Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART VIII

Mar 27, 2012 01:43

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Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (1/?) anonymous April 26 2012, 05:01:56 UTC
may be a space bff fic, or possibly FemShep/Garrus, we will see!

Fill for this prompt, which I read ages ago, and out of nowhere it has grabbed ahold of my brain and will not let go.



"It's focusing on me," Shepard shouted, jamming a fresh heat sink into her SMG. "I'm going to run. Keeping shooting and stay out of its range."

"Understood," came Garrus's clipped reply. Massani drawled something rude-sounding but the crackle of the Praetorian's lasers sliced his words out of the air. Shepard hit the ground and rolled as her crate disintegrated.

The creature hummed above her head, legs twitching weightlessly, eyes flickering with electrical discharge. "Sniper rifles. Open fire," she yelled, and took off running ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 01:49:04 UTC
You guys! :D Thank you for the comments! Emoticons cannot adequately convey how much I am grinning like an idiot right now.



"Commander! C'mere, you gotta see this!" Joker crowed from the cockpit as they stomped their way out of decontamination. "You're like-- I don't even know. Half Rambo, half Ripley. All badass"Half who? What?" Shepard leaned over his seat ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.5/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 01:57:44 UTC

"Grab your guns," she announced the next morning, as she barged in through the battery doors. "We're going groundside with Taylor. Checking out a distress signal."

"Hello to you too, Shepard," Garrus said without turning around. His talons clicked over his haptic display.

She cocked her head. "Okay. Hi, Garrus. How are you?"

He flicked a mandible at her. "Oh, you know, the usual. Too good for cover. Convinced of my own immortality. Prone to suicidal rushes into overwhelming enemy fire."

She crossed her arms and leaned back against the battery wall. "You mad about yesterday?"

"Yeah, a bit."

She blinked. She hadn't expected him to admit it so readily. "...Well, it worked."

He turned around finally, leaned back against his console. His eyes dropped down to her chest. "It almost didn't."

Shepard looked down at her shiny new breastplate, fresh from the fabricator. She thumped it with her fist. "I'm fine. See?"

"It was a stupid risk," he growled, his good mandible flaring out again. "We would have had that thing nailed to the ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.75/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 02:05:59 UTC
She spared a moment to feel bad for him. He was rock-fucking-steady under fire, and he had one hell of a dead-eye. He probably deserved better than a half-psychotic reanimated corpse for a CO ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 02:16:40 UTC
"Oh fuck." They weren't mechs, they were hunters. Twisted by the toxic planet, stripped of all but the basest instincts. Alone, they were laughable, but in packs they were unpredictable and terrifyingly irrational opponents. Between them and the YMIR, Taylor was in serious shit. Shepard powered up her tech armor and scrambled out to help him.

"Commander! I'm surrounde--" He didn't even finish the word before the crossfire ripped through his body.

God fucking damnit. "Taylor's down," she said tersely. She gritted her teeth and fell back at an angle, keeping the hunters in between her and the YMIR. Human cover. Barely worthy of either term.

She poured bullets into the nearest hunter until he dropped, then slapped in a fresh heat sink, and trained her sights on the next one. Their rounds buzzed angrily against the repelling field of her tech armor.

"I'm coming to you, Shepard. Just hang on." Garrus's breath came in harsh pants over the comm as he sprinted over the killing field ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 03:18:34 UTC
This is what an Insanity playthrough feels like, with added insightful commentary and some amazing snark.

I love it!


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:26:34 UTC
Thank you!

I played on Insanity and died fucking over and over and over again. I am bad at this game :(


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 03:39:03 UTC
Ahahaha, this reminds me of the missions where I die a lot. Like Horizon. And the Collector ship. I imagine my squad going 'JFC SHEPARD WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!'

..That said, poor Garrus. :P


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:29:07 UTC
I credit the Horizon mission and how much I was swearing out loud at my TV as direct inspiration. I felt sincerely bad for my fictional squadmates for having to put up with me.

Thank you for reading!


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 27 2012, 05:38:47 UTC
I want to buy your Shepard all the drinks, bake her all the cookies, make all of her babies. She is this ball of crazy fun and I just want to bask in her awesome. And Garrus? Holy shit, he's also fun, and witty, and can I have some sex, please?

I'm such a loser. I read this and maybe every other paragraph I pause.. just for a sec, to savor and let the awesome of this fill sink in. This is glorious and thank you for sharing it with us.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:34:36 UTC
Eeeee thank you so much! You make me feel like king of the galaxy.

Honestly this is a totally seat-of-the-pants operation and I've never written smut before so I am not 100% confident about sex happening, but hopefully love will find a way.

Thank you thank you thank you for your words.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:11:15 UTC
Joker: Shepard, what are you having for breakfast?

Garrus: Nothing, 'cause she already ATE A ROCKET

Seriously. How badass was that?


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (4.875/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:40:33 UTC
Shepard: *puts on sunglasses*

Thank you for reading, and also for making me laugh out loud at my computer screen.


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (5/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 03:52:47 UTC
LOADThe metal barrier came into view around the curve of the footpath. Shepard narrowed her eyes, and held up a fist. Taylor and Garrus stopped, looked at her questioningly ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (5.25/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 04:16:17 UTC
Captain Taylor offered them an airy apology for the mechs, pandered and rationalized and lied through his teeth about everything else. The family resemblance to his son was striking. And disturbing. She forced herself not to look back and forth between them ( ... )


Re: Fill: FemShep & Garrus "New Game" (5.5/?) anonymous April 28 2012, 04:33:30 UTC
"So, what about you?" Garrus said ( ... )


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