Just getting in under the bell

Nov 05, 2008 23:15

Today's been a long day, and I almost didn't realize it was about to be midnight, and hence I needed to do an entry. For background, I'm not normally an Apple person; I got this iPhone a few months ago and we just haven't clicked as a team yet ( Read more... )

my iphone, nablopomo

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Comments 6

qmarik November 6 2008, 06:44:03 UTC
about uploading iPhone pictures to your computer - i am going to pretend that you haven't heard about this program and strongly recommend Google's Picasa (http://www.google.com/picasa/) -- it's totally awesome (omg, i'm talking like Barney from "how i met your mother", i've watched too many episodes in too short period of time) for uploading and managing any and all of your pictures. and you don't have drag anything.


marta November 6 2008, 07:00:08 UTC
What I'd really like to be able to do is bluetooth transfer all new pictures to my computer in just a few clicks (like I could with my Nokia). That's probably asking too much, though, isn't it?


qmarik November 6 2008, 07:35:19 UTC
well, the way it works with picassa is that when you connect your iPhone to the computer to charge, it shows a dialog box with several options of what to do with the iPhone, one of which is "import pictures using Picasa". once you click that, it does the rest itself. well, at least that's what happens with my computer and iPhone


(The comment has been removed)

marta November 6 2008, 07:23:13 UTC
I'm really not good with cell phones. When I say "really not good" I mean "I have yet to have one I didn't totally and completely mess up while trying to perform a basic function." We are natural enemies, and it is a trying experience for both of us, I think.

Besides, I actually never cared about iPhones and would skip all the Digg, Engadget, and Gizmodo articles about them (partly because my eyes would glaze over and partly because they seemed like their own little cult talking gibberish). But visual voicemail and push email, calendar, and contacts won me over. Oh, and the apps, many of which I'm actually still fighting with...


gorman November 6 2008, 21:28:00 UTC
You want to keep the iPhone, trust me :) Apple will definitely replace the iPhone for you without a problem. Also, there's a bunch of great stuff coming out in firmware updates that you won't want to miss out on. That said, let me see if I can help with your issues ( ... )


pmax3 November 8 2008, 17:38:28 UTC
Hello Marta ( ... )


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