I've been rolling this around in my head since exams finished and I wanted to throw it up here just to see how many people might be interested!
So like, who doesn't make up stories in their head for all the characters they play in multiplayer. (That said: who doesn't actually play multiplayer, and does it anyway? Come on, guys.) And based on the
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Comments 32
Also, alien smut. Every idea with alien smut involved is a good idea.
phased through the back of the closet crying omg. QUEER QUARIAN LADIES THOUGH. NO HETEROIFYING IS ALLOWED.
This is something I'd def love to consider, omg. :)))
This juxtaposed with a Krogan and Quarian made me laugh out loud!
I'm not sure I'll be joining, as I'll have very little free time when school starts back up, plus I'm uncomfortable writing smut (although I could get around that last one by playing an asexual Salarian, or a Geth, or something.) But even if I don't join, I'll be looking forward to reading whatever you guys come up with.
(Also I swear the purpose of the roleplay is not just smut-- I just make terrible jokes about it absolutely incessantly. There will be other things happening besides The Smut. Like, you know, a war.)
It's good to know that I can come and go rather freely. It takes a lot of the pressure off.
And they all have an Elchor mission controller. "Tentative enthusiasm...a...drone...has...gone...dark...."
only in Mass Effect, people
only in Mass Effect
for real though, they'd be so much fun
I don't have any solid headcanons (or names, really) for my MP characters, but I do enjoy the interaction between my Quarian Infiltrator and my boyfriend's Geth Engineer. (It only gets better when his brother plays a Geth Engineer and his brother's girlfriend plays another Quarian Infiltrator. We're team head-shot. Or tech-burst. Or NANERs, since "For Rannoch" sounded like, "BANANAS!" for so long... eehhh)
I'm not real comfortable with role playing between the characters, but maybe a weekly challenge or theme? IDK.
Are you thinking something along the lines of a weekly writing challenge based around, say, Adventures With So-And-So As They Fight A War? Something like that?
I was thinking it'd be kind of cool to come up with a weekly scenario, maybe based on the challenge?, where it'd be like ... "Char A just grabbed the last ammo pack and Char B just ran out. How do they resolve it?" Or ... "Char B receives a letter from his/her/zie homeworld, how does Char A react?" "The radio just malfunctioned: who is grooving to what?"
(But now I get what you mean! And yes, that sounds like a FANTASTIC idea and I know exactly how we can work with it too. I love me some prompts.)
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