and flaked into ash. Garrus chuckled behind her.

She shot him an annoyed look, which he ignored. He crouched, sighted, then popped a drone's skull open in one smooth movement.

Nice, she thought. "Something funny, Vakarian?" was what came out of her mouth instead.

"You're in rare form today," he said as he reloaded. "Usually you have to shoot them up a bit first."

"Yeah, well, I'm up to here with this stupid colony," Shepard growled, tracing an imaginary line just below her eyebrows. "And the glowy fucker who loves the sound of his own voice."

"Hmm," Garrus said, and executed another drone. She frowned and turned away, unloading a clip into some upstart who'd been sneaking up to plasma rifle Massani.

She was tense. It was weird. Even when she was in the shit, she never felt-- whatever she was feeling right now. Not nervous, but ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 05:20:38 UTC
The Praetorian hit hard, but god, was it dumb. Massani cackled as she coaxed it after her, leading it in slow spirals around and around the gun tower ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:00:55 UTC
Oh my god I love this I love you I LOVE YOU!

I just. Oh.

Please. Please, continue.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:50:59 UTC
I love you too! Thank you! I am working hard on the next bits!


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:09:33 UTC
That part about her eyes D:

I love this whole concept. Carry on.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:54:49 UTC
Thank you! :)

Just as a PSA, probably a lot more D: moments coming in the future.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:30:29 UTC
This is my new most favouritest story ever. Love Groundhog loops, love Mass Effect. Love child between the two? Absolute ace.

Money quote: "Fixing her screwed-up brain was a Lawson problem. Killing monsters, on the other hand, was a Shepard problem. "

And now we know everything we need to know about this-Shep.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (2.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 07:00:19 UTC
:) Thank you! I hope you continue to like it!


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:34:55 UTC
I'm sorry I am bad at reading instructions and forgot to post the prompt separately :(


She flowed smoothly from crate to crate, drawing the monster after her in an effortless dance, slicing into it with her particle beam when she had the opportunity, keeping her head down when she didn't. She took zero chances, and wasted none at all.

"Shit," Massani said, reluctantly impressed.

Garrus's rifle flashed in the distance. "Shepard. Are you sure Cerberus didn't implant some kind of chip in your brain ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 06:45:28 UTC
She stepped out into the open field and leveled her particle beam at the Praetorian.

She heard Garrus shout her name, as if from a great distance.

She felt her shields fizz and hiss and sputter out. Her armor bubbled and smoked. Whatever. She kept her finger on the trigger. She knew her math.

And if I’m wrong, the thought flashed past her and vanished faster than a blink, It’s fine. I’ll just fucking do it better next time.Three seconds later, the Praetorian was disintegrating into glowing embers, and Garrus was sprinting towards her, long legs carving up the distance between them. She grinned up at him, feeling oddly weightless ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 07:33:33 UTC
I love your Zaeed. Everything else: :(

This is so good, A!A. I can't wait for more, D: moments and all.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 08:32:31 UTC
Aww Shepard that is an awful train of thought.... but this fic? This fic is fantastic! I cannot wait to read more. I will be checking up on this one very often, indeed.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 16:12:00 UTC
Ooh awesome perspective A!A
I like this very much.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (3.5/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 17:15:15 UTC
I've got all the hugs for you, Shepard. RIGHT HERE

Holycrap, I've gotta say, this is my favorite story right now. I live in all these tiny gestures you make--Garrus facepalming, Shepard grinning like a loon, and so much more.



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