No ME3 Extended Cut Discussions for E3

Jun 04, 2012 12:31

If you planned on watching the EA livestream for some word on the ME3 Extended Cut, there won't be any:

We have confirmed there will not be discussion of the Extended Cut at E3. Watch E3 footage (, Kotaku, etc) to see what/if any other BioWare news or other cool game news is announced.

-Chris Priestly

You can watch the EA ( Read more... )

extended cut

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Comments 125

badwolfx June 4 2012, 19:35:13 UTC


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 19:35:52 UTC
It's not unexpected really.


badwolfx June 4 2012, 19:37:10 UTC
I was hoping they'd tell us when it was being released at the very least.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 19:39:10 UTC
I have the feeling they won't say anything until they've got some cool stuff to show. I'm guessing another few months at least.


redknightalex June 4 2012, 19:45:37 UTC
A tad disappointing but at least they can't draw any ire from not presenting something. Frankly, summer isn't too far away and the word on the Extended Cut has been limited. I'm wondering if they conveniently "forgot" about it.

Still, I'll watch the EA stream, even with all of its EA Sports crap stuffs. Blah.


pkbitchgirl June 5 2012, 01:30:57 UTC
Technically, it's already summer


redknightalex June 5 2012, 01:41:47 UTC
Where I am, it's still spring until the solstice (June 20) so not summer yet. Nor does it feel like summer either. Rain rain rain.


tehprincessj June 4 2012, 19:59:17 UTC
yup, when I first heard about this (somewhere, can't remember where), I just went with, "figures."

I'm still hoping we might hear something 'Dragon Age' related. *fingerscrossed*
I'm down for making this a liveblog. I'll be watching it, too, in... goodness, 1 minute.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:00:43 UTC
Well, we'll find out soon enough! Stream starts in a few minutes.


luslanz June 4 2012, 20:02:16 UTC
There doesn't seem to be anything new from Bioware on the E3 schedule at all.

The Xbox Conference was super boring :( Couldn't believe how they ripped off the Wii U idea.

EA stream is about to start.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:03:27 UTC
Yeah, the Microsoft stream was BORING. Also KINECT EVERYWHERE.

There was SWTOR fly by, but that's it :(


knight_ander June 5 2012, 00:22:26 UTC
I felt good spotting Jennifer Hale's voice in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 gameplay.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:06:03 UTC
Dead Space Co-op? I guess survivor horror for Dead Space is over.


luslanz June 4 2012, 20:10:34 UTC
Survival Horror is dead, did you watch the Resident Evil 6 trailer? It's more like Survival Explosion.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:13:25 UTC
The RE6 trailer made me want to cry. What happend to that franchise? Oof. The weird thing is, the Tomb Raider reboot feels like survivor horror against the elements (or torture porn).


tehprincessj June 4 2012, 20:16:29 UTC
I'm dying to play RE6. As somebody who's only had RE4 & RE5, I've only ever fought "infected". Never actual zombies.


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