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xelhes January 26 2011, 05:20:36 UTC
[...Wonder why Suki was carrying so much of Sokka's stuff? This causes her to stop outside the grocery store to watch. Not exactly stare, but she is looking in her direction.]


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 05:25:49 UTC
Hey Fenimore--

[OH WAIT. Has Suki ever met Fenimore---? Oh wait, yeah. At the beach. So this is okay.]

Something wrong?


xelhes January 26 2011, 05:47:17 UTC
[Oh, caught. The pause is a bit weird, but she doesn't really pay it any mind.]

No, nothing's wrong. I was just wondering why you had Sokka's sword. ...And a bag like his, too, now that I think about it.


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 05:50:46 UTC
[Doh, this wasn't a good idea. Um, um.]

Oh! Well uh... Sokka, you know how he is right? Always so worried! So uh, he made me take his sword for protection. And let me borrow his bag.


xelhes January 26 2011, 05:57:00 UTC
[...Was Sokka's girlfriend always this awkward? Well, it's not like Fenimore knows any better.]

I can't say that I've noticed that. But, then again, I'm not his girlfriend.


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:00:22 UTC
[What would Suki say about that? Well, Suki loves Sokka, so naturally she'd be protective and jealous.]

Of course you're not! If you were, I'd probably have to hurt you. [Okay, maybe that was too much.]


xelhes January 26 2011, 06:03:04 UTC
[O...okaaaaaay. She raises her hands defensively.]

Don't worry, I don't have any interest in that. [Note to self: really make sure that Suki never hears about the practice date with Shirley.]


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:05:04 UTC
[... whoops, yeah, definitely overdid it. He raises his hands too.]

Not much! A friendly shoulder punch. [Oh wait, girls get to do that, don't they? So she gives Fenimore one. And then decides that was a horrible idea.] ... sorry! If it's okay with you, that is.


xelhes January 26 2011, 06:15:30 UTC
[...Sokka, she would never have expected that you'd find a girl even weirder than you. She kind of just lets that punch go largely because she is too flabbergasted to know how to reply.]

You're sorry if it's all right with me? Um...are you feeling okay?


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
No no! I mean, no friendly shoulder punches, unless it's okay with you. The apology is whether you like it or not!

[... huff. This may be more effort than its worth.]


xelhes January 26 2011, 06:22:27 UTC
...I think you've been spending too much time with Sokka. Girls don't go in for friendly shoulder punches.

[Well, some do. But Fenimore has some pretty clearly defined gender roles in her head sometimes.]


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:29:10 UTC
Really? [But Toph does it... and Winry... and sometimes Katara.] It's a common thing where I'm from. [He rests his chin on one hand, supported by his other arm at his waist.] We Kyoshi Warriors do it all the time.


xelhes January 26 2011, 06:35:41 UTC
[She had a very small selection to draw from. And this latter revelation seems to have settled this discrepancy with her odd little worldview. Even if there is still a lot fishy about the overall conversation.] Oh, so you're a soldier, then.


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:37:45 UTC
Not just a soldier. Sh- I'm also the leader! And an amazing fighter, if I do say so myself.

[For as proud as all of this sounds, it doesn't exactly ring of arrogance.]


xelhes January 26 2011, 06:47:15 UTC
["Sh--?"] You're a leader at your age?


swordsandfans January 26 2011, 06:50:02 UTC
Impressive, huh? [It takes everything for him not to follow this up with, "Sokka taught me a lot of stuff". But as much as Sokka likes to make himself look good, he wouldn't bring down Suki to do it.] Of course, I'm not in uniform right now...


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