First order of business: Hurray for a new banner! The winning one can be viewed
at this link, created by our very own
31stcentury! It will go up as soon as we get the layout ready for it. Thank you, anna and everyone else who contributed - your banners will be saved for the next round of voting :)
Next, I believe I promised you some Fic Fun or something, so here, have some CommentFic!
To see it in action, you can visit
a previous commentfic celebration here or explore
comment_fic. It's a fun free-for-all with very few rules, but we ask that you please look over these rules before playing:
1. Absolutely any sort of prompt is fair game, just so long as it stays respectful of community members, characters, and actors. If someone prompts something that you don't enjoy, there's really no need to tell them that they're a terrible person or anything; just don't write/read fic for it. Slash, femslash, het, and gen are ALL welcome.
2. Any rating or content is fair game, but please label any explicit fic with NC-17/FRAO/Adult in the subject line and/or in the comment before the fic. Please also be mindful of others and label any potentially triggering fic similarly
[dubious or non-consensual sexual content, character death, etc].
3. Have fun! That's an absolute requirement. Feel free to answer your own prompts, answer as many prompts as you like, and answer prompts more than once. Go nuts! If your fic won't fit in one comment, post it to your personal or fic journal and leave the link in a comment. Please don't post it to the community as its own entry; at the end of commentfic, a roundup will be posted.
Here are some examples of how to format your prompts, provided by
Mary/Marshall; winter coats
Brandi, Marshall; rice cooker, pleats
Peter, Stan; Pagoda, green chile, links
Untouchable Face by Ani DiFranco (warning for explicit lyrics)
Posting of prompts continues until Wednesday, August 25. Posting of fic will wrap up on Sunday, August 29. Roundup will be posted as soon as we get it organized. If you'd like to help with this or any other hiatus fun, please let us know! (as always, you are welcome to create your own fun. if you have a game for the community, let the mods know - we'd be glad to let you run it! we just don't want to accidentally set up something else at the same time.)
Prompting and writing are both now closed! The roundup of fic by author
can be found at this list. Hope you enjoyed!