No ME3 Extended Cut Discussions for E3

Jun 04, 2012 12:31

If you planned on watching the EA livestream for some word on the ME3 Extended Cut, there won't be any:

We have confirmed there will not be discussion of the Extended Cut at E3. Watch E3 footage (, Kotaku, etc) to see what/if any other BioWare news or other cool game news is announced.

-Chris Priestly

You can watch the EA ( Read more... )

extended cut

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evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:06:03 UTC
Dead Space Co-op? I guess survivor horror for Dead Space is over.


luslanz June 4 2012, 20:10:34 UTC
Survival Horror is dead, did you watch the Resident Evil 6 trailer? It's more like Survival Explosion.


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:13:25 UTC
The RE6 trailer made me want to cry. What happend to that franchise? Oof. The weird thing is, the Tomb Raider reboot feels like survivor horror against the elements (or torture porn).


tehprincessj June 4 2012, 20:16:29 UTC
I'm dying to play RE6. As somebody who's only had RE4 & RE5, I've only ever fought "infected". Never actual zombies.


luslanz June 4 2012, 20:19:10 UTC
Tomb Raider looked more like an Uncharted spinoff to me. I lol'd when after all that happened her parachute failed to open :P

What I don't understand is how she acts so whiny in dialogue yet she's all badass in gameplay, taking on a small army with a knife and a bow. There seems to be disconnect there...


evilsherbear June 4 2012, 20:23:00 UTC
Yeah I didn't get that either. It seems like they want her to be a fun character for the player to control, but still play up how she's your average young woman who's thrust into harsh circumstances trying to deal with it.


nomoreprinces June 4 2012, 20:46:51 UTC
It's supposed to be an origin story from what I've read. Hence the whiny interspersed with moments of awesome.

NGL though the second she strapped on that bow I was thinking Katniss >.>....

What I find weird is that it feels really rail-y.


voyevoda June 4 2012, 22:44:57 UTC
I always wanted Tomb Raider to drift more to the Uncharted style of adventure games, but they always fall so damn flat on the story as of late. Not all that interested in the Lets Torture Lara For Hours show. They need to start showing the non-torture, non-painful bits of the game.


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