That's some bad hat, Harry.

Jun 29, 2010 08:40

One thing I think I neglected to mention yesterday: INTERPOL TICKETS - I HAS THEM. My hope that they would circle 'round back and stop by when the U2 show they were opening for was cancelled came true. Nabbed tickets for their show at First Avenue, then checked for sightline seating reservations and yup, got those too. Not to set my sights too high or anything, but this might turn out to be the second best show I will have ever seen.

In other news, I watched "It Hurts Me Too" before work this morning. Aaaaand… someone's going to have to explain what the big shocking moment was supposed to be, because it's all I heard about all day long yesterday (and not even just on LJ), and I think I missed something, or didn't ascribe the same significance to whatever it was, or something. Aside from that going over my head though, it was a decent episode. I don't want to be too spoilery (though beware, folks, of spoilers in the comments, because I want someone to tell meeeee!), but for the sake of the deeply phobic, cut, I shall.

In general, I'm really digging the direction things are heading. I would have liked less Tara. Or zero Tara, since they seem bound and determined to ruin that character more with each episode. I mean, seriously, did Rutina Wesley piss someone at HBO off? Does one of the writers have unresolved issues with an ex named Tara? What's the deal. She is seriously the worst. It's to the point where I just kind of want to fast-forward her scenes and use that time to reflect back to early season one where she wasn't actively campaigning for the WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD award. And maybe it's my own personal squick weirdness, but I deeply want them to just have magically cleaned Sookie's house and for bad things to just stop happening there for a little bit.

But I like that the direction is giving Alexander Skaarsgård the opportunity to show more than bored indifference, because hot damn.. give him a whack at some intensity and he hits it out of the park. The gravedigging scene was just about the cutest thing ever. And Alcide, was kind of perfect. The lumberjack plaid was an excellent touch. The episode (and life) needed more Pam, but she rocked it while she was on. Franklin getting rid of the body was a nice twist, that I feel I should have seen coming, but did not. (Though I would have enjoyed it more had I not still had his earlier scene burned into my retinas. Also, why are his fangs so much more ridiculous than every other vampire's on the show?) Lorena continues to be gross, but even her grossness could not overshadow the unending awesomeness that is the King of Mississippi and Talbot. His compound totally isn't what I'd pictured from the book, but it's actually a lot cooler and more fun than what I'd imagined, so I'm on board. I'm still kind of curious to see what exactly he wants Bill for though, since so far, it looks like they're not including that element of the books at all, unless that took longer to unfold than I'd thought. Also curious… the timeline of this show. What does three months mean here? Does that mean Arlene is preggers from the town orgy, or does it mean that she's preggers from Rene?

The thing that frustrates me with this show is that there are so many elements of it that are so well done, and interesting, and intriguing. And they drag them out and give them way less screen time than they could (and in my opinion, should), in favor of more boring (Sam's foray into the depths of his white trash roots) or more horrible (Tara doing anything these days) plotlines.

Anyways, on to ye olde meme!

Day 27 - A film that you wish you had seen in theaters
I've actually seen a lot of classic movies in the theaters from various anniversary re-releases over the years, but one that I wish they'd roll back out, and so far have not, is Jaws. It's just such a huge movie. It's the first ever real, honest-to-god, blockbuster. It's just not right to have never seen it on the big screen!

Day 01 - Favourite foreign language film
Day 02 - A film that is underrated
Day 03 - A film that brings you unadulterated happiness
Day 04 - A film cliché that you love
Day 05 - Favourite love story in a film
Day 06 - Favourite actor/actress
Day 07 - The most surprising plot twist/ending
Day 08 - The best opening/closing credits
Day 09 - The best soundtrack/score to a film
Day 10 - Favourite classic film
Day 11 - Favourite black-and-white film
Day 12 - A film that permanently altered your point-of-view
Day 13 - A guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A film that disappointed you
Day 15 - Favourite film sequel
Day 16 - Favourite film character
Day 17 - Favourite film quote
Day 18 - The best overall cast in a film
Day 19 - The most hilarious film you've seen
Day 20 - A moving (emotional) scene
Day 21 - Favourite film from your favourite actor/actress
Day 22 - Favourite Academy Award acceptance speech
Day 23 - A character who you can relate to the most
Day 24 - The best page-to-screen film adaptation
Day 25 - Favourite film villain
Day 26 - Favourite film poster
Day 27 - A film that you wish you had seen in theaters
Day 28 - Favourite film from your favourite director
Day 29 - A piece of trivia from a favourite film
Day 30 - Your favourite film of all time

true blood, movies, fangirl, meme

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