Just getting in under the bell

Nov 05, 2008 23:15

Today's been a long day, and I almost didn't realize it was about to be midnight, and hence I needed to do an entry. For background, I'm not normally an Apple person; I got this iPhone a few months ago and we just haven't clicked as a team yet ( Read more... )

my iphone, nablopomo

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pmax3 November 8 2008, 17:38:28 UTC
Hello Marta!

I sent you a mail on the address you provided like you said. Sorry for being such a pest but I am eager to know when you are going to open the membership to that community. I humbly wish to submit that the next general elections are pretty close now and we have to start some activity on this community now if we are to have a sizeable membership by the time the elections are around the corner.

Also we need to formulate and enforce guidelines for the community like no ad-hominum attacks (directed at other members) and no hateful remarks towards any community, race, caste or religion. These are just my suggestions, and may be modified as required.

Once again, my apologies if I am rushing you, but I just wish to see some activity on the community, not for it to be just locked and inaccessible.

I am a big fan of Livejournal and I just want to contribute to making it popular amongst Indians. I feel allowing new members and getting some posts going will make it show up in peoples' searches and help it gather momentum. Of course you are the best judge in these matters and in the best position to make a decision, I just wanted to express my views.

Best regards,


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