Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART VIII

Mar 27, 2012 01:43

The Mass Effect Kink Meme has moved to Dreamwidth. The Dreamwidth URL for this part is:

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Comments 8327

FemShep/Thane - age kink anonymous March 26 2012, 16:38:53 UTC
Last part I saw a Garrus/FemShep age kink prompt. Would like one for Thane and Shep as well >:D


Re: FemShep/Thane - age kink anonymous March 27 2012, 21:25:25 UTC


Re: FemShep/Thane - age kink anonymous April 17 2012, 04:53:57 UTC


Re: FemShep/Thane - age kink anonymous April 18 2012, 18:00:20 UTC
I would totally do this... if I knew what an age kink was... google did not help me at all *flips computer*


Garrus/FemShep teasing anonymous March 26 2012, 18:27:51 UTC
Anon humbly requests a fic featuring Garrus and FemShep spending some down time on Omega after the Collectors base. Anon would love to see the two trying to 'one-up' each other by flirting/dancing/hitting on poor unsuspecting civilians at Afterlife to see who 'breaks' first and goes after the other one for some tension relief. Bonus points if the 'breaking' point happens because one of them started coming on to another member of the crew/squad, and THAT person got way more into it than any of them every would have suspected.

Anon assumes that copious amounts of alcohol would probably be involved.


Re: Garrus/FemShep teasing anonymous March 26 2012, 21:00:04 UTC
SECONDING! would love some growls of jealousy thrown in too!


Re: Garrus/FemShep teasing anonymous April 1 2012, 06:59:42 UTC
It's in the works but a different story has been bubbling. Also, I'm trying to think how coming back from the collector base would affect everyone. I know Grunt would totally be, "LET'S KILL MORE STUFF!" but everyone else... -shrug- But I knew who'd be dancing with who! XD


Re: Garrus/FemShep teasing anonymous April 22 2012, 19:46:31 UTC
I might try this one. I'll see if I can come up with something tonight, and if I can -- I'll post on here tomorrow. :)


FemShep/Kaidan anonymous March 27 2012, 02:55:51 UTC
So.. my FemShep Vanguard wears very pink lipstick.

Head canon's saying it's because Kaidan has a kink for it, likes to see it when a certain redhead's going down.

Help my dirty canon become a reality! Bonus points if it drives him to distraction during a mission.


Re: FemShep/Kaidan anonymous April 26 2012, 12:08:12 UTC


Filled Pink is the new Red 1/? anonymous December 22 2012, 09:20:51 UTC
A!A here for a quick note. Let's pretend that this is sometime before 2, and that they were in the lowest part of the ship. Maybe he was checking his locker and she was, idk, doing something. Plot? What plot? Hope OP is still around for this and likes it. And, um, yeah it started with a blow job and ended with a bed. Sorry if the smut is shit, its been a while since I've written porn ( ... )


Re: Filled Pink is the new Red 2/? anonymous December 22 2012, 09:25:14 UTC
He shouldn't, he knew he shouldn't. He had so much work he still had to do, but ( ... )


Drunk Shepard/Chakwas anonymous March 27 2012, 07:00:46 UTC
Shepard (either gender) and Dr. Chakwas end up sleeping together after finishing off that bottle of brandy. Neither of them remembers anything afterwards.

Bonus points if this happens more than once.

Bonus bonus points if everyone else on the ship knows its happening, but find it too cute/amusing to mention to them...


FemShepxLiara and Grunt - "Tension" 1/2 anonymous March 27 2012, 16:25:40 UTC
He's a short little thing I decided to do without being prompted to. It's what happens little before FemSheP, Liara and Grunt go off and fight the Shadow Broker. Mainly from Grunt's perspective ( ... )


Re: FemShepxLiara and Grunt - "Tension" 2/2 anonymous March 27 2012, 16:26:15 UTC
“So, Shepard,” the krogan began, gaining the attention of the two women before him, “I take it that you know this asari?” He motioned his head towards the blue alien before him ( ... )


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