That's some bad hat, Harry.

Jun 29, 2010 08:40

One thing I think I neglected to mention yesterday: INTERPOL TICKETS - I HAS THEM. My hope that they would circle 'round back and stop by when the U2 show they were opening for was cancelled came true. Nabbed tickets for their show at First Avenue, then checked for sightline seating reservations and yup, got those too. Not to set my sights too high ( Read more... )

true blood, movies, fangirl, meme

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Comments 25

quinnscousin June 29 2010, 14:28:21 UTC
The final scene with the hate/love/mega angry sex left my brain in need of bleach O.O

I can't stand Tara on the show at all but I'm glad that Franklin is around. I like him way more on the show, in the books he was just some shady mofo.


marshmallow June 29 2010, 18:49:24 UTC
Haha.. true, but so much of that show would indicate need for brain bleach!

And agreed.. this Franklin is a much more interesting version. Though I still don't necessarily need to see him having seizure sex with Tara. (Speaking of brain bleach. :P)


(The comment has been removed)

marshmallow June 29 2010, 18:50:01 UTC
Haha, yeah, that was pretty vile. But you know, that's a bit par for the course for this show. ;P


shayrena June 29 2010, 16:27:59 UTC
It was the disgusting sex scene in the end, that everyone was talking about. I was so grossed out, too :/

I love James Frain and I find his character intriguing. But yeah... I wish he had less scenes with Tara. She is horrible. I thought she was having a seizure during that sex scene *lmao*


marshmallow June 29 2010, 18:51:08 UTC
RIGHT?? I thought the same thing, or that she was going into some sort of trance or something. It was so weirdly done.

And the ending sex scene was totally gross. I guess I was just worried it would be something huge and terrible like in terms of story.


jessm June 29 2010, 16:37:50 UTC
I've always been torn on whether I'd want to see Jaws or Jurassic Park in theaters, if I had to chose only one. I usually pick Jurassic Park because I missed it by so few years (I saw the second and third films in theaters, but not the first), but on the other hand, it's Jaws! It changed Hollywood forever!


marshmallow June 29 2010, 18:54:23 UTC
I did get to see Jurassic Park in the theaters (a few times XD), so that was excluded for me, but you know, given the choice between Jaws or getting to see Jurassic Park again, I think I'd almost go for Jurassic Park... even just to hear that theme music in surround sound again. I still remember getting chills at that first glimpse of dinosaur. And I was working as a volunteer at the zoo that summer too, and they had all kinds of dinosaur stuff going on too, and dinosaurs just wound up being my whole world for a few months there. Getting to see it again like that would be amazing.


nolongertwo June 29 2010, 18:12:31 UTC
You didn't find that end scene disturbing at all? You have a strong stomach my friend. Anyway, I'm surprised how quickly I jumped on the I love Alcide train. Of course it's for purely shallow reason because I've never read the books and don't know anything about the character but man, the actor looks great in plaid.


marshmallow June 29 2010, 18:56:08 UTC
Haha.. I think the show has just desensitized me. :P But no, I actually did find it really disturbing. I just thought it was going to be a WTF moment like in terms of story. I was deeply afraid that they were going to kill Lafayette off or something, so by the time I got to the end and it was just gross sex, I was like, well, what's the big deal. What terrible perspective this show puts things in. XD


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