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Comments 328

[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:40:25 UTC
[No school = experiment = ohdeargawd, now what.

Katara is sitting at the table, poking at oatmeal. It's morning and she's tired and it's experiment week, and so she doesn't look up when someone enters the room.]


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 17:44:00 UTC
[From the inside of the bathroom:]

Gaaaah! Where's my...!? How did I get-!? Are these my...!? THAT'S NOT ME!

[Suddenly Sokka throws open the bathroom, nearly tripping over his new feet, and looking all around panicked. Of course, that WOULD be when Katara had to wake up. Oh jeez. Maybe if he slips back into the bathroom, she WON'T notice.]


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:47:28 UTC
Suki, what - [Starting up because - okay, wow, when did you get back and why are you freaking out and--]

Wait, what? What do you mean that's not you? Are you all right?


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 17:50:34 UTC
[Oh snap, SNAP. He's been caught. Okay, get it together, just:]

I'M NOT SUKI! [Wow, that was even more girlishly high pitched than usual.] It's me and no, I am not alright! I've got... got... girly bits!!


[Action] mamasurgeon January 24 2011, 18:33:42 UTC
[In the smithy is a woman who could probably pass as Winry. However she's taller, and has shorter hair. And she'll be there before Sokka, too. She's been there all night (as Winry has started to pull all nighters now).]


[Action] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:37:24 UTC
[That is a somewhat familiar face. Sokka blinks a bit at the (sob) taller woman and decides to say something.]

... are you looking for something?


[Action] mamasurgeon January 24 2011, 18:40:07 UTC
No, I - [She turns around. Oh!] Suki, what are you doing here? If you're looking for Sokka I haven't seen him yet.


[Action] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:42:44 UTC
[WARNING. This is someone Suki knows, but you don't! Proceed with caution.]

Uh, no. Sokka he... he decided to go check out the desert fort. For the teleporter. Needs a good spot, right? So he asked me to check things out here.



[ action ] oldvienna January 24 2011, 22:41:35 UTC
[ someone is still coming to terms with the long train on this medievalesque gown that she has decided upon as perfect for lady cordelia de montmorency. what fine lady wouldn't want to wear a ridiculous contraption of silk? it made her more victorian wardrobe look almost sensible in comparison.

anyway, one quixotic and overly idealized experiment victim (who doesn't see herself as a victim at all) catches one of the trailing sleeve of her gown on one of your fans, miss. tug. tug, tug. ]


[ action ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 23:08:03 UTC
H-hey! [The fan ultimately comes lose and falls to the ground. Sokka turns around to pick it up.] Be a little more careful!


[ action ] oldvienna January 24 2011, 23:13:00 UTC
[ at the clatter, anne turns with surprise and an apology is fast to her lips. ] Oh, my goodness. I am ever so sorry.

[ she takes a demure step backwards. be gracious. gentle. not precocious like you normally are, anne. ]


[ action ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 23:14:33 UTC
It's fine. [She opens the fan, inspecting it to see if it got torn, then slides it back into place.] You might want to find something better for the weather.


hazelrink January 25 2011, 08:00:31 UTC
[No it cannot.

Especially not when Charlotte is there in the clothing store when you walk in, and turning at the door opening, she waves, because she knows that person!]

Hi Suki!


swordsandfans January 25 2011, 16:15:55 UTC
[Sokka freezes at Charlotte's voice, suddenly having memories of their last clothing store encounter. Okay, keep it together. She thinks you're Suki, so...]

Hi Charlotte! How's... things?


hazelrink January 26 2011, 01:46:01 UTC
...Mom's in a really strange body.

[That's what sounds out from this morning. She sighs and shakes her head. But then a lot of people are in strange bodies]


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 01:49:44 UTC
[One day he will meet your mom, Charlotte.]

... yeah? I guess that's happening a lot, huh?

[Idly poking through some lady clothing. Okay, time to call up some Avatar Sokka to- no, Girl Sokka. She has better taste.]


xelhes January 26 2011, 05:20:36 UTC
[...Wonder why Suki was carrying so much of Sokka's stuff? This causes her to stop outside the grocery store to watch. Not exactly stare, but she is looking in her direction.]


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 05:25:49 UTC
Hey Fenimore--

[OH WAIT. Has Suki ever met Fenimore---? Oh wait, yeah. At the beach. So this is okay.]

Something wrong?


xelhes January 26 2011, 05:47:17 UTC
[Oh, caught. The pause is a bit weird, but she doesn't really pay it any mind.]

No, nothing's wrong. I was just wondering why you had Sokka's sword. ...And a bag like his, too, now that I think about it.


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 05:50:46 UTC
[Doh, this wasn't a good idea. Um, um.]

Oh! Well uh... Sokka, you know how he is right? Always so worried! So uh, he made me take his sword for protection. And let me borrow his bag.


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