Boot Camp Thursday

Jul 19, 2012 10:03


Welcome to Boot Camp, Maggots! Prepare to hurt!

Time to whip you grunts into ship shape!

The Reapers are HERE.


Wait. What? )

discussion, writing, fan art, fanfic, boot camp thursday

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Comments 50

oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:04:52 UTC
The Fourth Estate (Fact Check/Lore Discussion/Research/Resources)
"They didn't cover this in basic."

Having problems adding meaty elements to your fanwork? Need to discuss the intricacies of krogan courtship to scare the crap out of (or turn on) your muse? Can't remember a specific tidbit from one of the games and you just have to have it? Cast of characters giving you fits?

Got writing resources you'd like to share? Need verb conjugation help? Problems with characterization? Do you have helpful tips on a character's voice or motivation? Do you need crafting supplies and can't find a good supplier? Got an e-bay supplier that sells the most fantastic mohair for your kitbashes?

Post quick fact checks/lore discussion/research links/requests in this thread only!

Nitpickers, have at it!


oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:24:33 UTC
Anyone need any inspirational pics for fic or art?

NatGeo has some interesting ones.


a_talking_dino July 19 2012, 17:20:13 UTC
Drell/Hanar Culture

Need some insight on what Irikah Krios' funeral was like, please =). I remember something about her body being put in the ocean...? Not sure if that's how it went, though.


(The comment has been removed)

oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:05:23 UTC
Brain Camp (thread for fic)
"My brain has been scrambled like an egg! How do you think I feel?"

Did your muse get a biotic kick to the face? Turian at the helm of the dreadnaught that killed your father? Do you need feedback or encouragement for your fic?

Post your WIP fic snippet in this thread only!

(If you don't have a snippet and only need to rant about how your muse has failed you miserably, do it in this thread. Title it as a rant so the muse can be given its due of push-ups.)

Kiss the dirt, maggots!


infelixsoror July 19 2012, 18:31:46 UTC
And it looks like I'm still obsessing over the Earth resistence during ME3. What a shocker. Comments, as always, are beloved ( ... )


a_talking_dino July 19 2012, 19:25:47 UTC
Interesting. Not a whole lot there to comment on but I'd like to see more =). Are you planning to expand on it?


infelixsoror July 19 2012, 19:46:17 UTC
... And one day I'll learn to preface my snippets with helpful comments and explanations before hitting the 'post comment' button.

This would (hopefully) be the beginning of the team's actual adventures in fighting the Reaper war - which means I need to think of something for them to do other than 'blow everything up'.

But knowing that someone would like to see more is very encouraging. =) Thanks.


oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:05:47 UTC
I'm in the Middle of Some Calibrations (thread for Art)
"Hell yeah. Put more stuff in... the thing... more stuff goes in."

Thresher maw eat your muse? Genophage got you down? Need encouragement or feedback on your artwork?

Post your art work in progress in this thread only!

(If you don't have a WIP and only need to rant about how your muse has failed you miserably, do it in this thread. Title it as a rant so the muse can be given its due of push-ups.)

NSFW Images require link AND description. Do NOT post full or partial NSFW images.

Kiss the dirt, maggots!


thirteenthchime July 19 2012, 21:58:12 UTC
So I got a tablet for my birthday, just the cheapest Wacom available, since I'm not using it for anything serious. I had one a long time ago, and I loved painting with it. (Especially with some paint program that mimicked real brushes...I think it might have been a very limited version of Corel?) One of the things I like about it is that I'm not wasting materials when I putz around with it - and also, one of the big problems that I've always had is that I'm just afraid of making mistakes and putting anything more substantial than pencil to paper. So the ability to draw and paint in layers and go back and have things not be nearly as permanent is incredibly appealing ( ... )


a_talking_dino July 19 2012, 22:23:36 UTC
Here you go =).
-Has unique figures. All (or most of them, at least) are skinless so you can see the musculature. Also has a flash drawing feature (gives you a limited amount of time to draw a figure before moving to the next one).
-Photos of real people in unique poses. Uses nude models but you can select only "decent" models if it bothers you.
-Lots of models. Also uses nudes but you can choose only dressed models (not without entering the archive first, however. May see nude models before filtering). Has other learning tools as well (videos, blogs, etc.).


thirteenthchime July 19 2012, 22:27:57 UTC
Holy crap, these are awesome. Thanks so much! I like the idea of the flash time limit feature, I will definitely need to try it out. And the anatomical models are great (albeit, a bit creepy)!


oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:06:16 UTC
Deadliest Son of a Bitch in Space! (Cheerleader/beta reader requests/offers)
"I think we're going to need a bigger boot, Commander."

Need a private beta/cheerleader? Ask for it here! Are you willing to be a cheerleader or beta reader? Let the writers/artists know!

Use the following formats to volunteer/request:

Cheerleader/Beta offers
My name:
What I can do for you:
What I won't do for you:
Character/ship preferences/special circumstances:

Writer/Artist requests
My Name:
What I need:
What I'm writing:
Is it NSFW? Trigger-rific? Spoilery?


oddlittleturtle July 19 2012, 15:06:44 UTC
Mess Hall ("Ideas for Sale" thread)
"I'm sorry, princess. Let me get out my doilies."

Have an idea on the edge of your brain that you just don't have time for? Has a rabid plot varren run loose and you can't catch it? Did Grunt stomp on your muse with his dinosaur booties?

Post your idea here and someone will take over for you.

(Feel free to discuss any relevant data here. And keep us updated on the progress. We'd love to know where you take it.)

Handy-dandy textbox:

Reason for giving up:
The Idea:
Possible plot problems:
(possible) Required research:
Credit required?: (optional, credit me, don't care, etc.)


tov01 July 21 2012, 19:57:40 UTC
Genre: Not sure. Bittersweet something.
Reason for giving up: Insufficient writing ability
Characters: Shepard's Daughter
Pairings: Shepard/(Author's choice, although Liara would make the most sense in this context)
The Idea: Shepard's daughter writes a letter to the dad she never got the chance to know.
Possible plot problems: Very open ended. Would like to see multiple takes on it for different people.
(possible) Required research: Optional
Credit required?: Just give me a link to the finished work


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