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[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:40:25 UTC
[No school = experiment = ohdeargawd, now what.

Katara is sitting at the table, poking at oatmeal. It's morning and she's tired and it's experiment week, and so she doesn't look up when someone enters the room.]


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 17:44:00 UTC
[From the inside of the bathroom:]

Gaaaah! Where's my...!? How did I get-!? Are these my...!? THAT'S NOT ME!

[Suddenly Sokka throws open the bathroom, nearly tripping over his new feet, and looking all around panicked. Of course, that WOULD be when Katara had to wake up. Oh jeez. Maybe if he slips back into the bathroom, she WON'T notice.]


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:47:28 UTC
Suki, what - [Starting up because - okay, wow, when did you get back and why are you freaking out and--]

Wait, what? What do you mean that's not you? Are you all right?


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 17:50:34 UTC
[Oh snap, SNAP. He's been caught. Okay, get it together, just:]

I'M NOT SUKI! [Wow, that was even more girlishly high pitched than usual.] It's me and no, I am not alright! I've got... got... girly bits!!


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:54:18 UTC
Wait -- Sokka?


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 17:55:01 UTC
Yes! Of course it's me!


[ action in the morning ] 1/2 markofthebrave January 24 2011, 17:57:39 UTC
Well, how was I supposed to know? You look just like--


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 18:01:28 UTC
--Suki! [And right about here is where all of the hilarious wrongness of this situation strikes her, and Katara, helpful younger sister that she is, begins to laugh.]

Oh man. [laughter] You are so lucky she's not here.


[ action in the morning ] 1/2 swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:03:52 UTC


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:05:18 UTC
I'm glad you find this so funny! [He is kind of glad, though. Oh man, does that mean Suki is in his body? That's how body swaps work, right?]

But what am I supposed to do!?


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 18:12:08 UTC
Close your eyes?

[Sorry, it is too early for her to be helpful. Try again later.]


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:15:12 UTC
Yeah, thanks. Real helpful.

[He stomps past her, towards his room and... stands there for a bit, staring down at his new body. Then glances over at Suki's room. HMMMM.]


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 18:18:52 UTC
[Pffffff. Still laughing a little, Katara... well, okay, she follows him.]

Hey, Sokka. If you want, I can handle the... [she gestures vaguely] wrappings.


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 18:21:44 UTC
[Considering all he has on is a pair of pants, that are barely staying up, and the tunic he slept in... oh jeez, this is so awkward. But this may be better. If Suki knew he looked and touched...]

Uh, that. Yeah, let's do that. [He glances back at her, noting that they are basically the same height now. That's just weird.]


[ action in the morning ] markofthebrave January 24 2011, 20:33:02 UTC
[Well, mark one more thing down on the list of things Katara never thought she'd have to do.]

All right, just - hold on a second.

[/brb, raiding Suki's panty/wrapping drawer.]


[ action in the morning ] swordsandfans January 24 2011, 20:36:12 UTC
[In the meantime, Sokka is just going to follow Katara in the room, a little dumbstruck. He notices the mirror in her room and steps towards it. Now that he's had time to get used to it, he's able to not freak out. He starts making faces at himself, finding it all too amusing to see Suki making faces she never usually does. By the time Katara has found what she's looking for, Sokka will have grown bored amusing himself and will be pulling his tunic forward, about to glance down.]


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